water and carbon cycles

This class was created by Brainscape user alannah sell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is hydrospheric water,
What percentage of water is store...,
What is atmospheric water
19  cards
What are carbon stores measured in,
What are fluxes in natural systems,
What are processes in natural sys...
18  cards
What is evaporation,
What is evapotranspiration,
What processes does latent heat o...
15  cards
What is sublimation,
What is condensation,
Why does condensation occur
7  cards
What is precipitation,
What are the 3 types of rainfall,
Why does relief rainfall occur
10  cards
Drainage Basins
What is a drainage basin,
What is percolation,
What is infiltration
16  cards
Infiltration and Surface runoff
What factors impact overland flow,
What controls infiltration
11  cards
Throughflow, GWF and Channel flow
What is throughflow,
What does water move through in t...,
What can cause percolines
10  cards
Water Balance
What is the water balance,
What is potential evapotranspiration,
What is soil water
9  cards
What is a river regime,
What is lag time,
What factors affect lag time
15  cards
Changes to the Water Cycle
What are 5 changes to the water c...,
How does deforestation impact the...,
How does large scale deforestatio...
11  cards
Dorset Stour
What 3 counties does the dorset s...,
Where is the source of the dorset...,
Give 2 tributaries of the dorset ...
17  cards
Carbon Stores
What is inorganic carbon,
What are 5 major stores of carbon,
What is organic carbon
23  cards
Geological Cycle
What is sedimentation,
What is fossilisation,
How are the himalayas involved in...
10  cards
Biological Cycle
What is respiration,
What is photosynthesis,
What is carbon taken in by photos...
14  cards
Ocean Pumps
What organisms move carbon from t...,
What are phytoplankton,
Briefly outline the biological oc...
9  cards
Changes to the carbon cycle
What human factors change the car...,
What physical factors impact the ...,
How much
22  cards
The Amazon
What fraction of the world s biom...,
How many trees are in the amazon,
How many countries is the amazon in
30  cards
How does atmospheric carbon impac...,
How is water important to the slo...,
How does hydrosphere water link t...
8  cards

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water and carbon cycles

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