This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Heim. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (97)

First Aid Rapid Review Flash
Abdominal pain ascites hepatomega...,
Achilles tendon xanthoma disease dx,
Adrenal hemorrhage hypotension di...
448  cards
Hx pf antimalarial drug fatigue d...,
Sources of oxidative stress hemol...,
Presentation of g6pd deficiency
28  cards
Cell Surface Markers
B lymphocyte cell surface markers,
Cd19 cell type
12  cards
How to calculate drug clearance,
Fxn name of hiv surface proteins
23  cards
Antibiotics: MOA
Fluoroquinolones moa,
Fluoroquinolones adverse effects,
Aminoglycosides moa
10  cards
Rx_1.11 (Cardio)
Feature dx,
Cardiac consequences of rheumatic...,
Patient from developing country m...
20  cards
Rx_1.13 (Cardio)
Histologic description of aschoff...,
Anatomical location of jugular vein,
Young girl w hypertension extremi...
31  cards
Pathophysiology of centriacinar e...,
Characteristics of fabry disease,
Gene products of hiv virus
14  cards
Rheumatoid factor,
Mechanism of ra,
Thiamine vit b1 deficiency
12  cards
Uteric bud embryonic structure,
Metanephric mesoderm embryonic
8  cards
Rx_01.17 (Cardio)
Categories of ca channel blockers...,
Effects of non dihyrdopyridine ca...,
Effects of non dihyrdopyridine ca...
23  cards
Presentation of fragile x,
Cause of fragile x,
Presentation of cniii palsy
24  cards
Rotavirus virus type,
Rabies virus type,
Tx of karposi sarcoma
19  cards
Rx_01.20 (Microbio)
Enfurtivide moa use,
Rocky mountain spotted fever pres...,
Rocky mountain spotted fever caus...
19  cards
Most common benign tumor of breast,
Breast biopsy dx,
Child w severe intellectual disab...
20  cards
Rx_1.26 (Reproductive)
Ringworm tinea corpis,
Penile venous outflow abnormalities,
Normal vaginal ph
28  cards
Drugs that I always see and never know...
142  cards
Consequences of renal artery sten...,
Northern blot use,
Southern blot use
19  cards
Rx_1.27 (Reproductive)
Formation of gametes in female,
Consequences of pcos,
Standard management of pcos
17  cards
Rx_1.29 (Reproductive)
Drugs used in medical abortion,
Most important risk factor for de...,
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia pr...
13  cards
Characteristics of vwd,
Drug used to prevent nsaid induce...
22  cards
Rx_2.3 (Renal)
Furosemide moa uses se,
Presentation of adult polycystic ...,
Cause of adult polycystic kidney ...
16  cards
Rx_2.4 (Renal)
Renal biopsy w subendothelial dep...,
Achalasia characteristics and ass...,
Morbilliform rash association
12  cards
Virus that leads to neoplasm by i...,
Most common cause of death in peo...,
Most common cause of death among ...
8  cards
Rx_2.6 (Renal)
Oliguria elevated bun cr followin...,
Prevention of tumor lysis syndrome,
Presentation of tubulointerstitia...
18  cards
Rx_2.9 (Renal)
Hemoptysis anemia renal fail dx,
First line therapy for utis,
Tmp smz moa se
12  cards
Failure of fusion of,
Epispadia presentation,
Characteristics of kinesin and dy...
14  cards
Valproate during pregnancy,
Congenital coarctation of aorta a...,
Congenital duodenal atresia assoc...
17  cards
Rx_2.10 (Renal)
Nephrolithiasis associated w py,
13  cards
Botulism mechanism of infection,
Clinical presenation of botulism,
Characteristics of digeorge syndrome
17  cards
Rx_2.11 (Renal)
Post leukemia tx w chemo lower ba...,
Causes of caclium based stones,
Dehdration impacts on afferent ef...
