This class was created by Brainscape user Aaron Reber. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Week 1 - Energy, Metabolism and Nutrients
Atp hydrolysis equation,
What are the 3 anaerobic atp resy...,
What are the two aerobic atp resy...
29  cards
Week 2 - Carbohydrate and fat
Carbohydrate function,
Influence of exercise intensity o...,
How does exercise influence hepat...
24  cards
Week 3 - Carbohydrate feeding during exercise
Examples of monosaccharides,
Examples of disaccharides,
Examples of more complex carbohyd...
12  cards
Week 3 - Carbohydrate feeding after exercise
Difference between short term and...,
How does carb intake immediately ...,
Why do we get high rates of glyco...
11  cards
Week 4 - Hydration
What is the of water in a the adu...,
What are the functions of water,
Where is most of the of total bod...
24  cards
Week 7 - Protein
Roles of protein amino acids,
Essential proteins,
What does whole body protein bala...
20  cards
Week 7 - Protein p2
How does exercise training influe...,
Why is the protein synthesis resp...,
What is the greatest anabolic sti...
17  cards
Week 8 - Optimizing anabolic responses with protein nutrition
What amino acid is thought to be ...,
Important amino acids in initiati...,
What type of amino acids are cruc...
4  cards
Week 8 - Dietary protein and weight loss
During energy restriction diet in...,
Increased dietary protein during ...
4  cards
Week 9 - Supplement overview
What is a dietary supplement,
What are the types of forms that ...,
What are some potential reasons f...
9  cards
Week 9 - Creatine
Where is creatine synthesised,
Wherre is creatine stored,
What of creatine is obtained from...
29  cards
Week 9 - Nitrate
What does the ingestion of dietar...,
What is the average dietary intak...,
What are some high nitrate contai...
11  cards
Week 10 - Caffeine
Where is caffeine metabolised,
Common sources of caffeine,
What was the previous limit of ca...
22  cards
Week 10 - Buffering agents (Beta-alanine) (Sodium bicarbonate)
What is the background behind the...,
What is beta alanine,
What is carnosine where is it fou...
26  cards

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sports nutrition

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