Speak German in 90 days

This class was created by Brainscape user John Powell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (90)

Day 1 - question words
Wo where,
Was what,
Wo where
10  cards
Day 2 - Hello, Goodbye
Guten morgen,
Guten tag good day afternoon
9  cards
Day 3 - Thank you
Danke thanks,
Danke sehr thanks a lot,
Danke schon thank you very much
13  cards
Day 4 - Pronouns, to be
Ichduer sieeswie ihr you allsie y...,
Ich bin,
Du bist
18  cards
Day 5 - Nationalities
Male add er to the country namefe...
1  cards
Day 6 - Noun gender, plural nouns
Plural words add e er or en der t...,
Der tisch ist gross,
Die wand ist weiss
11  cards
Day 7 - A, an, not
Nicht place it before the word yo...,
Nicht ein eine becomes kein keine,
Nichts nothing
13  cards
Day 8 - the Accusative case
Accusative case marks the object ...,
Der denein einen kein keinen,
Der kopf die kopfe
12  cards
Day 9 - Accusative pronouns
Ich michdu dicher ihnsie she no c...,
Das fleich meatdas fruhstuck die ...,
Ist das fleich fur mich
12  cards
DAY 10 - Possessives
Ich meindu deiner seinsie ihres s...,
Der hut hat die hute,
Das hemd die hemden
21  cards
Day 11 - the Dative case
The dative case is used for indir...,
Der kuhlschrank die kuhlschranke ...,
Die mikrowelle die mikrowellen mi...
20  cards
Day 12 - Dative pronouns
Ich mirdu direr ihmsie ihres ihmw...,
He gives me flowers,
How are you
27  cards
Day 13 - Der words
Der words are certain words that ...,
This man is fat,
I hate such people
14  cards
Day 14 - Genitive case
The genitive case shows ownership...,
When using the genitive case with...,
Der garten die garten garden
22  cards
Day 15 - Vocabulary
Das haus die hauserdie wohnung di...,
Is that a house,
That is not an apartment
11  cards
Day 16 - Noun practice
Das ziel die ziele goal,
Das geschaft die geschaafte store...,
Der mull garbage trash
20  cards
Day 17 - Noun practice
Der blick die blicke view glance,
Der platz die platze place room s...,
Die strasse die strassen street
20  cards
Day 18 - Noun practice
Der himmel sky heaven,
Die sonne die sonnen sun,
Der stern die sterne star
20  cards
Day 19 - Noun practice
Der flughafen die flughafen airport,
Das rathaus die rathauser city hall,
Das schloss die schlosser castle
19  cards
Day 20 - Present tense conjugations
Present tense verbs in german hav...,
Notice for wir sie and sie there ...,
If a verb ends with ten like arbe...
23  cards
Day 21 - Strong and weak verbs
Strong irregular verbs have a dif...,
Sehen to see ich sehe du siehst e...,
Another strong verb is essen to e...
22  cards
Day 22 - to do, to make
In german there are two words for...,
Tun to do tat getan,
Anworten auf to answer
21  cards
Day 23 - Separable prefixes
Separable prefixes some verbs in ...,
Aussehen to look to appearsieht a...,
Aufhoren to stop
21  cards
Day 24 - reflexive verbs
Another class of verbs are called...,
Sich ich mich du dich er sich sie...,
Duschen sich to shower
22  cards
Day 25 - the modal verbs
Another special class of verbs ar...,
Wollen to wantwill,
Sollen shall shouldsoll english o...
26  cards
Day 26 - dative verbs
Some verbs in german always use t...,
Reflexive verbs which can take an...,
Helfen to help half geholfenhilft...
22  cards
Day 27 - liking
Previously you learned about the ...,
V gern to like doing something,
Das eis ice cream or ice
22  cards
Day 28 - imperitive forms, commands
German has three different impera...,
Strong verbs that have a vowel ch...,
Some verbs also add an e for du c...
25  cards
Day 29 - future tense
The future tense is quite easy in...,
Werden to become wird gewordendu ...,
Bauen to build
21  cards
Day 30 - the present perfect
There are two main forms of past ...,
To conjugate the past participle ...,
Infinitive participle add ge weak...
23  cards
Day 31 - the future past
This grammar is used to talk abou...,
Abschliessen to end or to come to...,
Enden to end intransitive cannot ...
22  cards
Day 32 - the simple past
Today s lesson covers the simple ...,
All weak verbs follow the same co...,
Day 32 grammar card 1 simple past...
23  cards
Day 33 - past perfect tense
Plusquamperfekt say it out loud p...,
I had eaten a cake ich hatte eine...,
Simple past plusquamperfektpeople...
24  cards
Day 34 - verbs as nouns
You may have noticed already that...,
Like in english adding er or erin...,
Another common construction is to...