13  cards
Rx_2.15 (Renal)
Strongest risk factor for bladder...,
Defect in transporter of neutral ...,
Neutral amino acids
14  cards
Support anchoring for actin filam...,
Characteristics of craniopharyngioma,
Presentation of congenital hypoth...
7  cards
Epithelial structure respiratory ...,
Tendons of rotator cuff,
Characteristics of the delta agent
25  cards
Rx_2.25 (HemOnc)
Fatigue anorexia weight loss enla...,
Warm reactive autoimmune hemolyti...,
Txs of autimmune hemolytic anemias
20  cards
Biostats type ii error,
Drug effects tachyphylaxis additi...,
Klinefelter presentation
11  cards
Rx_2.26 (HemOnc)
Most common supratentorial tumor ...,
Warfarin moa,
Classic signs sx of hodgkins lymp...
22  cards
Hip drops as ipsilateral foot is ...,
Safe places for injections in but...,
Basic psych interviewing techniques
9  cards
Rx_Random Set #1
What structure causes pathogenict...,
Name structures fxns
28  cards
Rx_Random Set #2
Major nutritional deficiency synd...,
Lsd use presentation,
Sx of phechomocytoma
30  cards
Rx_Random Set #3
Adverse effects of phenytoin,
Infectious causes of dilated card...,
Presentation of dilated cardiomyo...
25  cards
Rx_Random Set #4
Neuropathologic findings in werni...,
Confusion opthalmoplegia ataxia p...,
Cause of congential hypothyroidism
28  cards
Rx_Random Set #5
Common drug chemotherapy for test...,
Bleomycin use moa toxicities,
Clomiphen citrate moa use
28  cards
Rx_Random Set #6
Examples of live attenuated vaccines,
Examples of inactivated vaccines,
Cremaster muscle innervation musc...
26  cards
Rx_Random Set #7
Placenta previa presentation and sx,
Abruptio placentae definition and sx,
Tx of neonatal respiratory distre...
26  cards
Rx_Random Set #8
Classic exam findings in osteoart...,
Flucytosine moa use,
Cause of heriditary spherocytosis
26  cards
Scid presentation common causes,
Biostatistical parameters ability...,
Order of locations of hematopoies...
14  cards
Fabry disease inheritance deficie...,
Gaucher disease inheritance defic...,
Hurler syndrome inheritance defic...
20  cards
Calculation of gfr,
Common cause of gas gangrene,
C perfringens presentations
10  cards
Osteocytes connected to each othe...,
Tight jxn locations,
Hemidesmosomes characteristics lo...
22  cards
Rx_3.2 (HemOnc)
Henoch schonlein purpura presenta...,
Granular pattern on immunofloursence,
Adverse effects of asprisin
16  cards
Type i collagen locations assoc d...,
Type ii collagen locations assoc ...,
Type iii collagen locations assoc...
15  cards
Cancer Drugs
Anti metabolite drugs,
Vinblastine moa se,
Cancer drugs that act in the m ph...
12  cards
Rx_3.3 (HemOnc)
Presentation of multiple myeloma,
Schistosoma mansoni presentation,
Characteristics of babesia microti
22  cards
1st pharyngeal pouch,
Pharyngeal pouch 2 pharyngeal mem...,
Pharyngeal pouch 2 pharyngeal mem...
4  cards
If microscopy in bergers disease,
Bergers extra renal sx dx,
Acting out isolation undoing
19  cards
Characteristics of g6pd,
Hiv w 800 t cells pneumo causativ...,
Mycoplasma pneumo dx
21  cards
How long till continuous infusion...,
Stages of arrest of oocytes,
T 15 17
27  cards
Disorders of Metabolism & Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Fabry disease inheritance deficie...,
Gaucher disease inheritance defic...
10  cards
Blood testing in suscipicion of c...,
Transmural inflammation of arteri...,
Characteristics of polyarteritis ...
34  cards
First Aid Toxin Antidotes
Acetominophen tylenol,
24  cards
First Aid Drug Toxicities & Interactions
Coronary vasospasm,
Cutaneous flushing,
Dilated cardiomyopathy
51  cards
Medications that cause fat redist...,
Thiopental moa use,
Reason for measuring phospholipid...
