the british empire 1890-1914

This class was created by Brainscape user emmanuel adoghe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

trade and commerce 1890-1914
What percentage of british export...,
When was the imperial federation ...,
What did the disband of imperial ...
24  cards
international relations
What forced a review for splendid...,
When did germany make an alliance...,
When was there a french and russi...
12  cards
administration of india and egypt
What the the britsh start to do a...,
How did the indian civil service ...,
Who got some government represent...
21  cards
popular culture 1890-1914
When was the daily mail launched ...,
What did harmworth stir up during...,
What war was the daily mail usefu...
18  cards
challenges to empire in the years 1890-1914
Why was there challenges to empir...,
Why was there challenges to the b...,
Why was thier chlllanges to the b...
9  cards
joseph chamberlian
When was chamberlian colonial sec...,
When was he mayor of birmingham a...,
What was his view on imperialism ...
11  cards
second boer war 1899-1902-causes
What created the circumstances wh...,
When did the second boer war start,
When did the second boer war finish
29  cards
course and consequences of the second boer war
What did the boer war add to the ...,
What national concern was exposed...,
What changed the relationship of ...
27  cards
native policy
To the british what was the most ...,
How where the indeginous people i...,
What kind of government did white...
13  cards
the role and influence of colonial administrators
When was cecil rhodes prime minis...,
What was cecil rhodes driven by,
Name 2 things cecil rhodes did th...
21  cards
supportors and critics
Who was empire widely accepted by...,
Why did the liberal party support...,
Which imperialist saw empire as a...
12  cards
consolidation of empire 1890-1914
Why was there british expansion i...,
What did british need to protect ...,
Why was there british expansion i...
19  cards

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the british empire 1890-1914

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