vm638: parasitology

This class was created by Brainscape user D. M.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Introduction to Parasites (Exam 1)
Define direct life cycle,
Define indirect life cycle,
Define symbiosis
31  cards
Introduction to Parasite Groups (Exam 1)
Characteristics of nematodes,
Define buccal cavity,
Define bursa
68  cards
Diagnostics (Exam 1)
What are the 3 types of fecal flo...,
What are 5 non flotation fecal di...,
What are 2 heartworm diagnostics
32  cards
Dogs & Cats: Giardia & Cystoisospora spp. (Exam 1)
What parasites are included in gi...,
What is the taxonomy of giardia sp,
What is the geographic distributi...
44  cards
Dogs & Cats: Ancylostoma spp., Uncinaria spp., Toxocara spp., Toxascaris spp., and Trichuris spp. (Exam 1)
Ancylostoma spp and uncinaria spp...,
Ancylostoma spp and uncinaria spp...,
Ancylostoma spp and uncinaria spp...
39  cards
Dogs & Cats: Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Sarcocystis spp., Spirocerca lupi, Physaloptera spp., and Strongyloides stercoralis (Exam 1)
Dipylidium caninum,
Dipylidium caninum distribution,
Dipylidium caninum location in host
56  cards
Dogs & Cats: Dictophyma renale, Dirofilaria immitis, Hepatozoon americanum, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum (Exam 1)
Dictophyma renale taxonomy,
Dictophyma renale distribution,
Dictophyma renale location in host
45  cards
Dogs & Cats: Ticks, Lice (Exam 1)
What tick has 1 long mouth parts ...,
What tick has 1 long mouth parts ...,
What tick has 1 short mouth parts...
30  cards
Important Terms (Exam 1)
Direct life cycle,
Indirect life cycle,
71  cards
Important Photos (Exam 1)
45  cards
0  cards
Dogs & Cats: Mites (Exam 2)
What is the general morphology of...,
What are the general life stages ...,
Is cheyletiella spp burrowing or ...
19  cards
Cattle (Exam 2)
What parasites are considered the...,
What parasites are included under...,
What is the host specificity of c...
78  cards
Sheep & Goats (Exam 2)
What is the taxonomy of fasciola ...,
What is the geographic distributi...,
Where is fasciola hepatica locate...
73  cards
Horses (Exam 2)
What is the taxonomy of equine st...,
What is the geographic distributi...,
Where are equine strongyles locat...
64  cards
Important Photos (Exam 2)
32  cards
0  cards
Pigs (Exam 3)
Taxonomy ascaris suumhostslocatio...,
Diagnostics ascaris suum
44  cards
Ungulates (Exam 3)
Taxonomy eimeria macusaniensishos...,
Morphology eimeria macusaniensis,
Diagnostics eimeria macusaniensis
60  cards
Birds (Exam 3)
Taxonomy ascardia sphostlocation ...,
Morphology ascardia sp,
Lifecycle ascardia sp
58  cards
Wildlife (Exam 3)
Taxonomy baylisascaris procyonish...,
Diagnostics baylisascaris procyonis
23  cards
Paratenic host ascaris suum,
Clinical signs ascaris suum,
Trichinella spiralis dx
82  cards

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vm638: parasitology

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