sociology - paper 2 (family+couples)

This class was created by Brainscape user Simran Soor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Ascribed status,
24  cards
Ethnic cultural diversity,
Expressive function,
Empty shell marriage
28  cards
Net migration,
Neo conventional family,
Nuclear family
19  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - Functionalists and family
Who are the two main functionalis...,
Murdock what did he find in his s...,
Murdock what does he argue are th...
14  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLD - Marxism and the family
What is the big statement of the ...,
What are the 3 functions of the f...,
Engels keyword what is the histor...
12  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - Feminism and the family
What is the key belief feminists ...,
What are the 2 key functions a nu...,
What are the 2 main areas of expl...
13  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - New right and the family
What 3 things do they believe is ...,
What action was takin in 1993 to ...,
What statistical evidence is ther...
7  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - Personal life and the family
What type of perspective does per...,
What are some examples of familie...,
What is a similarity of personal ...
9  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - Postmodernists and the family
What is the key belief postmodern...,
What are the 2 key features of a ...,
What impact does they key feature...
7  cards
FAMILY+HOUSEHOLDS - Late modernists and the family
How are late modernists different...,
Give two examples of how people w...,
Define what it means for people t...
7  cards
COUPLES: Domestic division of labour
Parsons keyword what type of dome...,
Who are the 2 critics of parsons ...,
Bott keyword what did she say abo...
8  cards
COUPLES: Are couples becoming more equal?
What sociologists their keywords ...,
For cultural explanation gershuny...,
Forsullivan keyword what did she ...
12  cards
COUPLES: Resources and decision making in households
Barrett mclntosh what 3 things di...,
Kempson keyword material explanat...,
Money management pahl vogler keyw...
12  cards
COUPLES: Domestic violence
Define the term dark side of the ...,
Give a statistic about the likeli...,
Why do sociologists argue against...
15  cards

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sociology - paper 2 (family+couples)

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