the american dream

This class was created by Brainscape user Leo Silvester. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The United States in 1945 (and Yalta/Potsdam)
Name 3 parts of the american dream,
Who was two presidents in 1945,
How had the war helped america s ...
42  cards
The USA as a superpower
Who were responsible with coming ...,
Why did the us believe so heavily...,
What did the ussr call the marsha...
70  cards
Truman and post-war reconstruction
What issues did truman need to co...,
What was the issue with emplyment,
How did truman try to help the is...
42  cards
African Americans in the North and South Under Truman
How was racism stil prominent in ww2,
How did the second world war impa...,
What organisation to defend civil...
38  cards
The Presidency under Eisenhower
Who was richard nixon,
Why does nixon almost not become ...,
How did nixon respond to allegati...
31  cards
The economy in the 1950s and Consumer Society
What of the world s manufacturing...,
What did gnp increase from betwee...,
How did defence spending increase...
24  cards
The USA and the Cold War 1952-60
What was eisenhower s foreign pol...,
Why was it important that eisenho...,
Why did eisenhower s background a...
70  cards
JFK 1960-1963
Was the presidential election of ...,
Why did nixon lose the 1960 election,
What strengths did kennedy have i...
85  cards
Key Dates
Republicans regain congress under...,
Gi bill of rights,
21 point plan for reconstruction ...
196  cards
What was the situation with vietn...,
How did talks between hanoi and l...,
What were nixon s aims for vietnam
41  cards
Essay Qs
In 1945 the usa domestically was ...,
To what extent was truman s forei...,
Truman s victory in the 1948 pres...
47  cards
African Americans 1953-1960
Why was white flight an issue,
How did malcolm x become famous i...,
Who did the media cast malcolm x ...
35  cards

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the american dream

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