the rise of hitler and the nazis 1919-1933

This class was created by Brainscape user Hasan Anjum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Causes of the Munich Putsch
What was the munich putsch and wh...,
Why did many germans support nati...,
Why did hitler believe he would h...
6  cards
Results of the Munich Putsch
What happened to hitler and other...,
What was the outcome of hitler s ...,
How did hitler s trial after the ...
4  cards
Re-organization of the Nazi Party (1924-28)
What happened after the ban on th...,
How did hitler reorganize the naz...,
What new organizations and initia...
4  cards
The impact of the GD on Germans
How did the great depression impa...,
What was the unemployment situati...,
How did factory workers fare duri...
5  cards
The impact of the GD on the Weimar Republic
What impact did the great depress...,
How did bruning govern germany af...,
What unpopular measures did bruni...
4  cards
The role of the SA (Nazi method to win)
What was the size of the sa in 19...,
How did the sa use symbolism to r...,
How did the sa disrupt the activi...
4  cards
Nazi election propaganda (Nazi method to win)
How did the nazi party adapt its ...,
How did the nazis use new technol...,
What methods did the nazis use to...
3  cards
1932 elections and the fall of Bruning
What was the outcome of the 1932 ...,
How did hitler use the 1932 presi...,
How did kurt von schleicher remov...
3  cards
Franz Von Papen
How did franz von papen become in...,
Why did franz von papen call for ...,
How did hitler manipulate the sit...
3  cards
Von Schleicher and Hindenburg
How did von schleicher attempt to...,
What was von papen s plan to take...
2  cards

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the rise of hitler and the nazis 1919-1933

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