This class was created by Brainscape user Hailey Nelson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (110)

development of the urogenital system
How does the tyolk sac anf allant...,
What are the 3 divisions of the m...,
What are the 3 sections of the ne...
22  cards
male reproductive anatomy
What is the function of the testis,
What is the function of the epidi...,
What is the function of the ductu...
26  cards
anatomy of the pelvis SDL
What muscles make up the pelvic d...,
What are the skeletal borders of ...
20  cards
birth to puberty
How do the testis descend,
What is puberty,
What event is required for pubert...
12  cards
meiosis SDL
What is meiosis,
What is the difference between me...,
What are the phases of the cell c...
23  cards
urogenital anatomy prac
What is the urethra male,
What is the penis,
What is the corpus cavernosum
32  cards
central control of reproduction: the HPG axis
How do sex steroid such as proges...,
How do sex steroid such as testos...,
In order for a hormone such as gn...
23  cards
spermatogenesis and testicular function
What is spermatogenesis,
How long does spermatogenesis take,
Where does spermatogenesis take p...
16  cards
urogenital development SDL
What is sex determination,
What is sexual differentiation,
Which hormones are produced by th...
16  cards
ART1: insemination
What is artificial insemination,
What are the reasons for using ar...,
How is ejaculate collected
23  cards
erection, ejacultion and copulation
List muscles of the penis and the...,
38  cards
pre fertilisation sperm events
The head of spermatozoa contains,
The middle piece of spermatozoa c...,
What occurs during the first stag...
22  cards
female reproductive anatomy
Which female genital organs arise...,
Which female genital organs origi...,
Discus morphology of the bovine vary
39  cards
castration methods across species SDL
What are the 2 categories of cast...,
Name 2 types of bloodless castration,
What are the 3 types of surgical ...
17  cards
reproductive lab skills Prac
The connective tissue of the medi...,
The epididymis appears how on us,
Testicular parenchyma appears how...
13  cards
semen and indices of quality workshop
State at least 2 methods for seme...,
What parameters can be measured on,
What physiological events and fac...
7  cards
the oestrus cycle
What is meant by the oestrus cycle,
In which 3 ways is the oestrus cy...,
List the behavioural stages of th...
20  cards
comparative reproductive anatomy SDL
Outline the path sperm travel thr...,
What muscles are located in the s...,
What type of muscle is the cremas...
28  cards
Gross anatomy of the non-pregnant female tract P
What are the functions of the ovary,
What are the regions of the ovary,
55  cards
When to breed: oestrus and its detection
How does progesterone suppress oe...,
What initiates the follicular phase,
Describe the oestrus cycle in the...
36  cards
cyclicity across the species
What are the functions of fsh,
What are the functions of lh,
23  cards
not seen bulling SDL
Describe the 4 phases of the oest...,
How is oestrus behaviour hromonal...,
What are the physiological change...
6  cards
comparative oestrus cycles WS
Which phase is longer the follicu...,
Which is larger the ovulatory fol...
2  cards
folliculogenesis and ovulation
Describe the stages of folliculog...,
What is a follicle,
What is the corpus luteum
32  cards
the corpus luteum
What is the corpus luteum,
What is luteinisation,
Which hormone causes ovulation an...
17  cards
manipulation of seasonality
Non seasonal polyoestrus will bre...,
What type of breeder are horse cl...,
It is mid august and you wish to ...
12  cards
fertilisation and embryo development
How is ovulation induced,
Outline the journey of the oocyte...,
When can oocytes be fertilised
21  cards
the establishment of pregnancy
What is the luteolytic hormone,
What is the principal hormone sec...,
Approximately how long is the lut...
21  cards
clinical exam of the female P
When are we aiming to conduct pos...,
When should you perform a pregnan...,
When would you need to perform an...
15  cards
defence against reproductive pathogens WS
What is a commensal organism,
What is an opportunistic pathogen,
What is a pathogenic micro organism
16  cards
reproduction in birds
What are the components of the av...,
Discuss the testis of birds,
Discuss the duct system in avian ...
18  cards
case based learning: molly
A bitch 3 months after the end of...,
A non mated cow 10 days from last...,
When is it best to breed the bitch
4  cards
approach to determining stage of the cycle WS
Discuss how you would approach de...,
Outline the ranges of follicular ...,
When is the corpus haemorrhagicum...
