This class was created by Brainscape user B -. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: B -

Decks in this class (214)

1 - Pronouns
You 1,
He 2,
She 3
8  cards
2 - Greeting, Salutations, Farewells
Hello formal 1,
Good morning 2,
Good afternoon 3
35  cards
3 - How to address
Madam 1,
Miss 2,
Young man 3
6  cards
4 - Cardinal Numbers Part One
One 1,
Wo 2,
Three 3
52  cards
5 - Cardinal Numbers Part 2
Wo hundred 1,
Three hundred 2,
Four hundred 3
16  cards
6 - Оrdinal Numbers
Second 1,
Third 2,
Fourth 3
10  cards
7 - Numbers. Fractions
One half 1,
One third 2,
One quarter 3
8  cards
8 - Numbers. Basic operations
O subtract 1,
Division 2,
To divide 3
9  cards
9 - Numbers. Miscellaneous
Inus 1,
Plus 2,
Formula 3
21  cards
10 - Тhe most important verbs
O agree 1,
O answer 2,
To apologise 3
151  cards
11 - Colours
Shade tint 1,
Hue 2,
Rainbow 3
32  cards
12 - Questions
What 1,
Where at in 2,
Where to 3
18  cards
13 - Prepositions
Without 1,
To indicating direction 2,
About talking 3
13  cards
14 - Аdverbs
Here 1,
There 2,
Somewhere to be 3
106  cards
15 - Weekdays
Tuesday 1,
Wednesday 2,
Thursday 3
30  cards
16 - Hours, Day And Night
In the morning 1,
Noon midday 2,
In the afternoon 3
37  cards
17 - Months, Seasons
February 1,
Arch 2,
Pril 3
56  cards
18 - Time Miscellaneous
Instant 1,
Moment 2,
Period length of time 3
43  cards
19 - Opposites
Poor 1,
Ill 2,
Healthy 3
65  cards
20 - Lines and Shapes
Square adj 1,
Circle 2,
Round 3
38  cards
21 - Units of measurement
Weight 1,
Width 2,
Height 3
39  cards
22 - Containers
Tin 1,
Bucket 2,
Barrel 3
30  cards
23 - Materials
Wood 1,
Wooden 2,
Glass 3
25  cards
24 - Metals
Metal adj 1,
Alloy 2,
Gold 3
24  cards
25 - Human. Basic Concepts
Man 1,
Woman 2,
Child 3
9  cards
26 - Human Anatomy
Heart 1,
Blood 2,
Artery 3
27  cards
27 - Head
Face 1,
Nose 2,
Mouth 3
40  cards
28 - Human Body
Arm 1,
Finger 2,
Thumb 3
31  cards
29 - Outerwear. Coats.
Outer clothing 1,
Winter clothing 2,
Overcoat 3
10  cards
30 - Men and women's clothing
Trousers 1,
Jeans 2,
Suit jacket m 3
23  cards
31 - Underwear
Vest 1,
Socks 2,
Nightgown 3
9  cards
32 - Headwear
Trilby hat 1,
Baseball cap flat cap 2,
Beret 3
14  cards
33 - Footwear
Ankle boots shoes 1,
Boots 2,
Slippers 3
14  cards
34 - Тextile. Fabrics.
