swrk 3007 - community social work

This class was created by Brainscape user Ty Kraemer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Chapter 1: Importance of Community
Where does the word community com...,
What did emile durkheim s researc...,
Whose research concluded that peo...
47  cards
Chapter 2: Introduction to Community Development
What is top down community develo...,
What is bottom up community devel...,
What is community development
37  cards
Chapter 3: History of Community Development
What global event triggered an in...,
Why did the federal government fu...,
What was the preventive social se...
27  cards
Chapter 4: Perspectives on Community Development
What are the origins of our curre...,
What is socialism and what promin...,
Karl marx saw capitalism as leadi...
46  cards
Chapter 5: Building Relationships with the Community
What are the beliefs of a person ...,
What is a genogram,
What is a social network map
99  cards
Chapter 6: Process of Community Development
What are the 10 steps of the comm...,
What factor binds all 10 steps of...,
What are the 10 potential roles o...
32  cards
Chapter 7: Skills for Working in Communities
What is a bureaucracy,
True or false bureaucracies are o...,
What is the purpose of a bureaucracy
38  cards
Chapter 10: International Community Development
What is imperialism,
How is international community de...,
True or false over time the focus...
25  cards
Lecture: Week 1
Small cities are considered to ha...,
Small towns are considered to hav...,
Rural communities are considered ...
6  cards
Lecture: Weeks 2 & 3
According to the united nations c...,
What basic needs does community d...,
True or false the new towns movem...
3  cards
Lecture: Week 4
What is a political ideology,
What is the importance of ideolog...,
What are the 3 main political ide...
4  cards
Lecture: Week 8
What 4 major paradigms inform nee...
1  cards
Lecture: Week 9
What is the difference between pr...,
True or false mutual aid strategi...,
True or false people often come t...
11  cards
Lecture: Week 10
What are 6 factors that contribut...
1  cards
Lecture: Week 11
True or false imperalism can be u...,
True or false international commu...,
What are the 5 phases of canada s...
3  cards

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swrk 3007 - community social work

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