tex wes semester 2 savage

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrew Norwalt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Pharm-Exam 4- NMBD Reversals
Which factor may significantly pr...,
How does metabolic acidosis influ...,
Which of the following patient co...
68  cards
A & P - Exam 3
Pulm compliance,
Nitrogen washout time w normal an...,
Circuit in parallel
13  cards
Pharm: Exam 4- Local Anesthetics
Which of the following local anes...,
Cocaine was the first local anest...,
What was the first synthetic este...
150  cards
Pharm Exam 4: LA rescue
Allergic reactions to local anest...,
Which class of local anesthetics ...,
When testing for an allergy to lo...
63  cards
Pharm Exam Final: Adjuncts
Mr spencer is in your preoperativ...,
You are in the process of extubat...,
Your end stage copd patient needs...
131  cards
Assessment Exam 4: GI
Which layer of the gi tract is pr...,
The serosa of the gi tract is ana...,
What percentage of the total huma...
208  cards
Assessment Exam 4: Heart Failure
lub dub
229  cards
Health Ass 4: Endocrine
What is required to maintain a no...,
Which organ is primarily responsi...,
After eating when glucose usage o...
253  cards
Obstructive Exam 4
all you gotta do is breathe
79  cards
Health Asses 4: Hypertension
According to the 2017 guidelines ...,
What is the estimated lifetime ri...,
Which demographic group is most a...
171  cards
Health Ass 4: Obstructive alternative questions
Infectious nasopharyngitis is pre...,
Which of the following is not typ...,
What is the main reason for the i...
231  cards
Health Asses 4: Restrictive
Which of the following restrictiv...,
Which of the following drugs is l...,
In the context of restrictive lun...
263  cards
A&P- Final
Forced mid expiratory flow or fef...,
If we have a lung that has a smal...,
3  cards

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tex wes semester 2 savage

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