Cotton adj 1,
Flax 2,
Flax adj 3
18  cards
35 - Personal accessories
Scarf 1,
Glasses 2,
Frame glasses 3
21  cards
36 - Clothing miscellany
In vogue 1,
Fashion designer 2,
Collar 3
25  cards
37 - Cosmetics
Toothbrush 1,
To clean one s teeth 2,
Razor 3
41  cards
38 - Jewellery
Precious stone 1,
Hallmark 2,
Ring 3
16  cards
39 - Watches, clocks
Dial 1,
Hand clock watch 2,
Metal bracelet 3
16  cards
40 - Food
Chicken 1,
Young chicken 2,
Duck 3
71  cards
41 - Drinks
Drinking water 1,
Mineral water 2,
Still water adj 3
40  cards
42 - Vegetables
Greens 1,
Tomato 2,
Cucumber 3
30  cards
43 - Fruit
Pple 1,
Pear 2,
Lemon 3
37  cards
44 - Bread. Sweets
Bread 1,
Biscuits 2,
Chocolate 3
14  cards
45 - Cooked Dishes
Cuisine 1,
Recipe 2,
Portion 3
40  cards
46 - Spices
Lty 1,
To salt 2,
Black pepper 3
22  cards
47 - Мeals
To eat 1,
Breakfast 2,
To have breakfast 3
30  cards
48 - Table setting
Knife 1,
Fork 2,
Cup of coffee 3
8  cards
49 - Restaurant
Coffee bar 1,
Pub bar 2,
Tearoom 3
19  cards
50 - Personal Information. Forms
Family name 1,
Date of birth 2,
Place of birth 3
11  cards
51 - Family Members. Relatives
Father 1,
On 2,
Daughter 3
53  cards
52 - Friends. Colleagues
Friend f pal 1,
Friendship 2,
To be friends 3
15  cards
53 - Man, woman
Girl 1,
Bride 2,
Beautiful adj 3
26  cards
54 - Age
Youth 1,
Young adj 2,
Younger 3
17  cards
55 - Children
Children 1,
Twins 2,
Cradle 3
26  cards
56 - Married Couples, Family Life
To kiss 1,
Family 2,
Family adj 3
42  cards
57 - Feelings. Emotions
Feelings 1,
To feel 2,
Hunger 3
49  cards
58 - Character. Personality
Character flaw 1,
Reason 2,
Conscience 3
56  cards
59 - Sleep. Dreams.
Sleep sleeping 1,
Dream 2,
To dream in sleep 3
27  cards
60 - Humour. Laughter. Gladness
Sense of humour 1,
To have fun 2,
Cheerful 3
17  cards
65 - Discussions
Communication 1,
To communicate 2,
Conversation 3
126  cards
66 - Agreement. Refusal
Consent eg mutual 1,
To agree say yes 2,
Approval 3
26  cards
67 - Success. Good Luck. Failure.
Success 1,
Successfully 2,
Successful 3
21  cards
68 - Quarrels. Negative emotions.
Shout scream 1,
To shout 2,
To start to cry out 3
68  cards
69 - Diseases
Illness 1,
To be ill 2,
Health 3
65  cards
70 - Symptoms. Treatments.
Symptom 1,
Temperature 2,
Fever 3
100  cards
71 - Doctors
Doctor 1,
Nurse 2,
Private physician 3
12  cards
72 - Medicine. Drugs. Accessories
Medicine drug 1,
Remedy 2,
To prescribe 3
25  cards
73 - Smoking. Tobacco products.
Tobacco 1,
Cigarette 2,
Cigar 3
19  cards
74 - City. Life in the city
City town 1,
Capital 2,
Village 3
55  cards
75 - Urban institutions
Shop 1,
Chemist pharmacy 2,
Optician 3
55  cards
76 - Signs
Shop sign notice written text 1,
Poster 2,
Direction sign 3
40  cards
77 - Urban Transport
Bus coach 1,
Tram 2,
Trolleybus 3
37  cards
78 - Sightseeing
Monument 1,
Fortress 2,
Palace 3
24  cards
79 - Shopping
To buy purchase 1,
Purchase 2,
To go shopping 3
33  cards
80 - Money
Money 1,
Exchange 2,
Exchange rate 3
46  cards
81 - Post. Postal Service
Post office post 1,
Postman 2,
Opening hours 3
26  cards
82 - House. Dwelling
House 1,
At home 2,
Courtyard 3
35  cards
83 - House. Entrance. Lift
Entrance 1,
Stairs 2,
Steps 3
17  cards
84 - House. Electricity
Electricity 1,
Light bulb 2,
Switch 3
8  cards
85 - House. Doors. Locks.
Door 1,
Vehicle gate 2,
Handle door knob 3
29  cards
86 - Country House.
Village 1,
Vegetable garden 2,
Fence 3
17  cards
87 - Villa. Mansion.
Country house 1,
Villa by the sea 2,
Wing of a building 3
18  cards
88 - Castle. Palace
Castle 1,
Palace 2,
Fortress 3
16  cards
89 - Flat
Flat 1,
Room 2,
Bedroom 3
12  cards
90 - Flat. Cleaning-.
