tsarist and communist russia

This class was created by Brainscape user Katherine Cresswell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

The Emancipation of the Serfs
How long did the crimean war last...,
What did the crimean war highligh...,
Reasons for emancipation morally
46  cards
Alexander II reforms
What areas were alexander ii s re...,
Aims regarding the crimean war,
How is alexander ii s liberal min...
36  cards
Reaction and counter-reform under Alexander III
What was one way alexander ii rev...,
How was primary and secondary sch...,
How was the entrance into univers...
30  cards
Opposition 1855
0  cards
Opposition 1894-14
0  cards
Economic Developments: Mikhail Von Reuturn
0  cards
Industrial developments 1881-94: Nikolai Bunge and Ivan Vyshnegradsky
0  cards
Industrial developments 1892-1903: Sergei Witte
0  cards
Russian Agriculture 1855-94
0  cards
Agricultural growth and change 1894-1914
0  cards
The impact of WWI and the collapse of the autocracy
What problems arose from the war,
When did russia enter the first w...,
How many soldiers were enlisted b...
48  cards
The collapse of the Provincial Government and the rise of the Bolsheviks
0  cards
The Bolshevik Seizure of power
0  cards
War Communism: 1917-21
0  cards
Civil War: 1918-20
0  cards
Crisis year of 1921
1  cards
How did collectivization change l...,
How did collectivization change a...,
How did collectivization change l...
24  cards
Social developments 1917-28
What was the aims of proletariani...,
What was the state or the urban w...,
What did collectivization to do t...
25  cards
New Economic Policies 1921-28
When was the new economic policie...,
Why was the nep put in place,
Why had war communism caused low ...
35  cards
Five-Year Plans:1928 onwards
What period was the first five ye...,
When was the second five0year,
What was the propaganda tool used...
30  cards
Post war Soviet economy 1945-64
0  cards
Post war Soviet Agriculture 1945-64
0  cards
Post War Societal continuity
0  cards
Communist Russia 1917-64
0  cards
Thr struggle for power: 1924-29
0  cards
The Russian Civl War: 1918-20
0  cards
The Establishment of Bolshevik power: October 1918-mid 1918
0  cards
Terror under Stalin 1928-41
0  cards
Stalinism during World War Two
0  cards
Political Developments 1953-64
0  cards
Political Developments 1917-41
0  cards
High Stanlinism: 1945-53
0  cards
Crisis year:1921 (Political)
0  cards

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tsarist and communist russia

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