trusts & estates

This class was created by Brainscape user Joseph Putrelo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Chapter 1 - The Essentials
What are probate courts,
What is the difference between an...,
What is a personal representative...
20  cards
Chapter 2: Intestacy Statutory Distribution
What is intestacy,
What are the disadvantages of int...,
How are potential takers prioriti...
15  cards
Chapter 3 - Wills: Protecting Testamentary Intent
What are the three main factors o...,
Must a will proponent attach a te...,
What does animus testandi mean wh...
32  cards
Chapter 4 - Wills: Formalities
What are the upc requirements of ...,
What does attest mean,
What does acknowledge mean
38  cards
Chapter 5: Will Components & Provisions
What is the doctrine of integrati...,
What is the doctrine of incorpora...,
What types of documents are most ...
48  cards
Chapter 6: Rules of Will Interpretation
What happens if a beneficiary pre...,
What happens to a lapsed devise,
Common law vs upc approach to lap...
20  cards
CALI - Omitted Spouses & Children
Fred williams executed his will s...,
Suppose that in question 1 fred h...,
Would your answer be different if...
14  cards
CALI - Revocation
Paul is seventeen years of age la...,
Garrey broke his left arm and han...,
Jean s attorney prepared a will f...
23  cards
CALI - Non Testamentary Documents
John executed his will which disp...,
In the previous question suppose ...,
Al s valid will leaves 30 000 to ...
7  cards
CALI - Interpretation of Wills (UPC)
Even though the trust cannot be i...,
Kim executed a will which devised...,
Now suppose that kim had left 10 ...
34  cards
CALI - Intestate Succession
Roger died intestate survived by ...,
Would it have made a difference i...,
Suppose that in the foregoing que...
6  cards

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trusts & estates

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