This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Cuff. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (55)

6.1 Statistical Analysis
Standard deviation
13  cards
6.2 Study Design - fitness testing - main factors
17  cards
6.3 Components of Fitness
What does the acronym abcprs mean,
What does the acronym bcmmf mean,
What does agility mean
8  cards
6.4 How can we get the best results from training?
What are the 6 essential elements...,
What does a warm up do,
What can a warm up include
13  cards
1.1 - 1.1.2 Skeletal System (it's all gone crazy)
What is the function of the axial...,
What is the function of the axial...,
What is the function of the appen...
25  cards
1.1.3 - 1.1.5 - types of bones/anatomical position
State the four types of bones,
What does anatomical position mean,
What does inferior mean
13  cards
1.1.7 - 1.1.10 - Types of joints
Define the term joint,
What are the different types of s...,
What are gliding joints
16  cards
4.2.1 - Joint movements
Dorsi flexion,
Plantar flexion,
14  cards
1.2.1 - the muscular system
What are the characteristics comm...,
What is contractibility,
What is extensibility
8  cards
1.2.2 - 1.2.4 - difference between muscles
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the characteristics of a...
10  cards
4.2.2 - muscle contractions
What does isotonic mean,
What does eccentric mean,
What does concentric mean
5  cards
4.2.3 - reciprocal inhibition
What is reciprocal inhibition,
What is reciprocal inhibition,
What does agonist mean
5  cards
4.2.4 - analyse movements
What do you need to consider when...
1  cards
4.2.5 - DOMS
What does doms stand for,
What is doms a result of,
How does it happen
4  cards
4.1.1 - 4.1.2 - Neuromuscular function
What is the nucleus,
What is the axon,
What are dendrites
16  cards
4.3 - Biomechanics
What are scalar quantities,
What are vector quantities,
What does force mean and whats it...
23  cards
2.1 Structure and function of the ventilatory system
What are the three main functions...,
Outline the function of the low r...,
Outline the function of defence
44  cards
2.2 Structure and function of the cardiovascular system
What three elements make up the c...,
State the composition of blood,
What is the function of erythrocytes
55  cards
3.2 Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism
What is metabolism,
What is aerobic catabolism and an...,
What is anabolism catabolism
16  cards
3.3 Nutrition and energy systems
How does the body maintain the su...,
Define the term cell respiration,
Be able to draw a diagram of a cell
18  cards
3.1 Nutrition
List the macronutrients,
List the micronutrients,
Outline the food source and funct...
21  cards
What is training,
What is overtraining,
What is overreaching
34  cards
5.1 Characteristics and classification of skill
Define the term skill,
What are the 4 types of skills,
What are cognitive skills
25  cards
5.3 Principles of skill learning
Definition of learning,
Definition of performance,
What are the three phases of lear...
57  cards
State the normal physiological ra...,
What is thermoregulation,
What are the four ways the body t...
42  cards
5.2 How can feedback affect performance?
What are the different types of f...,
What does intrinsic mean,
What does extrinsic mean
42  cards
maximal oxygen consumption
What is maximal oxygen consumption,
How is vo2 measured,
How does vo2 measurements affect ...
5  cards
the distribution of blood at rest and during exercise
Why is the distribution of blood ...,
How is distribution of blood done,
What happens to the distribution ...
3  cards
cardiovascular adaptations - endurance training
What are the cardiovascular adapt...
1  cards
glucose molecules
What is the chemical composition ...,
What is a monosaccharide,
What is a disaccharide
5  cards
recommended energy distribution of the dietary macronutrients differs between endurance athletes and non-atheletes
What does protein do to help athl...,
How do recommendations differ bet...,
What do fats do to help athletes
4  cards
evaluating the 3 energy systems during exercise
How do the fuel sources and energ...,
Which is the slowest system,
Which is the fastest system
6  cards
neuromuscular function
What are sensory neurons,
What are dentrites,
What is axon
4  cards
sliding filament theory
9  cards
axes and planes
Vertical axis and transverse plane,
Transverse axis and sagittal plane,
Anteroposterior axis and frontal ...
3  cards
centre of mass
What is the centre of mass,
What is centre of mass effected by,
Where does the centre of mass lie
4  cards
Relationship between selective attention and memory
Where does selective attention op...,
What does sa ensure in regards to...,
How is the information separated ...
6  cards
Reaction time and response time
What does hicks law state,
What are the choices and how do t...,
What is reaction time
7  cards
Different methods of memory improvement
What are the 8 methods of memory ...,
What is rehearsal,
What is coding
9  cards
Psychological refractory period (PRP)
What is prp,
Explain prp in more detail,
How do we avoid prp
4  cards
Motor programme
What is a motor programme,
What is a sub routine,
How are sub routines then used th...
6  cards
Types of transfer
What is transfer in skill acquisi...,
What is proactive transfer,
What is retroactive transfer
13  cards
Field, laboratory, sub-maximal, and maximal test evaluation
Evaluation of field experiments,
Evaluation of laboratory experiments,
Evaluation of sub maximal experim...
4  cards
Ways exercise intensity can be monitored
What does it mean by intensity,
How is maximum hr calculated,
What is training heart rate thr
9  cards
Key principles of training program design
Why is progressive overload needed,
What variables are needed to appl...,
How are the variables for progres...
9  cards
Ratings of perceived exertion
What is perceived exertion,
What is perceived exertion based on,
What are the different ratings ca...
3  cards
Fitness tests
What tests aerobic capacity,
What is an advantage of the multi...,
What is a limitation of the multi...
58  cards
What does ergogenic aid mean,
What is the positive effect of pl...,
What are the negative effects of ...
19  cards
C1. Hypokinetic disease
What is a hypokinetic disease,
What does physical activity mean,
What is physical fitness
12  cards
C2. Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
What is cardiovascular disease,
What is a major cause of chd and ...,
What is atherosclerosis
10  cards
C3. Physical Activity and Obesity
What is obesity and how is it mea...,
What is bmi give an example,
Limitations of bmi
8  cards
C4. Physical activity and type 2 diabetes
Compare type 1 and type 2 diabetes,
Contrast type 1,
Contrast type 2
5  cards
C5. Physical activity and bone health
Outline how bone density chances ...,
Describe the risk of osteoporosis...,
What are two factors which determ...
7  cards
C6 Prescription of exercise for health
Outline physical activity guideli...,
Health recommendation from 5 17 y...,
Health recommendation from 18 64 ...
6  cards
C7 Exercise and psychological well-being
Define the term mood,
Outline how exercise enhances psy...,
Outline the effects of exercise o...
8  cards

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