To clean 1,
To put away to stow 2,
Dust 3
15  cards
91 - Furniture. Interior.
Furniture 1,
Table 2,
Chair 3
29  cards
92 - Bedding
Bedclothes 1,
Pillow 2,
Pillowslip 3
6  cards
93 - Kitchen
Kitchen 1,
Gas 2,
Gas cooker 3
47  cards
94 - Bathroom
Bathroom 1,
Water 2,
Tap 3
27  cards
95 - Household appliances
Tv telly 1,
Tape recorder 2,
Video 3
26  cards
96 - Repairs. Renovation.
Renovations 1,
To renovate 2,
To repair 3
15  cards
97 - Plumbing
Water 1,
Hot water 2,
Cold water 3
20  cards
98 - Fire. Conflagaration
Fire to catch 1,
Flame 2,
Spark 3
46  cards
99 - Office. Working in the office
Office of a firm 1,
Office of a director 2,
Reception 3
43  cards
100 - Business processes
Occupation 1,
Firm 2,
Company 3
91  cards
101 - Production. Works.
Plant factory 1,
Workshop 2,
Production site 3
54  cards
102 - Contract. Agreement
Contract 1,
Agreement 2,
Addendum 3
17  cards
103 - Import and export
Import 1,
Importer 2,
To import 3
19  cards
104 - Finances
Share stock 1,
Bond certificate 2,
Bill of exchange 3
32  cards
105 - Мarketing
Marketing 1,
Market 2,
Market segment 3
19  cards
106 - Advertising
Advertising 1,
To advertise 2,
Budget 3
23  cards
107 - Banking
Bank 1,
Branch of a bank etc 2,
Consultant 3
32  cards
108 - Telephone. Phone conversation
Telephone 1,
Mobile phone 2,
Answering machine 3
22  cards
109 - Mobile telephone
Mobile telephone 1,
Display 2,
Button 3
17  cards
110 - Stationery
Ballpoint pen 1,
Fountain pen 2,
Pencil 3
16  cards
111 - Various kinds of documents
Account report 1,
Agreement 2,
Application form 3
46  cards
112 - Kinds of business
Accounting services 1,
Advertising 2,
Advertising agency 3
71  cards
113 - Shows. Exhibitions
Exhibition show 1,
Trade show 2,
Participation 3
40  cards
114 - Mass media
Newspaper 1,
Magazine 2,
Press printed media 3
40  cards
115 - Agriculture
Agriculture 1,
Peasant m 2,
Peasant f 3
49  cards
116 - Building. Building process
Building site 1,
To build 2,
Building worker 3
31  cards
117 - Science. Research. Scientists
Science 1,
Scientific 2,
Scientist 3
39  cards
118 - Job search. Dismissal
Job 1,
Career 2,
Prospect 3
22  cards
119 - Business people
Director 1,
Manager 2,
Boss 3
46  cards
120 - Service professions
Cook 1,
Chef 2,
Baker 3
32  cards
121 - Military professions and ranks
Private 1,
Sergeant 2,
Lieutenant 3
19  cards
122 - Officials. Priests
King 1,
Queen 2,
Prince 3
26  cards
123 - Agricultural professions
Beekeeper 1,
Herdsman 2,
Agronomist 3
9  cards
124 - Аrt professions
Actor 1,
Actress 2,
Singer m 3
26  cards
125 - Various professions
Doctor 1,
Nurse 2,
Psychiatrist 3
55  cards
126 - Social status
Schoolboy 1,
Student 2,
Philosopher 3
26  cards
127 - Sports, sportspeople
Sportsman 1,
Kind of sport 2,
Basketball 3
48  cards
128 - Miscellaneous sports
American football 1,
Badminton 2,
Biathlon 3
18  cards
129 - Gym
Barbell 1,
Dumbbells 2,
Training machine 3
11  cards
130 - Ice hockey
Ice hockey 1,
