This class was created by Brainscape user Mirin McKinlay. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Management Of Acute Dental Problems
What could pain in the jaw be if ...,
What else should you make sure if...,
What should be the second questio...
71  cards
Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Drugs
If a patient is taking doac and r...,
If a patient is taking apixaban o...,
If a patient is taking rivaroxaba...
40  cards
Caries in Children
When should the first assessment ...,
What aspects need to be included ...,
How should you greet a child ente...
72  cards
Drug Prescribing
When are antibiotics indicated fo...
1  cards
Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
What drugs could potentially make...,
How should a patient who is low r...,
How should patients who have take...
44  cards
Acute Apical Abscess
What is acute apical abscess,
Signs and symptoms of acute apica...,
What is the initial management fo...
5  cards
Acute Pericoronitis
What is acute pericoronitis,
Signs and symptoms of acute peric...,
What are treatment options for ma...
3  cards
Acute TMJ Conditions
What are acute tmj conditions,
Signs and symptoms of acute tmj c...,
What should you do if a patient a...
4  cards
Alveolar Osteitis
What is alveolar osteitis,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What is the management of alveola...
3  cards
Anaesthesia, Paraesthesia and Dysaesthesia
What is a sign of anaesthesia,
What is a sign for paraesthesia,
What is a sign of dysaesthesia
4  cards
What is angioedema,
What are the four main types of a...,
What are signs of angioedema
4  cards
Bell's Palsy
What is bell s palsy,
How to manage bell s palsy,
What can adult patients with bell...
3  cards
Candidal Infection
What is candidal infection,
What patients are more susceptibl...,
What is pseudomembranous candidiasis
6  cards
Dentine Hypersensitivity
What is dentine hypersensitivity,
Signs and symptoms of dentine hyp...,
Management of dentine hypersensit...
3  cards
Ill-Fitting or Loose Dentures
What might a patient present with...,
What are the management options f...,
How could you adjust an ill fitti...
3  cards
Injuries to Mouth, Face and Jaws
What are injuries to mouth face a...,
What should you be suspicious of ...,
What are key signs and symptoms o...
8  cards
Intra-Oral Swellings and Abnormal Appearance
0  cards

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sdcep guidance

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