8  cards
Rabbit repro SDL
Rabbits are capable of how many o...,
How long is the average rabbit ge...,
How soon after giving birth can r...
20  cards
repro in reptiles and fish
Outline male reproductive anatomy...,
Some squamates have a sexual segm...,
Outline reproductive anatomy in t...
21  cards
implantation and placentation
What is a placenta,
Briefly outline how the extraembr...,
Where is the chorion
28  cards
placental function and endocrinology of pregnancy
Match the placentas to the specie...,
What is the function of the placenta,
When does the majority of placent...
25  cards
approach to pregnancy diagnosis
What is the clinical importance o...,
What is pseudopregnancy in the mare,
What is pseudopregnancy type 1 in...
37  cards
gross anatomy of the pregnant reproductive tract
7  cards
pregnancy complictions and failure 1+2
When does pregnancy failure occur,
Outline why we see reproductive l...,
Outline the steps leading to pseu...
57  cards
pregnancy failure in the ewe ws
What are the possible causes of p...,
What are the most common infectio...,
On a sheep farm with abundant abo...
3  cards
ART2: embryo transfer, stem cells and cloning
What are stem cells,
What is totipotent,
What is pluripotent
9  cards
initiation of partuition
What are the phases of parturition,
How is parturition initiated,
24  cards
just kidding SDL
When do goats come into season an...,
How long is pregnancy in the goat...,
What are the key hormones require...
5  cards
parturition and dystocia
What are the stages of parturition,
What happens during the preparati...,
Where is relaxin produced in prep...
19  cards
approach to dystocia
How should you approach investiga...,
What questions should you ask whe...,
What should you consider on gener...
12  cards
parturition and dystocia practical + SDLS
List 6 reasons for carrying out a...
1  cards
parturition and dystocia across species WS
What are the signs that parturiti...,
What are the signs that parturiti...,
What are the signs that parturiti...
14  cards
approach to manipulating reproduction ws
Where does gnrh come from,
How is gnrh produced controlled,
What is the taget tissue of gnrh ...
49  cards
the post partum period
Outline the stages of parturition,
What occurs post partum,
What is uterine involution
31  cards
repro hormones consolidation ws
Http what needs to be present for...
1  cards
mammary gland development and anatomy
What is the significance of lacta...,
How dp mammary glands develop emb...,
Describe the microanatomy of the ...
21  cards
lactation and its control
What ph is milk,
Which vitamins and minerals are c...,
Outline how milk composition chan...
18  cards
mammary gland histo SDL
Discribe the histologic appearanc...,
5  cards
rectal exams prac
12  cards
intro to mastitis
List general causes of mastitis,
List clinical signs of mastits,
What are the grades of mastitis
13  cards
CBL: problems at farrowing SDL
What should be considered when de...,
What could be the consequence of ...,
How do you calculate average herd...
3  cards
nutritional effects on reproduction
How does selenium effect female r...,
List clinical signs of copper def...,
4  cards
repro management across species and clinical consideration ws
How can we diagnose pregnancy in ...,
How long is gestation in the dog,
When does onset of puberty genera...
18  cards
genetics: mendelian inheritance SDL
Define gene,
Define locus,
Define allele
18  cards
genetics 2: population genetics in animal breeding
What are the benefits of using ge...,
What are the sources for genetic ...,
What is gene flow
12  cards
genetics 3: genetic decision making in animal breeding
What are the pressures involved w...,
What is the breeding pyramid,
Why would we cross breeds
8  cards
ART 3: in vitro fertilisation SDL
What is in vitro fertilisation,
List the
2  cards
mammary anatomy prac
How do you collect milk samples f...,
How do you infuse a lactating cow...
2  cards
genetics 4: practical considerations
How is breeding managed in domest...,
Give examples of things we assess...,
What is heritability
4  cards
repro across species SDL part 2
How can you sex rabbits,
Female reproductive anatomy is sl...,
When is puberty typically in rabbits
26  cards
practical genetics SDL
What is meant by the term hip dys...,
What is meant by the term selecti...,
What is meant by the term selecti...
18  cards
fundamentals of renal bio SDL
What is osmosis,
What is water potential,
What is solute potential
24  cards
Overview of the urinary system
What are the major functions of t...,
What substances are secreted by t...
2  cards
macroscopic anatomy of the urinary tract
Which aspect of the urinary syste...,
Outline the anatomical landmarks ...,
Outline the anatomical landmarks ...
