the duchess of malfi key quotes

This class was created by Brainscape user emmanuel adoghe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

act 1 scene 1
Who are we first introduced to,
Where has antonio just been,
Hat does antonio say about the fr...
16  cards
act 2 scence 5 key quotes
Ferdiand talking to the cardinal ...,
What are the connotations mandrak...,
What does ferdinand say people se...
12  cards
Why do female ruler occupy an amb...,
Why is the marriage of female rul...,
What does john knox 1558 argue ab...
20  cards
act 3 scene 1
What does antonio say ferdiand is...,
Why is a dormice significant what...,
Why is a dormice significant what...
11  cards
act 2 scene 1
What does bosola say the common p...,
What does bosola say we delight t...,
What does bosola say about the du...
10  cards
act 2 scene 4
What do we find out about the car...,
What trick does julia do to come ...,
Julia you have prevailed with me
9  cards
act 4 scene 1
What does bosola say the duchess ...,
What does bosola say about englis...,
What does the duchess say to boso...
15  cards
act 5 scence 3 and 4, 5 key quotes
Delio this fortification grew from,
Antonio we set our foot upon,
Antonio churches and cites
11  cards
key quotes act 4 scene 2
Cariola this tyranny i think was,
Duchess the robin redbreast and t...,
What does the duchess say she fee...
12  cards
Act 3 scene 2 key quotes
The duchess to antonio you are lord,
What is lord of misrule,
Antonio to the duchess my rule is
19  cards
Key quotes for act 3 scene 4 and 5 duchess of malfi
Pilgrim 1 about the duchess so gr...,
Pilgrim 2 about the duchess fore ...,
Pilgrim 1 about antonio his own w...
20  cards
act 1 scene 2
Who does ferdinand say the duches...,
What sportive action is palyed in...,
What does ferdinand say not going...
28  cards
Act 5 scene 1 key quotes
Antonio which is no more,
What mental illness does ferdinan...,
What does ferdinand try to attack
13  cards
What does brustein say is central...,
What does parnaby say blanches ro...,
What does kazan say about the sho...
10  cards

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the duchess of malfi key quotes

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