sociology - education

This class was created by Brainscape user C W. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: C W

Decks in this class (12)

the new right/neoliberal perspective on education
What is neoliberalism,
What is the new right,
What is the new right perspective...
8  cards
social policy - MRS THATCHER
What is the history of school lea...,
What was the butler act 1944 educ...,
What is the tripartite system
19  cards
social policy - LABOUR
All of the new labour policies ai...,
What was the introduction of the ...,
What happened to education academ...
9  cards
education and ETHNICITY
What are the external factors of ...,
What is the stereotypical family ...,
What are the stereotypical asian ...
24  cards
1944 tripartite system what was it,
1944 tripartite system was the po...,
Comprehensive act 1965 what was it
13  cards
David parentocracy old conserviti...,
Bartlett cream skimming silt shif...,
Gillborn youdell league tables ed...
11  cards
problems in education (material and cultural deprivation)
What is material deprivation,
What is cultural deprivation,
How does housing effect pupils ma...
15  cards
class achievement in schools
What are the external and interna...,
What are social processes in schools,
What is teacher steryotyping
9  cards
functionalist perspective on education
What is functionalism,
Parsons meritocracy,
Durkheim education system functions
7  cards
marxist perspective on education
What is the hidden curriculum,
Bowles gintis correspondence prin...,
Examples of the correspondence pr...
9  cards
subcultures and pupil responses
What are pupil responses,
What is differentiation,
What is polarisation
9  cards
★ theories as a whole
Functionalism what does durkhiem ...,
Functionalism parsons meritocracy,
Functionalism parsons focal socia...
6  cards

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sociology - education

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