This class was created by Brainscape user Demi-Lea Williams. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Interpretivist Theories
What is cooley s theory on how id...,
What is goffman s theory on how i...,
How is labelling similar to the l...
3  cards
Sociological Theories
0  cards
Types of Femininity and Masculinity
Hegemonic femininity,
What is the traditional stereotyp...,
Define assertive femininity
12  cards
Agents of Socialisation and Gender Identity
What is oakleys theory about the ...,
What is manipulation in regards t...,
What is canalisation in regards t...
22  cards
How to answer questions
How to answer a 10 mark explain,
2  cards
Types of culture
Culture definitions & youth subcultures
14  cards
Types of social class identity
Under class identity,
Nouveau riche upper class identity,
Middle class identity
6  cards
Ethnic identities
White identities,
African caribbean identities,
Asian identities
3  cards
Agents of Socialisation - Social class identity
What is postmodernists argument a...,
What is cater and coleman s theor...,
What is sugarmans theory about ho...
18  cards
Agents of Socialisation - Ethnic Identities
What is francis and archer,
What is ghumans theory on how the...,
What is troyna and williams coard...
11  cards
Age identities
Is age identity influenced by bio...,
Age identity being affected by so...,
How do age groups affect identity
17  cards
Disability and identity
What is an impairment,
What is a disability,
What does the medical model of di...
13  cards
Agents of Socialisation - Age identity
How does the family affect age id...,
How does education affect age ide...,
How does the peer group affect ag...
11  cards
Sexual identity
What is heteronormativity,
Differences in sexuality between ...,
What are the changing sexual iden...
16  cards
National identity
What is nationality,
What is national identity,
What is nationalism
11  cards
Production, consumption, globalisation and identity
What are the three ways productio...,
Parker ______ ______ ______,
What are parkers three categories...
45  cards
Theories Of Education
How does functionalists like durk...,
What does parsons believe the rol...,
What does davis and moore believe...
19  cards
Educational Policies
- Marketisation policies
61  cards
Differential Achievement
EDUCATION --> Internal factors / External factors: Social class, Gender, Ethnicity
60  cards
Schools influence on class & gender
How does habitus affect pupils cl...,
How does symbolic capital and sym...,
How do nike identities affect pup...
5  cards
Gender achievement and subject choice
What is gender role socialisation...,
What does browne and ross say in ...,
What is gendered subject images r...
8  cards
Pupils sexual and Gender identity
Differential Achievement
7  cards
Research Methods
1  cards

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