smart materials

This class was created by Brainscape user Alessandro Bransetter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Structural materials important ch...,
Functional materials characteristics,
Smart materials characteristics
7  cards
structure of metals
What is a crystal,
What is the unit cell of a crysta...,
How many types of crystal lattice...
26  cards
Fe-C phase diagram
For which of c the diagram has pr...,
Write these phases corrisponding ...,
What s the name of the left and r...
10  cards
mechanical properties
Definition of hardness,
Tell some hardness tests,
Describe brinell test
13  cards
Alloy steels and heat resistant steels
When do we use unalloyed steels,
How can we strengthen pure iron w...,
Typical microstructure of c steels
27  cards
stainless steels
What are stainless steels,
How do we obtain a stainless steel,
What does the schaeffler diagram ...
19  cards
cast irons
Depending on cast iron mayundergo...,
Effects of carbon in cast irons,
How can we obtain gray microstruc...
33  cards
tool steels
Main countermeasure against tool ...,
How to increase theresistance of ...,
How to increase theresistance of ...
11  cards
AI alloys
Which is the most significant al ...,
Extraction of aluminium metal pro...,
What is secondary alumium and why...
18  cards
Mg alloys
Where can we find magnesium,
How can we produce metallic mg,
General features of magnesium
14  cards
Ti alloys
General characteristics of titanium,
Talk about the 2 different crysta...,
How alloying elements on ti are s...
15  cards
nickel alloys
Differences between nickel and iron,
Main fields of application for ni...,
Why are ni base alloys very usefu...
8  cards
copper alloys
Main feature of copper,
Extraction of cu from ores,
Factors affecting conductivity re...
15  cards
manufacturing routes
0  cards

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smart materials

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