
This class was created by Brainscape user Libby Chrisp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Intro and the scientific method
What are the 4 claims of science,
What is the scientific method,
What is pel
14  cards
Describing data
What is a random sample,
What is a sample of convenience,
What is sampling error
13  cards
Estimating with uncertainty
How to measure standard error,
What is a sampling distribution,
The effect of sample size on stan...
5  cards
What is a probability random tria...,
2 what does mutually exclusive mean,
What is the general addition rule...
11  cards
Hypothesis testing
What is a null hypothesis,
What is an alternative hypothesis,
What is a 1 sided test a two side...
10  cards
Analysing proportions
Binomial distribution and assumpt...,
The binomial formula,
Sampling distribution of the prop...
7  cards
Goodness of fit tests
What is the x2 goodness of fit test,
What assumptions must be met,
The x2 statistic
8  cards
Contingency analyses
1 know what relative risk is and ...,
3 know how to calculate an odds r...,
4 know how to use the 2 contingen...
6  cards
THe normal disitribution
What is the normal disitrbution,
What does a normal distirbution m...,
How many individuals are within 1...
7  cards
Inference from normal distribution
One sampled t test,
The confidence interval for a nor...,
Assumptions of 1 sampled t test
4  cards
Comparing two means
Paired design,
Two sample design,
Assumptons of calculating confide...
7  cards
Detections of variation from norm...,
Ways to feal with violations of a...,
What to consider when deciding wh...
10  cards
Experimental design
Observational study,
Experimental study,
Clinical trial
8  cards
One way anova overview,
Calculation overview,
Calculation sums of squares
11  cards
Two way ANOVA
Two way anova overview,
Null hypothesis
5  cards
Ancova overview,
Philosophy of statistical modelling
5  cards
Simpson paradox,
Calculationg correlation co effic...
9  cards
LInear regression
Linear regression,
The equation for a line
7  cards
Non linear regression
Non detecting linearity,
What to do it data is not linear
9  cards
How not to lie with statistics
How not to lie overview,
Experimental design,
3  cards

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