This class was created by Brainscape user Joti Sangha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Goods and Services
Transaction in goods,
15  cards
Warranty of title,
When is it applicable who does it...
15  cards
Warranty Disclaimers and Limitations
Disclaiming express warranties,
Disclaiming implied warranties
12  cards
Defenses in Warranty Action
How to determine,
The purpose of this notice requir...
15  cards
Magnuson-Moss Act
Magnuson moss act,
Written warranty,
The stated purposes of the statut...
7  cards
Identification of Goods
In the absence of explicit agreem...,
Identification occurs,
The buyer obtains
3  cards
Risk of Loss
The general code rule on the tran...,
Shipment contract
10  cards
The Scope of Article 9
Security interest,
What does retailer do
9  cards
Creation of a Security Interest - Classifying Collateral
Three categories of collateral,
What categories under goods,
Goods what are consumer goods
17  cards
Creation of a Security Interest - Technical Validity of Forms
Security agreement,
No possession
11  cards
Creation of a Security Interest - Attachment of a Security Interst
For a security interest to attach
2  cards
Perfection of the Security Interest
5 ways to perfect,
Perfection by possession pledge
18  cards
Multistate Transactions
General choice of law rules,
Domicile approach,
Physical collateral
17  cards
General rule,
Secured creditor v general unsecu...,
Perfected secured creditor v perf...
29  cards
Bankruptcy and Article 9
The trustee s status,
The trustee in bankruptcy is give...
17  cards
Proceeds means the following prop...,
Priorities in proceeds proceeds t...
6  cards
Article 9 lacks any provisions th...,
Multiple actions
10  cards

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ucc final

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