science ut-2!✨🔬🧬

This class was created by Brainscape user Zara goyal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Microorganisms!(definition and bacteria)✨🦠
What is a microorganism,
What are microorganisms,
What different kinds of microorga...
6  cards
Microorganisms(fungi)✨ 🦠
Give some examples of fungi that ...,
Explain when mushrooms and toadst...,
Explain some types of fungi that ...
4  cards
Microorganisms!(growing microorganisms) ✨🦠
What is a colony,
How does a colony help you too se...,
How can growing microorganisms ha...
4  cards
Microorganisms!(algae and protozoa)✨ 🦠
Describe algae,
Describe protozoa,
Singular and examples of algae
4  cards
Microorganism in the environment!✨ 🦠
What is the study of microorganis...,
What does the living together of ...,
What role do microorganisms play ...
4  cards
Food chains!✨🥘⛓️
What is a food chain,
When we eat food we eat gives us ...,
What is energy transfer
7  cards
Food chains(all the organisms)!✨🥘⛓️
What is a producer,
What is a consumer,
What is a primary consumer
9  cards
Decomposers and decay!✨🦠🍄🧫
Where all can you find microorgan...,
What type of microorganism is mould,
What can microorganisms do to was...
10  cards
Roles of decomposers!✨🦠🍄 🧫
What is the first role of decompo...,
What is the second and most impor...,
What type of organisms are almost...
3  cards
Decomposers in food webs!✨
How do decomposers get their energy
1  cards
How is sound produced,
What is loudness,
What is pitch
13  cards
What is amplitude,
What is frequency,
What mediums can sound travel thr...
9  cards
To hear a sound what must there be,
Why can sound not travel in a vacuum,
Why can t sound travel in space
10  cards
Earth's structure!
About how old is the earth,
What is the outermost part of ear...,
What layer is under the crust
10  cards
Continental drift!
Who discovered and when was conti...,
What is continental drift,
What was the evidence that alfred...
12  cards
Geological change!
What are plate boundaries,
Where does geological change happ...,
How can geological change be
12  cards
Volcanoes and earthquakes!
Where are volcanoes usually formed,
What happens when magma comes to ...,
What is the difference between la...
9  cards
How can earthquakes be,
What does the size or magnitude o...,
How many metres can the rocks mov...
3  cards
Shadows and solar and lunar eclipse!
What is an opaque object,
When is a shadow formed,
What does light travel in
12  cards
Chemical and physical properties and changes!
What are the physical properties ...,
What are the chemical,
What are some physical properties...
42  cards
When you close the switch what ha...,
What is a cell
13  cards
Conductors and insulators!
What are conductors,
What do conductors allow,
Explain in terms of particles how...
11  cards
What are vitamins,
Why is vitamin a important,
What does a deficiency of vitamin...
8  cards

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science ut-2!✨🔬🧬

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