41  cards
the amazing nephron workshop
What is the functional unit of th...,
How many nephrons are in the cani...,
In basic terms in out what does t...
50  cards
glomerulus, GFR and clearance
How does the glomerular filtrate ...,
Which factor does not significant...,
What is the primary force that fa...
11  cards
renal blood flow
Explain the counter current system,
What factors affect renal blood flow,
Why is controlling renal blood fl...
3  cards
urinary anatomy and imaging prac
What is shown in this ct of the a...,
What is shown in this ct,
What is seen in this ct
5  cards
urine sampling techniques
What are the pros and cons of lit...,
What are the pros and cons of sam...,
What are the pros and cons of obt...
28  cards
imaging of the urinary system
What structures are nearby the ri...,
Where is the right kidney palpable,
Where is the left kidney palpable
21  cards
clinical application: azotaemia and urinalysis WS
Define azotaemia,
Why is azotemia a useful marker i...,
What test markers other than azot...
9  cards
urogenital image interpretation SDL
Labelleft kidneyright kidneyurina...,
Identify structures when would yo...,
What condition is shown in this r...
11  cards
principles of fluid balance 1
What of an adult animal s body is...,
Where in the body is water found,
What solutes exist in the extrace...
24  cards
resorption and secretion 1
How much sodium is reabsorbed in ...,
How does na and cl leave the lume...,
What happens to na and cl in the ...
15  cards
the kidneys and acid-base
Once the lungs get rid of volatil...,
Integrate the roles of the kidney...,
Explain how bicarbonate is reclam...
11  cards
the geri cat check up ws pt 1
Why would you see weight loss in ckd,
Why would you see poor appetitie ...,
Why do you see pupd in ckd
6  cards
the geri cat check up part 2 ws
What is sdma and why is it useful,
What is fgf23 and how is it useful,
How is ckd staged and diagnosed a...
8  cards
urinary concentrating and diluting
Why is control of urine important,
What primarily determines the dil...,
How does the permeability of the ...
31  cards
PU/PD and concentration disorders
What is the normal urine producti...,
What are maintenance fluids in do...,
What is polyuria
15  cards
Fluid therapy SDLs
You attend a farm to assess a cal...,
You are treating a horse for unco...,
During a bitch spay major haemorr...
41  cards
renal control of blood pressure and erythropoiesis SDL
What is blood pressure,
Blood pressure regulation involves,
What is one of the key pathways i...
12  cards
urinary clinical skills prac
30  cards
anuric sheep SDL
What is urolithiasis,
Based on the anatomy of the ovine...,
Is obstructive urolithiasis more ...
5  cards
urinary system in exotics
What is the form of nitrogenous w...,
Mammals and terrestrial reptiles ...,
Birds and reptiles
31  cards
clin path: assessment of renal function
What is gfr,
Low gfr means,
What is renal clearance
30  cards
renal failure
What is chronic renal failure,
What are the 3 levels of acute ki...,
What things might cause acute kid...
19  cards
control of micturition
What is micturition,
How does urine move from the kidn...,
How is retrograde flow in the
23  cards
mechanisms of incontinence
What is incontinence,
List clinical syndromes involved ...,
What is dysuria
19  cards
exotics prac
Gout is a relatively common condi...,
Many reptile species live in very...,
A member of the public brings you...
3  cards
the tortoise and the hare SDL
Why is recycling urea through the...,
How does the urea cycle adapt dur...,
What are common post hibernation ...
10  cards
sticks and stones: an unhappy guinea pig SDL
Urolithiasis commonly affects whi...,
What to urinary caliculi form fro...,
What husbandry factors predispose...
7  cards
nutrition for canine and feline pregnancy and neonates SLD
0  cards
nutrition for urinary disease SDL
0  cards
principles of elimination behaviour SDL
0  cards
behavioural probelms and inappropriate house soiling case studies SDL
- Perform investigations of cases relating to inappropriate house soiling - State potential medical and behavioural differentials associated with a particular inappropriate house-soiling case - Explain potential therapeutic plans for animals with behavioural problems relating to inappropriate house-soiling
0  cards
fluid therapy prac
0  cards
renal pharm
0  cards
urinary therapeutics WS
0  cards
the very stressed cat SDL
0  cards
behavioural problems and inappropriate house soiling
0  cards
intro to assistance dogs
0  cards
ultrasound of pregnant dog
0  cards
puppy and whelping management
0  cards
0  cards

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