sociology crime and deviance

This class was created by Brainscape user Henry Nguyen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Introduction To Crime and Deviance
What is crime,
What is deviance,
What is utilitarian crime
9  cards
Functionalist View on Crime
Functionalist argue in order to a...,
What does durkheim believe about ...,
Durkheim says crime has 3 positiv...
21  cards
Marxist View On Crime
What is marxist view on crime,
What does chambliss say about crime,
What does frank pearce say about law
10  cards
Right Realist/Left Realist View On Crime
What is realist view of crime,
All realist theories,
Who does right realism follow
19  cards
Labelling Theory
What is the key idea of labelling...,
What does becker say about deviant,
What did briar found about police...
14  cards
Patter Of Crime On Gender,Social Class and Ethnicity Minority
4 patterns of crime in relation t...,
Why are women less likely to to g...,
Two arguments put forward to sugg...
38  cards
Media and Crime
What is hypodermic syringe model ...,
What are the pattern of crime in ...,
Media represents violent and sexu...
8  cards
Crime Prevention Method
3 main explanation of crime preve...,
What is situational crime prevention,
What are situational crime preven...
10  cards
Green Crime and State Crime?
What is green crime,
What is the two types of green crime,
What is traditional green crime
15  cards
What does held say about globalis...,
What are the causes of globalisation,
Example of global crime economic
7  cards
Measuring Crime
What is official statistics,
What is official crime rate,
What are sources of crime stats
3  cards

More about
sociology crime and deviance

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