sociology- education

This class was created by Brainscape user carys lewis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Marxist theory on education
Overall assumption of education,
Althusser view on education,
Althussers what is the ideologica...
22  cards
Feminists on education
Liberal feminists view on education,
2  cards
Social class and education- external factors
What are the 2 social classes,
Why can external factors be the r...,
What is material deprivation
27  cards
Social class and education- internal factors
What do internal factors mean,
What are different internal factors,
Rutters belifs on teachers part t...
33  cards
Ethnicity and education- External factors
Who are the top achieving ethnic ...,
Who are the top 3 lowest achievin...,
Statistics of ethnicity in educat...
22  cards
Ethnicity and eduction- internal factors
What does becker say about labell...,
What do gillbourne and youdell sa...,
What do bourne and foster say abo...
22  cards
The gender gap in education- external factors
Statistics about girls vs boys in...,
What claim can be made about the ...,
What are the 4 external factors
25  cards
The gender gap in education- Internal factors
What are the 5 internal factors o...,
What are the points for,
Equal opportunity policies gist a...
20  cards
The gender gap- Explaining male underachievement
Poor male litreacy department for...,
44  cards
Social policy's and education
What are the different admission ...,
Political ideology left wing,
Political ideologies right wing
45  cards
Social policies and education- privatisation
What do ball and youdell say are ...,
What is endogenous privatisation ...,
Endogenous privatisation examples
18  cards
Globalisation of education
What is globalisation,
What is pisa
22  cards
Funtionalist view on education
What is durkheim view on education,
Durkheim why is school a vital so...,
Criticisms of durkheim
13  cards
Cultural deprivation theory and subcultures?
What s material deprivation,
What is locality and catchment,
What is cultural deprivation
8  cards
New rights theory of education?
What is the new right belief,
How can we achieve marketisation ...,
Evidence for marketisation of edu...
9  cards

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sociology- education

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