This class was created by Brainscape user Holly Grey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Ocular Disorders
What are the different disorders,
What secondary conditions are peo...,
What does the retina contain
55  cards
Pharmaceutical care of Ocular Conditions
Who do you refer,
What are the 5 symptoms to look f...,
What are the possible causes of r...
49  cards
Pharmaceutical Care of Obesity
What is the bmi for overweight,
What is the bmi for obese,
What are the 4 levels of interven...
32  cards
Glucose, Glucagon + Insulin
Describe glucose homeostasis,
What can brain cells only use,
What are the main sites of glucos...
39  cards
Diabetes Pathogenesis Type 1
What is the blood glucose with di...,
What are the acute symptoms of hy...,
What are the acute symptoms of hy...
31  cards
Diabetes Pathogenesis Type 2
Describe type 2 overall,
Describe how type 2 develops,
Describe how obesity insulin resi...
28  cards
What is included in the thyroid g...,
What are the 2 functions of the t...,
What are the thyroid hormones
31  cards
What are the signs symptoms,
What can be a result of hyperthyr...,
What is graves disease
64  cards
Diabetes Monitoring
Why monitor,
What are the 3 targets,
What are the 8 core care processes
37  cards
Auto-Injectors, Pens + Pre-filled Syringes
Why these devices,
What are the different types,
What are the different classifica...
30  cards
Delivering Drugs Through Impermeable Barriers
What is the structure of epidermis,
What are the different barriers,
What are the challenges of imperm...
46  cards
Skin Conditions
What is psoriasis,
Where is psoriasis common,
What factors aggravate psoriasis
81  cards
T1DM Acute Care
What is t1dm,
What are the 4 ts,
What are other symptoms that may ...
74  cards
T1DM Day to Day Management
What involved in a care plan,
What is dafne education,
What does dafne help to reduce
23  cards
Diabetes: Paediatrics Considerations
What is the diagnosis for kids,
What do you not use routinely in ...,
What are the 4 diagnostic symptoms
26  cards
Insulin Formulations
What does it mean if it is more s...,
What is insulin self association,
What is the most soluble
37  cards
T2DM Care
What is t2dm,
What increased t2dm risk,
What are the presenting features
11  cards

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s3 case 4 - endocrine

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