therapeutic exercise year 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Tomas Gianoli. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

0  cards
Week 1 - Physiology
0  cards
Cell functions
What are five basic cell functions,
What is the definition of an orga...,
What is the function of the cell ...
16  cards
Cell structures
Describe the structure of the cel...,
Describe the structure of the cyt...,
Describe the structure of the nuc...
7  cards
Physical Stress Theory
What is the physical stress theory,
What are the 5 different phases o...,
Describe a reduced stress toleran...
12  cards
What is homeostasis,
What are the components of the ho...,
What is a stimulus
7  cards
General Adaptation Syndrome
What is the general adaptation sy...,
What two principles does gas acco...,
What are the three phases of shor...
14  cards
Week 2 - Cell Physiology + Mechanotransduction
0  cards
Cell transport mechanisms
What are the 2 types of transport,
What are two types of passive tra...,
What is passive transport
17  cards
Action Potential
What is an action potential,
Describe the depolarisation phase...,
Describe the repolarisation phase...
9  cards
Define mechanotransduction,
List the 5 types of stresses,
List the 3 phases of mechanotrans...
10  cards
Cell signalling
What is intercellular communicati...,
What are the 3 intercellular comm...,
What are gap junctions
11  cards
Week 3 - Bioenergetics + Nutritional support
0  cards
What is metabolism,
What are the 2 different metaboli...,
What are catabolic reactions
17  cards
Anaerobic Energy Pathways
What are the two fundamental meta...,
Describe the anaerobic pathway,
Describe the aerobic pathway
13  cards
Aerobic Energy Pathways
Outline the aspects of the slow g...,
Where to the process of glycolysi...,
What are the products produced du...
11  cards
Adaptations to Energy Pathways
What are the 2 primary determinan...,
Describe intensity as a determina...,
Describe duration as a determinan...
12  cards
Week 4 - Muscular Support of Movement (A)
0  cards
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
What are the 7 structures of a sk...,
What is the epimysium,
What is the perimysium
51  cards
Sliding Filament Theory + Excitation Contraction coupling
What is excitation contraction co...,
Outline the steps of excitation c...,
Outline the 3 steps of the walk a...
5  cards
Force Relationships
What is the length tension relati...,
Describe the 3 situations of the ...,
Describe the tension length relat...
7  cards
Hill Component + Stretch Shortening Cycle
What is the hill model,
Why is the hill model important i...,
What are parallel elastic elements
11  cards
Week 5 - Muscular Support of Movement (B)
0  cards
Architecture and Morphology
What are 3 structural changes in ...,
What are 4 neuromuscular changes ...,
Out of strength muscle strength a...
13  cards
What will hypertrophy lead to,
What does hypertrophy involve,
What must occur in terms of metab...
10  cards
Advantages in Structural Changes
What are the advantages of an inc...,
What are the advantages of a long...,
What can cause a change in fibre ...
3  cards
What are 4 adaptations to the mus...,
Why is interdigitation folding a ...,
What are 2 adaptations in the tendon
4  cards
Stimulus Responses
What will concentric loading lead to,
What will eccentric loading lead to,
What will isometric loading lead to
4  cards
Week 7 - Nervous System Organisation + Function
0  cards
Central Nervous System - Brain
What is the cerebral cortex,
What are the 6 lobes of the cereb...,
What are gyri and sulci
18  cards
Central Nervous System - Spinal Cord
0  cards
Neurons + Neurotransmitters
0  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
0  cards
The Motor Unit
0  cards
Week 8 - Cardiorespiratory Support of Movement
0  cards
0  cards
Patient Familiarisation
What is doms,
When would doms be experienced fo...,
How might you discuss doms with a...
5  cards
Strength Qualities
What are the 5 strength qualities,
What is the definition of maximum...,
What effort would you expect in m...
31  cards

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therapeutic exercise year 1

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