Ice hockey player 2,
To play ice hockey 3
14  cards
131 - Football
Football 1,
Football player 2,
To play football 3
75  cards
132 - Alpine skiing
Skis 1,
To ski 2,
Ski resort 3
7  cards
133 - Tennis, golf
Golf 1,
Golf club 2,
Golfer 3
13  cards
134 - Chess
Chess 1,
Chessmen 2,
Chess player 3
24  cards
135 - Boxing
Boxing 1,
Fight bout 2,
Boxing match 3
15  cards
136 - Sports. Miscellaneous
Olympic games 1,
Winner 2,
To be winning 3
49  cards
137 - School
School 1,
Headmaster 2,
Pupil boy 3
57  cards
138 - College. University
Academy 1,
University 2,
Faculty section 3
15  cards
139 - Sciences. Disciplines
Mathematics 1,
Algebra 2,
Geometry 3
15  cards
140 - Writing system. Orthography
Grammar 1,
Vocabulary 2,
Phonetics 3
55  cards
141 - Foreign languages
Language 1,
Foreign adj 2,
To study 3
39  cards
142 - Fairy tale characters
Santa claus 1,
Mermaid 2,
Magician wizard 3
15  cards
143 - Zodiac signs
Aries 1,
Taurus 2,
Gemini 3
18  cards
144 - Theatre
Theatre 1,
Opera 2,
Operetta 3
39  cards
145 - Cinema
Actor 1,
Actress 2,
Cinema industry 3
44  cards
146 - Painting
Art 1,
Fine arts 2,
Art gallery 3
51  cards
147 - Literature and Poetry
Literature 1,
Author 2,
Pseudonym 3
24  cards
148 - Circus
Circus 1,
Big top 2,
Programme 3
25  cards
149 - Music. Pop music
Music 1,
Musician 2,
Musical instrument 3
45  cards
150 - Trip. Travel
Tourism 1,
Tourist 2,
Trip voyage 3
30  cards
151 - Hotel
Hotel 1,
Motel 2,
Three star 3
28  cards
152 - Books. Reading
Book 1,
Author 2,
Writer 3
59  cards
153 - Hunting. Fishing
Hunt of an animal 1,
To hunt 2,
Hunter 3
33  cards
154 - Billiards
Billiards 1,
Billiard room hall 2,
Billiard ball 3
6  cards
155 - Playing cards
Diamonds 1,
Spades 2,
Hearts 3
16  cards
156 - Casino. Roulette
Casino 1,
Roulette 2,
Bet stake 3
20  cards
157 - Rest. Games. Miscellaneous
To take a walk 1,
Walk stroll 2,
Road trip 3
24  cards
158 - Photography
Camera 1,
Photo picture 2,
Photographer 3
30  cards
159 - Beach. Swimming
Beach 1,
Sand 2,
Deserted beach 3
43  cards
160 - Computer
Computer 1,
Notebook 2,
To switch on 3
38  cards
161 - Internet. E-mail
Internet 1,
Browser 2,
Search engine 3
33  cards
162 - Electricity
Electricty 1,
Electrical adj 2,
Electric power station 3
33  cards
163 - Tools
Tools instrument 1,
Tools 2,
Equipment factory equipment 3
78  cards
164 - Aeroplane
Aeroplane 1,
Air ticket 2,
Airline 3
37  cards
165 - Train
Train 1,
Suburban train 2,
Fast train 3
40  cards
166 - Ship
Ship vessel 1,
Steamship 2,
Riverboat 3
66  cards
167 - Airport
Airport 1,
Aeroplane 2,
Airline 3
39  cards
168 - Bicycle. Motorcycle.
Bicycle 1,
Scooter 2,
Motorbike 3
16  cards
169 - Types of cars
Car 1,
Sports car 2,
Limousine 3
15  cards
170 - Cars. Bodywork
Bonnet 1,
Wing 2,
Roof 3
52  cards
171 - Cars. Passenger compartment
Car inside 1,
Leather adj 2,
Velour adj 3
30  cards
172 - Cars. Engine
Engine 1,
Motor 2,
Diesel adj 3
28  cards
173 - Cars. Crash. Repair.
