uni biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Window wall window wall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Basic Evolution ATAR recap
Define biological evolution,
List all the different types of s...,
Define fitness
33  cards
Biological Diversity
How can diversitry occur,
Explain sex phenotype,
What are the three levels of biol...
30  cards
evidence for evolution
Why does the fossil record provid...,
What are evolutionary changes
21  cards
Tutorial 1: Physiology
Medial antonym,
Deep antonym,
Distal antonym
71  cards
Give a description of the followi...,
Give a description of the followi...,
Give a description of the followi...
67  cards
HBIO Lecture 4 Evolution
Things required for evolution,
Biotic factors selection pressures,
Abiotic factors selection pressures
18  cards
Biology Lecture 2 Ecology
Define population,
Define community,
Why is there a spatial distributi...
30  cards
Bio (regular) evolution
Example of sexual selection,
High risk life history age at mat...,
High risk life history age at mat...
7  cards
Tutorial 3: Evolution
Main concepts within evolution,
In what ways might the peacocks t...,
In what ways might a peacock s ta...
47  cards
Life on Earth
What are the four main eras of ea...,
25  cards
Molecules of Life Biology Lecture Flashcards
4 macromolecules,
Polysaccharides in bacterias,
Polysaccharides in plants
45  cards
Phylogenetic constraints,
Vestigial traits
49  cards
Primates Pt.2
34  cards
Human Evolution
Evolution of the homininae themes,
Prognathism condition inwhich par...
40  cards
Organic Chemistry from Uni
Constitutional or structural isomers,
In organic compounds what does pr...,
In organic compounds what does in...
70  cards
Cell biology
Four main types of tissue in humans,
What is epithelial tissue
77  cards
DNA Synthesis
Dna syntehsius absolute requirements,
When can this reaction occur,
What does pcr do
73  cards
Tutorial 3 human evolution
Construct a moredetailed list of ...,
Femur angle of shaftto vertical s...,
Femur angle of shaftto vertical s...
5  cards
Human bio: genetics + pedigrees
What is genetics,
How is dna packaged so tightly,
Mitotic chromosome
65  cards
Human bio: DNA and Protein synthesis
0  cards
Human bio: cell division
0  cards
Human bio: mutations and karyotypes
0  cards
Human bio: tissues
0  cards
Human bio: reproduction
0  cards
Human bio: embryology
0  cards
Biology: Cellular respiration
1  cards
Biology: Mutations
What is a gene,
What is a gene new definition,
Types of point mutations
7  cards
Biology: Recombinant DNA Tech
Types of conventional breeding no...,
Types of genetic modification,
Types of genome editing
7  cards
Cell biology (pt.2)
Define active transport,
What does it enable,
How does active transport work
34  cards
Tissue defintion,
Nervous tissue function,
Connective tissue function
76  cards
Complex Meiosis stuff
Synonym for fertilisation,
When does meiosis begin,
What is your father and mother
16  cards
Speciation Evolution
1  cards
Tissues pt.2
Genotypic frequency
10  cards

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uni biology

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