23  cards
Day 35 - verb practice
Nennen to name nannte genannt,
Zeigen to show,
Fuhren to lead
20  cards
Day 38 - verb practice
Entschuldigen to excuse,
Wissen to know something wusste g...,
Kennen to know someone kannte gek...
20  cards
Day 36 - verb practice
Versuchen to try or to attempt,
Tragen to wear or to carry trug g...,
Ziehen to pull to move zog gezogen
19  cards
Day 37 - verb practice
Bedeuten to mean,
Suchen nach to search for to look...,
Geben to give gab gegebengibt
20  cards
Day 39 - verb practice
Zusehen to watch sah zu zusehen d...,
Verpassen to miss a bus train etc,
Vermissen to miss a person
19  cards
Day 40 - verb practice
Aufheben to pick up hob auf aufge...,
Anmachen to turn on this can be u...,
Ausmachen to turn off ausmachen h...
20  cards
Day 41 - verb practice
Anfassen to touch anfassen has th...,
Beruhren to touch to come into co...,
Uberraschen to surprise
20  cards
Day 42 - verb practice
Anbieten to offer bot an angeboten,
Bitten um to ask to beg for bat g...,
Fangen to catch to capture fing g...
20  cards
Day 43 - verb practice
Bestehen to exist bestanden beste...,
Bluten to bleed,
Entstellen to distort disfigure
21  cards
Day 44 - accusative prepositions
German prepositions always take a...,
I am waiting until tomorrow ich w...,
I am walking through the forest i...
18  cards
Day 45 - dative prepositions
The following prepositions always...,
1 aus out from dat aus 2 ausser o...,
1 he is coming out of the house e...
12  cards
Day 46 - two-way prepositions and contractions
These prepositions are called two...,
Contractions can be made with cer...,
1 an on vertical akk dat 2 auf on...
13  cards
Day 47 - genitive prepositions
There are also genitive prepositi...,
1 instead of gen anstatt statt,
1 i am eating ham instead of the ...
12  cards
Day 48 - an, auf, in, nach, zu
All of these prepositions can be ...,
1 an to border edge wall 2 auf to...,
1 die reinigung dry cleaner s die...
13  cards
Day 49 - directions
The preposition nach is used with...,
1 asking directions wie kommt man,
1 left links 2 right rechts 3 eve...
13  cards
Day 50 - da / wo compounds
In english some people say it s b...,
1 da wo compounds acts as a namel...,
1 freuen sich auf freuen sich ube...
13  cards
Day 51 - word order
Like english basic german word or...,
1 die behorde agency die behorde,
1 the agency gave it to me
12  cards
Day 52 - relative clauses and relative pronouns
Relative clauses are used to join...,
1 das obst fruit das obst no plur...,
1 the fruits that i am buying are...
12  cards
Day 53 - relative pronoun WAS
There is one more relative pronou...,
1 etwas something anything etwas ...,
1 i need something that everyone ...
12  cards
Day 54 - subordinating conjunctions, part 1
Subordinating conjunction is a fa...,
1 als as when als 2 ehe bevor bef...,
1 when i was a child i was short
12  cards
Day 55 - Subordinating Conjunctions Part 2 
Ob if whether ob obwohl although,
1 ob if whether ob 2 obwohl although,
1 i don t know if i will come
12  cards
Day 56 - Coordinating Conjunctions 
Unlike the other conjunctions you...,
Sondern is a word that doesnt exi...,
Day 56 grammar cards 1 sondern us...
14  cards
Day 57 - special conjunctions
Today s conjunctions are special ...,
Again these conjunctions are spec...,
1 deswegen deswegen is the litera...
13  cards
Day 58 - Da / Weil / Denn, Als / Wenn / Wann
Day 58 da weil denn als wenn wann...,
1 irren sich to be wrong make a m...,
1 i m sorry but you are mistaken
12  cards
Day 59 - Adjective Endings Part 1
In german every adjective must ha...,
1 dick fat dick 2 dunn thin dunn ...,
1 the fat man eats
12  cards
Day 60 - Adjective Endings Part 2
Adjective endings indefinite arti...,
1 gut good 2 bose evil bad 3 schl...,
1 a good child eats vegetables
12  cards
Day 61 - Adjective Endings Part 3…no def. or indef. article
The final set of adjective ending...,
1 schnell fast quick 2 langsam sl...,
1 fast trains arrive early
13  cards
Day 62 - Comparative and Superlative 
The comparative form of adjective...,
1 comparative form add er adjecti...,
1 reichrich 2 arm poor 3 ehrlich ...
13  cards
Day 63 - Comparisons
To compare two similar things as ...,
Day 63 grammar cards 1 comparison...,
1 hell bright 2 dunkel dark 3 bre...