Car accident 1,
Road accident 2,
To run into 3
46  cards
174 - Cars. Road
Road 1,
Motorway 2,
Highway 3
41  cards
175 - Signs
Highway code 1,
Traffic sign 2,
Overtaking 3
17  cards
176 - Holidays. Event
Celebration holiday 1,
National day 2,
Public holiday 3
44  cards
177 - Funerals. Burial
Cemetery 1,
Grave tomb 2,
Cross 3
22  cards
178 - War. Soldiers
Platoon 1,
Company 2,
Regiment 3
43  cards
179 - War. Military actions
War 1,
To be at war 2,
Civil war 3
120  cards
180 - Weapons
Weapons 1,
Firearm 2,
Cold weapons knives etc 3
51  cards
181 - Ancient people
Primitive 1,
Prehistoric 2,
Ancient eg civilisation 3
32  cards
182 - Middle Ages
People population 1,
Peoples 2,
Tribe 3
61  cards
183 - Leader. Chief. Authorities
King 1,
Queen 2,
Royal adj 3
31  cards
184 - Road. Way. Direction
Road way direction 1,
Highway 2,
Motorway 3
42  cards
185 - Breaking the law. Criminals
Bandit 1,
Crime 2,
Criminal person 3
89  cards
186 - Police. Law
Justice 1,
Court court room 2,
Judge 3
95  cards
187 - Outer Space
Cosmos 1,
Space as an adj 2,
Outer space 3
54  cards
188 - The Earth
The earth 1,
Globe 2,
Planet 3
18  cards
189 - Cardinal directions
North 1,
To the north 2,
In the north 3
16  cards
190 - Sea. Ocean
Sea 1,
Ocean 2,
Gulf bay 3
48  cards
191 - Seas & Ocean names
Atlantic ocean 1,
Indian ocean 2,
Pacific ocean 3
24  cards
192 - Mountains
Mountain 1,
Mountain range 2,
Mountain ridge 3
32  cards
193 - Mountain names
Alps 1,
Mont blanc 2,
Pyrenees 3
14  cards
194 - Rivers
River 1,
Spring natural source 2,
Riverbed 3
29  cards
195 - River names
Seine 1,
Loire 2,
Thames 3
18  cards
196 - Forest
Forest 1,
Forest adj 2,
Thick forest 3
41  cards
197 - Natural resources
Natural resources 1,
Minerals 2,
Deposits 3
36  cards
198 - Weather
Weather 1,
Weather forecast 2,
Temperature 3
34  cards
199 - Severe weather. Natural disasters
Thunderstorm 1,
Lightning strike 2,
To flash 3
29  cards
200 - Noises. Sounds.
Quiet silence 1,
Sound 2,
Noise 3
29  cards
201 - Winter
Winter 1,
Winter adj 2,
In winter 3
32  cards
202 - Mammals. Predators
Predator 1,
Tiger 2,
Lion 3
14  cards
203 - Wild animals
Animal 1,
Beast 2,
Squirrel 3
57  cards
204 - Domestic animals
Cat 1,
Tomcat 2,
Horse 3
37  cards
205 - Dogs. Dog breeds
Dog 1,
Sheepdog 2,
Poodle 3
19  cards
206 - Sounds made by animals
Barking 1,
To bark 2,
To miaow 3
16  cards
207 - Young animals
Cub 1,
Kitten 2,
Baby mouse 3
22  cards
208 - Birds
Birds 1,
Pigeon 2,
Sparrow 3
49  cards
209 - Birds. Singing and sounds
To sing 1,
To call animal bird 2,
To crow cock 3
9  cards
210 - Fish. Marine animals
Bream 1,
Carp 2,
Perch 3
31  cards
211 - Amphibians. Reptiles.
Snake 1,
Venomous 2,
Viper 3
19  cards
212 - Insects
Insect 1,
Butterfly 2,
Ant 3
27  cards
213 - Animals. Body parts
Beak 1,
Wings 2,
Foot of a bird 3
24  cards
214 - Actions of animals
To fly 1,
To make circles 2,
To fly away 3
23  cards
215 - Animals. Habitats
Habitat 1,
Migration 2,
Mountain 3
24  cards
216 - Animal care
Zoo 1,
Nature reserve 2,
Breeder breed club 3
20  cards
217 - Animals. Miscellaneous
Pack wolves 1,
Flock birds 2,
Shoal fish 3
9  cards
218 - Horses
Horse 1,
Breed race 2,
Foal of a horse 3
37  cards

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