This class was created by Brainscape user chloe s. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Physiology of Stress - stress pathways (SAM & HPA axis)
What is stress,
What is the sympathomedullary pat...,
What is the hypothalamus
31  cards
The Physiology of Stress - general adaption syndrome (GAS Model)
What are the three stages of the ...,
What is the alarm reaction stage,
What is the resistance stage
9  cards
The Role of Stress in Illness - Immunosuppression
What is the immune system respons...,
What is an antigen,
Which type of blood cell is vital...
22  cards
The Role of Stress in Illness - Cardiovascular Disorder
As well as resulting in a suppres...,
What is a cardiovascular disorder,
Stress can lead to cardiovascular...
14  cards
Sources of Stress - Life Changes
What is a stressor,
What can stress be categorised into,
What are life changes
21  cards
Sources of Stress - Daily Hassles
What are daily hassles,
What are some examples of daily h...,
The hassles and uplifts scale hsu...
21  cards
Sources of Stress - Workplace stress
What is role ambiguity,
What is the physical environment,
What is workload
20  cards
Measuring Stress - Skin conductance response (SCR)
Skin conductance response,
How is it used,
Scr readings are measured through...
11  cards
Individual Differences in Stress - Personality Differences (Types A,B,C & hardiness)
Personality can be defined as,
Type a personality,
Type b is considered to be a heal...
31  cards
Managing and Coping with Stress - Biofeedback
What is biofeedback,
What does biofeedback deal with,
What is biofeedback a method of
11  cards
Managing and Coping with Stress - Stress Inoculation Therapy (SIT)
Stress inoculation therapy sit wh...,
Phase 1 conceptualisation,
Phase 2 skills acquisition and re...
7  cards
Managing and Coping with Stress - Drug Therapy' (BZs and BBs)
Biological methods of stress mana...,
What do bz s do,
What is gaba
12  cards
Gender differences in coping with stress
What did taylor find,
Wat can tend and befriend be defi...,
Why is tend and befriend a more a...
17  cards
The role of social support in coping wit stress
What is social support,
How might social support act as a...,
Social support
18  cards

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