This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Frampton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Culture - lesson 1
Define values,
Define norms and an example,
What does the statement culture i...
7  cards
Culture - studies
What is meads study,
What was meads study about,
What was hannerz study
8  cards
Cultural Diversity
Define subculture,
Define cultural hybridity,
Define high culture
8  cards
Define socialisation,
What is primary socialisation,
What is secondary socialisation a...
6  cards
Agents of socialisation
What are the 6 agents of socialis...,
What are two ways that children c...,
What are examples of positive and...
17  cards
social control
What is formal control,
Who are agents of formal social c...,
What are examples of the formal c...
8  cards
Define identity,
What influences a person identity,
What is personal identity
7  cards
Identity: ethnicity
Nayak 2003 study,
Ethnic identity is made up by,
What is ghumans study
13  cards
Identity : Gender
What were ann oakley s 4 processes,
What did ann oakley study,
What is manipulation examples
18  cards
Identity: social class
What is social class,
What does bourdieu say about the ...,
What are some statistics about pe...
14  cards
Identity: sexuality
What do feminists think about sex...,
What did weeks say about sexuality,
12  cards
Identity - age
What is age,
What are the 5 major generational...,
What is the social dimension to age
14  cards
Identity - disability
What is a physical impairment,
What is a learning disability,
What is the discrimination act 1995
13  cards
Identity: nationality
How is national identity expressed,
What did anderson say about natio...,
What did gilroy say to counterpoi...
9  cards

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sociology - culture

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