This class was created by Brainscape user Trudi Reynolds. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

history - psych dis
What are the standards for defini...,
What are the core premises of dis...,
Violation of social norms
44  cards
state of the art
What are the factors which impact...,
Behavioural genetics,
24  cards
Diagnosis and Assessment
What is the dsm 5,
What is the main issue with the dsm,
Why is dsm complicated
28  cards
Research Methods
Functional mri,
What does fmri rely on
33  cards
Mood Disorders
What are analogue experiments,
Fear conditioning,
Defintion of mood
93  cards
What is suicide,
Suicide ideation,
Suicide attempts
31  cards
11  cards
What is anxiety,
What is anxiety motivated by,
What is fear motivated by
72  cards
Key characteristic of ptsd,
Criteria for ptsd,
Most common triggers for men
25  cards
Disorders of Childhood
What are disorders of childhood,
What perspective does studying th...,
What should childhood disorders r...
123  cards
substance use disorder
Criteria for substance use disorder,
Hwo many criteria does one need i...,
What is withdrawal
56  cards
Eating Disorders
Anorexia nervosa,
How is anorexia nervosa assessed,
Mild anorexia bmi
58  cards
Prevalence of ocd,
What are obsessions,
What can obsessions sometimes con...
98  cards
What is psychosis,
Which disorder is characterised b...,
Which disorders occur with second...
81  cards
Late Life and Neurodegenerative Disorders
What is happening to life expectancy,
What happens to mental health ove...,
Why do older people experience le...
51  cards
Sex and Gender
What is a sexual dysfunction,
What is a paraphilic disorder,
How many man and women in use suf...
61  cards
Personality Disorders
Personality traits,
What are personality disorders,
How many people are thought to ha...
20  cards

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