13  cards
Day 64 - Special Comparatives, Would Rather ~ 
Like english some adjectives have...,
Day 64 grammar cards 1 like more ...,
1 bald soon rhrer sooner am ehest...
13  cards
Day 65 - Verbs as Adjectives 
Have you seen the movie the runni...,
1 verb adjective present tense ad...,
Most of today s words have a male...
13  cards
Day 66 - Adjectives as Nouns
At a bar you might hear the phras...,
1 ehrgeizig ambitious 2 grausam c...,
1 the ambitious ones achieve more
12  cards
Day 67 - Adjective Practice
1 nett nice 2 gemein mean 3 hubsc...,
1 they are nice,
2 he is mean
11  cards
Day 68 - Adjective Practice
1 ganz completely totally 2 wahrs...,
1 that is really great,
2 i am probably coming today
11  cards
Day 69 - Adjective Practice
1 besonders especially 2 eigentli...,
1 i especially like sausages,
2 actually i can t go
11  cards
Day 70 - In Order to, Without Doing, Man, Lassen, Je 
To express in order to in german ...,
German uses the word man to mean ...,
Je translates as ever or per and ...
15  cards
Day 71 - Egal, die Lust, Doch, Ab Sofort 
The word egal is translated in th...,
Day 71 grammar cards 1 dont care ...,
1 arzt doctor der arzt a e die ar...
13  cards
Day 72 - Naja, Tja, Ach So
Naja is used to indicate that you...,
1 die vorsicht caution attention ...,
1 i throw caution to the wind
12  cards
Day 73 - Subjunctive: Konjunktiv II Part 1
In english this grammar is called...,
Day 73 grammar cards 1 would verb...,
1 streiten to argue fight streite...
13  cards
Day 74 - Subjunctive: Konjunktiv II Part 2
To express hypothetical sentences...,
The konjunktiv ii is less common ...,
Day 74 grammar cards 1 konjunktiv...
14  cards
Day 75 - Subjunctive: Konjunktiv II Part 3 
Like other verbs the konjunktiv i...,
Day 75 grammar cards 1 konjunktiv...,
1 dienen to serve dat 2 ausweiche...
13  cards
Day 76 - Subjunctive: Konjunktiv II Part 4 
Hypothetical sentences in the pas...,
Day 76 grammar card 1 konjunktiv ...,
1 fortfahren to continue fort fah...
13  cards
Day 77 - Passive Voice Part 1 
If you can t remember your englis...,
Day 77 grammar cards 1 passive vo...,
1 verurteilen to judge 2 besetzen...
13  cards
Day 78 - Passive Voice Part 2
Today s lesson covers the statal ...,
Day 78 grammar card1 statal passi...,
1 klaren to resolve settle klaren...
13  cards
Day 79 - Passive Voice Part 3
The future passive in english use...,
Day 79 grammar cards 1 future pas...,
1 to report on berichten von 2 to...
13  cards
Day 80 - Reported Speech: Konjunktiv I 
You may be asking why did we lear...,
Day 80 grammar cards 1 reported s...,
Day 80 vocabulary 1 still yet noc...
13  cards
Day 81 - Prefixes
Like in english german prefixes h...,
1 to expire run out ab laufen lau...,
1 the milk has expired
12  cards
Day 82 - Suffixes
German suffixes don t have such a...,
Day 82 vocabulary 1 grossartig br...,
1 that s brilliant
12  cards
Day 83 - Weak Nouns
There is a special class of mascu...,
Day 83 vocabulary all of today s ...,
1 do you see the bear
12  cards
Day 84 - False Cognates Part 1
There are many german and english...,
Day 84 vocabulary 1 absolvieren t...,
1 i have completed the course
12  cards
Day 85 - False Cognates Part 2
Day 85 vocabulary 1 bar restauran...,
1 that s a good place,
2 manure smells really bad
11  cards
Day 86 - False Cognates Part 3
Day 86 vocabulary 1 der qualm fum...,
1 smoke came out of the ground,
2 can you tell me the rate
11  cards
Day 87 - Numbers Part 1 
The numbers in german aren t hard...,
Day 87 vocabulary 1 sunday der so...,
1 i go to church on sundays
12  cards
Day 88 - Numbers Part 2
Math is relatively simple in germ...,
Day 88 vocabulary 1 to calculate ...,
Example sentences 1 can you calcu...
12  cards
Day 89 - Dates
There are two ways to ask for the...,
Day 89 grammar cards 1 dates or r...,
1 feiern to celebrate feiern 2 de...
13  cards
Day 90 - Time
Time flies when you are having fu...,
Day 90 grammar cards 1 what time ...,
Day 90 vocabulary 1 die uhr clock...
13  cards

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Speak German in 90 days

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