step 1 pharmacology

This class was created by Brainscape user John Smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is cholinesterase inhibitor ...,
What does cholinesterase inhibito...,
What is the antidote for cholines...
13  cards
Muscarinic antagonists
What are the applications of atro...,
What are the applications of benz...,
What are the applications of scop...
6  cards
What receptors does epinephrine a...,
What receptors does norepinephrin...,
What receptors does isoproterenol...
20  cards
Nonselective what are the applica...,
Nonselective what toxicity does p...,
Nonselective what are the applica...
7  cards
What are the effects of blockers ...,
What are the effects of blockers ...,
What are the effects of blockers ...
13  cards
What is the antidote for acetamin...,
What is the antidote for ache inh...,
What is the antidote for amphetam...
21  cards
Drug Reactions
Cardiovascular what are the causa...,
Cardiovascular what are the causa...,
Cardiovascular what are the causa...
49  cards
What is the treatment for adhd,
What is the treatment for alcohol...,
What are the treatments for anxiety
80  cards
What drugs are used to treat prim...,
What drugs are used to treat hype...,
What drugs are used to treat hype...
90  cards
What are the h2 blockers,
What is the mechanism of h2 blockers,
What is the clinical use of h2 bl...
43  cards
Hematology and Oncology
What is the mechanism of heparin,
What is the clinical use of heparin,
What is the toxicity of heparin
145  cards
Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective Tissue
What does the lipoxygenase pathwa...,
What is ltb4,
What do ltc4 d4 and e4 function in
52  cards
What do glaucoma drugs do,
Glaucoma drugs agonists what is t...,
Glaucoma drugs agonists what are ...
142  cards
What drugs act on the proximal tu...,
What drugs act on the thick ascen...,
What drugs act on the distal conv...
47  cards
What is the mechanism of h1 blockers,
What are the 1st generation h1 bl...,
What are the clinical uses of the...
35  cards
What are the treatment strategies...,
What are the treatment strategies...,
Diabetes drugs what are the treat...
73  cards
What is the mechanism of leuprolide,
What is the clinical use of leupr...,
What are the toxicities of leupro...
52  cards
What are penicillin g and v,
What is the mechanism of penicill...,
What are the clinical uses of pen...
217  cards

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step 1 pharmacology

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