victor otc notes

This class was created by Brainscape user Ali Aghaei. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

Childhood Conditions: Colic
Symptoms of childhood colic,
What is the rule of 3 in childhoo...,
Symptoms of colic
10  cards
Childhood Conditions: Cradle Cap
What is cradle cap,
Cradle cap referral,
Otc treatment of cradle cap
4  cards
Childhood Conditions: Meningitis
What is meningitis,
Non specific symptoms of meningitis,
Specific symptoms of meningitis
8  cards
Childhood Conditions: Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Characteristics of measles,
Characteristics of mumps,
Characteristics of rubella
15  cards
Childhood Conditions: Nappy Rash
What are the two types of nappy rash,
What is an irritant nappy rash,
What is an
6  cards
Childhood Conditions: Oral Thrush
What is oral thrush,
Oral thrush referral,
Otc treatment for oral thrush
5  cards
Childhood Conditions: Slapped Cheek
Symptoms of slapped cheek,
What is the most contagious perio...,
Referral criteria of sapped cheek
5  cards
Childhood Conditions: Whooping Cough
Whooping cough initial symptoms,
Whooping cough description,
Whooping cough referrals
5  cards
Childhood Conditions: Chicken Pox
Prodromal symptoms of chicken pox,
When can prodromal symptoms show ...,
Chicken pox presentation
6  cards
Childhood Conditions: Fever in Children
What body temperature is consider...,
Fever symptoms,
Referral in fever
18  cards
Childhood Conditions: Scarlet Fever
What is scarlet fever,
Pre scarlet fever symptoms,
Rash development
6  cards
Childhood Conditions: Impetigo
What is impetigo,
What are the two types of impetigo,
What is bullous impetigo
7  cards
Migraine and Headache
What are the 4 types of headaches,
What is a cluster headache,
What is a sinus headache
11  cards
What is insomnia,
Insomnia referral,
Which medication can cause sleepi...
5  cards
Motion Sickness
What are symptoms of motion sickness,
Motion sickness referral,
2 drugs for motion sickness
10  cards
Bacterial conjunctivitis symptoms,
Viral conjunctivitis symptoms,
Allergic conjunctivitis symptoms
12  cards
Ear Problems
What isotitis media,
What ages are otitis media common...,
What is otitis externa
18  cards
Genito-Urinary Symptom
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia,
Symptoms of,
Referral for
10  cards
When to give orlistat,
When to not give orlistat,
What does orlistat and levothyrox...
15  cards
Symptoms of constipation,
Constipation referrals,
Constipation referrals that can b...
4  cards
What is dyspepsia,
Dyspepsia symptoms,
Dyspepsia referral alarm
22  cards
Symptoms of haemorrhoids,
What are the two types of haemorr...,
Referral for haemorrhoids
9  cards
What is diarrhoea,
Symptoms of diarrhoea,
Referral for diarrhoea
17  cards
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
What is ibs,
Referral for ibs part 1,
Referral for ibs part 2
12  cards
What is scabies,
Scabies referral,
Otc treatment for scabies 2 products
6  cards
Head Lice
What is head lice,
What are the 2 products over the ...,
What are the 2 types of formulati...
5  cards
Threadworm symptoms,
Threadworm referral,
Otc treatment
5  cards
Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcer symptom,
Mouth ulcer referral,
Mouth ulcer referral cancerous sy...
11  cards
Cold and Flu
Cold and flu symptoms,
Flu symptoms,
Referral for cold and flu
21  cards
What is a productive cough,
What is a non productive cough,
Cough referral
15  cards
Hay fever / Allergic Rhinitis
Symptoms of hay fever,
14  cards
Sore Throat
Sore throat symptoms,
Sore throat referral,
Medication adr for sore throat bo...
12  cards
Fungal Infections
What is tinea pedis,
What is tinea capatis,
What is
14  cards
Acne Vulgaris
Symptoms of acne,
Acne referral,
What is acne rosacea
14  cards
Corns and Calluses
Symptoms of corns and calluses,
Usual cause of of corns and calluses,
Corn and callus referral
5  cards
What is eczema,
Where is eczema usually found,
What is the overall umbrella term...
15  cards
Fungal Nail Infection
Fungal nail infection signs,
Fungal nail infection referral cr...,
Otc treatment
7  cards
Plaque psoriasis,
Referral for psoriasis,
Otc treatment
7  cards
Cold Sores
Symptoms of cold sores,
How do cold sore blisters look like,
Cold sore referral
8  cards
Warts and Verrucae
What are warts,
What are verrucae plantar warts,
Referral for warts and verrucae
8  cards
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Emc use,
Emc referral,
Medications that interact with ehc
13  cards
Symptoms of cystitis,
Cystitis referral,
Cystitis referral part 2
12  cards
What is menorrhagia,
2  cards

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victor otc notes

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