the cold war in the 1950s

This class was created by Brainscape user Hasan Anjum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

formation of the Warsaw Pact.
What event led to the formation o...,
When was the warsaw pact formed,
Which countries were members of t...
3  cards
peaceful co-existence.
What was the basis of the concept...,
What led to the possibility of re...,
How were the borders between the ...
6  cards
The impact of soviet rule on Hungary
Who was matyas rakosi and how did...,
How long had hungary been under s...,
What happened to non communist po...
5  cards
When did de stalinization begin,
What opportunity did khrushchevs ...,
How did events unfold in poland a...
6  cards
Soviet Invasion
Why did khrushchev order a soviet...,
What was the outcome of the sovie...,
What happened on november 4 1956 ...
5  cards
International reaction to the Soviet invasion of Hungary
What support did imre nagy and th...,
What was eisenhower s stance towa...,
How did nato nations in europe re...
5  cards
The Impact Of The Hungarian Uprising On International Relations
How did the hungarian uprising im...,
How did the failure of the hungar...,
What was the usa s stance on the ...
4  cards
Impact of the Korean war
What happened on june 25 1950 reg...,
Who was the commander of the un f...,
What event led to the chinese ent...
11  cards
Who were the new leaders of the u...,
What was dwight eisenhower s stan...,
How did eisenhower approach relat...
5  cards
consequences of the Korean War
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the formation of the Warsaw Pact
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of de-Stalinization
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the Soviet invasion of Hungary
1st consequnece,
2nd consequence
2  cards

More about
the cold war in the 1950s

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