small animal internal medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Natasha Welch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

SAM Mid-Term
What is the most common presentat...,
What are the common findings with...,
What should you assess if you sus...
102  cards
Behavioral Urinary Tract
What are some causes of house soi...,
What is the 1 behavior reason for...,
What two things lead to your init...
15  cards
Feline Retroviral Diseases
What population is most susceptib...,
How is felv transmitted,
Where does felv replicate
26  cards
Chronic Nasal Disease
This is defined as low frequency ...,
This is defined as sound resultin...,
What are some systemic differenti...
16  cards
Chronic Cough
When completing a physical exam f...,
This is defined as a high pitched...,
This is defined as discontinuous ...
16  cards
Pleural Effusion
What are some physical exam findi...,
If you localized to the pleural s...,
What are some differentials for p...
19  cards
Ascites And Edema
What all needs to be working in h...,
What are the mechanisms of edema ...,
What causes of increased hydrosta...
14  cards
Interpretation Of Laboratory Tests Of Infectious Disease
What is the common clinical prese...,
What is a common clinical present...,
What is a common clinical present...
26  cards
Antimicrobial Therapy
What are pros to appropriate use ...,
When is prophylactic antibiotic a...,
What should be considered when se...
34  cards
Fungal Disease
What are some clinical findings o...,
How do you treat fungal disease,
This antifungal penetrates bone w...
7  cards
Feline Infectious Anemia
What are the stages of feline inf...,
This is the time period from firs...,
This is the time period from last...
14  cards
Gallbladder Disorders
What are some primary gi differen...,
What are some systemic differenti...,
What is the most significant gall...
10  cards
A Stepwise Approach To PU/PD
How do we ensure the presence of ...,
This is complete or partial defic...,
What is nephrogenic diabetes insi...
13  cards
Clinical Approach To Fever
What are the mechanisms of heat t...,
What does a fever equate to,
T f inflammation is equal to infe...
5  cards
Stress hormones such as ______ an...,
______ inhibits gluconeogenesis a...,
What are some signs of hypoglycemia
9  cards
Feline Endocrine Diseases
Where does the issue lie for insu...,
Acth dependent cushing s syndrome...,
Hyperadrenocorticism is most comm...
15  cards

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small animal internal medicine

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