web development

This class was created by Brainscape user Robert Curtis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is the purpose of html attri...,
What are examples of html entitie...,
How do block level elements affec...
18  cards
What css properties make up the b...,
Which css property pushes boxes a...,
What css property adds space betw...
30  cards
What is the purpose of variables,
How do you declare a variable,
How do you initialize assign a va...
61  cards
What is the scope of a variable d...,
Difference between const and let,
Why is it possible to push a new ...
30  cards
26  cards
What does the ajax acronym stand for,
Which object is built into the br...
12  cards
JavaScript 2
What is json javascript object no...,
What are serialization and deseri...,
Why are serialization and deseria...
34  cards
Which document is being referred ...,
What is the word object referring...,
What is a dom tree
47  cards
What kind of handwriting should y...,
How should you manage the space o...,
Should you communicate and make e...
5  cards
Job Interview
Whats your salary expecation,
Lateral growth good or bad,
Define confidence in relation to ...
6  cards
What is a client,
What is a server,
Http method when you visit a url
21  cards
What is postgresql,
What is one way to see if postgre...,
What is a database schema
27  cards
What is react,
What is a react element,
How do you mount a react element ...
30  cards
data structures
Tell me about stacks,
How can you use a stack to solve ...,
Tell me about queues
4  cards
closures, recursion, axios
What must the return value of myf...,
In javascript when is a function ...,
What allows javascript functions ...
5  cards

More about
web development

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