21  cards
Congenital Metabolic Disorders
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency,
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase...,
Essential fructosuria
22  cards
Antifungal that inhibits fungal c...,
Hba hbf gower,
Phenytoin se toxicity
19  cards
Ulnar n bp derivation,
Csf drainage,
Ethanol during preg
13  cards
Important Oncogenic Mutations
Translocations assoc w hematologi...,
Common proto oncogenes gene product,
Common tumor suppressor genes gen...
4  cards
Mutations associated with alzheim...,
Contraindications for use of ocps,
Gross painless hematuria older ad...
25  cards
Characteristics of mytonic dystrophy,
Beta blocker effects in thyrotoxi...,
Neurophysin characteristics
15  cards
Major virulence factor of s aureus,
Vhl gene locus,
Oncogene loci rb wt 1 nt 1
23  cards
Cells that secrete secretin,
Components of hib vaccine,
Carrier proteins for bacterial ca...
17  cards
First Aid Bug Hints
Pus empyema abscess,
Pediatric infection,
Pneumonia in cystic fibrosis burn...
16  cards
First Aid Parasite Hints
Brain cysts seizures,
Liver cysts,
B12 deficiency
9  cards
First Aid Antibiotics to avoid in Pregnancy
9  cards
Lange: Antibiotics
Ampicillin amoxicillin,
Piperacillin ticarcillin
23  cards
Lange: Antivirals, Antifungals, etc.
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase ...,
Nucleotide reverse transcriptase ...,
Non nucleoside reverse transcript...
26  cards
Most common cause of elevated afp...,
Histo gross path of late stage ty...,
Most important m in performing va...
11  cards
Initial test for hypothyroidism,
Major signal trasnduction systems,
Characteristics of pip3k akt mtor...
23  cards
Pathoma Immunohistochemical Stains
10  cards
Pathoma Carcinogenesis II
Regulatory systems,
Proto oncogenes,
Normal cell cycle
32  cards
Pathoma Carcinogenesis I
Aflatoxins from aspergillus store...,
Alkylating agents
23  cards
Characteristics of restrictive lu...,
Cells contained in tb granulomas,
Structures retroperitoneum
26  cards
Digeorge due to,
Prevention measures for acute org...,
Bio active form of pantothenic acid
32  cards
Mechanism decreased rbf and incre...,
Pathophysiology of narcolepsy,
Positive cyanide nitroprusside ur...
12  cards
Presentation of mlf,
Sertraline moa uses
24  cards
Reason for methodone use,
Gastroenteritis that can transfer...,
Hidgut derivatives blood supply
28  cards
Pulmonary consequences of lhf,
Serum marker of malignant ovarian...,
B hcg is elevated in
26  cards
Hypothalamic Nuclei
Fxn of ventromedial hypothalamic ...,
Fxn of ventromedial hypothalamic ...
9  cards
Calculation of absolute risk percent,
Aging effects on aortic valve,
Glucagon receptor type
32  cards
Horseshoe kidney,
Renal agenesis potter sequence,
Dysplastic kidney
37  cards
Pathoma-Lung Cancer
Lung cancer,
Symptoms of lung cancer,
Small cell carcinoma
9  cards
Pharmacokinetic characteristics o...,
Resistance for circuits in parellel,
Hb actions lungs vs peripheral ti...
35  cards
Characteristics of iga deficiency,
Characteristics of wiskott aldric...
11  cards
Reverse t3 rt3,
Antidote for tca related cardiac ...,
Hctz vs furosemide effect on ca
26  cards
Cardiac consequences of chronic a...,
Characteristics of paget disease ...,
Presentation of hepb
38  cards
Classes of dopamine agonists,
Ccl toxicity,
Primidone moa
26  cards
Anti arrhythmics with use dependence,
Verapamil moa use se,
15  cards

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