This class was created by Brainscape user Jemima Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Henry VII’s Claim To The Throne.
Why was henry vii claim to the th...,
Where did henry s claim to the th...,
Who held stronger claims to the t...
3  cards
The Aims Henry VII
How are we able to decide the aim...,
What were henry vii key aims,
Why was it important for henry vi...
5  cards
Henry VII’s Consolidation Of Power
When did henry vii date his reign...,
How did henry vii punish traitors,
What was the act of attainder
11  cards
Henry VII Pretenders To The Throne
Who were the pretenders,
What were the pretenders names,
Who did lovell support
23  cards
Central Government Under Henry VII
Who was at the top of the central...,
Who was second highest in the cen...,
What was the roles of the council
13  cards
Regional Government Under Henry VII
What does regional government mean,
What are the names of the 3 counc...,
Who was entrusted to lead council...
6  cards
Local Government Under Henry VII
What was the most important part ...,
What were the two types of royal ...,
What does jp stand for
13  cards
Henry VII’s Parliament
Who had the power of parliamentar...,
How many times was parliament cal...,
What was the significance of henr...
8  cards
Henry VII’s Relations With Scotland
Why were relations with scotland ...,
What were the difficulties betwee...,
Who was the king of scotland
7  cards
Henry VII’s Relation With Spain
Who was spain ruled by,
Why was spain significant,
When was the treaty of medina del...
9  cards
Henry VII’s Relations With France And Brittany
Who was henry vii s first foreign...,
What took place in 1487,
Why was the invasion of brittany ...
12  cards
Henry VII’s Economic Developments
What were the most important indu...,
What percentage of exports were c...,
Where was cloth exported to and h...
13  cards
Introduction To Henry VIII
Why did henry viii become king at...,
What were henry s 3 aims,
When did henry come to the throne
11  cards
Henry VII’s Religious Developments
What role did religion play withi...,
What was the parish church,
Who was the church of england led...
12  cards
Henry VIII’s Crown And Parliament?
What was left in regards to gover...,
Who is an example of a minister,
How did henry viii differ from he...
11  cards
Wolsey And Cromwell
Who was thomas wolsey,
Where did wolsey s promotions com...,
What was wolsey appointed s in 1514
23  cards
Henry VIII And Royal Supremacy
Why was catherine of aragon not f...,
Who had henry viii fallen in love...,
Why did henry seek an annulment
19  cards
Edward VI, Somerset And Northumberland
Who succeeded henry viii and how ...,
When did henry viii pass away,
Who was edward vi mother
20  cards
Edward VIs Religion, Society And Economy
Religion under somerset,
What policies did edward have,
Who opposed edwards policies
7  cards
Edward VI Foreign Policy
What type of forgein policy was l...,
What impact did somerset have on ...,
What did the franco scottish alli...
5  cards
Edward VI Succession Problems
What royal authority did northumb...,
When did edward vi die,
What was northumberlands plan aft...
5  cards
Mary I
Who was mary i,
Changes undermary i,
Mary i inner privy council
15  cards
Character And Aims Of Elizabeth
Who was elizabeth,
The aims of elizabeth,
Elizabeth s consolidation of power
8  cards
Elizabeths Government
Court privy council and ministers,
Elizabeths parliament,
Robert dudley elizabeth
6  cards
Elizabeths Foreign Policy
Marriage and succession,
General foreign policy under eliz...,
Relations with mary queen of scotts
7  cards
Eizabeths Government
0  cards
Society In elizabethan England
Society in elizabethan england,
Poverty and poor relief,
Problems in ireland
5  cards
Religious Developments In Elizabeths Reign
Religious desires in england in 1...
2  cards
Economic Development
Key words in economic of lizzie
1  cards
exam questions
0  cards

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tudor history

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