Wheelock's Latin Translation

This class was created by Brainscape user William Turpin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (75)

Chapter 1. Latin to English; English to Latin
1 labor me vocat 1,
2 mone me si erro amabo te 2,
3 festina lente 3
66  cards
Chapter 2a. Latin to English
1 save o patria 1,
2 fama et sententia volant 2,
3 da veniam puellae amabo te 3
39  cards
Chapter 2b. English to Latin
1 greetings native land 1,
2 reputation and opinion fly 2,
3 grant pardon to the girl please 3
39  cards
Chapter 3a. Latin to English
1 filium nautae romani in agris v...,
2 pueri puellas hodie vocant 2,
3 sapientiam amicarum tuarum o fi...
31  cards
Chapter 3b. English to Latin
1 we see the son of the roman sai...,
2 the boys are calling to the gir...,
3 he she it always praises the wi...
31  cards
Chapter 4a. Latin to English
1 otium est bonum sed otium multo...,
2 bella sunt mala et multa pericu...,
3 officium nautam de otio hodie v...
45  cards
Chapter 4b. English to Latin
1 leisure is good but many people...,
2 wars are evil and hold many dan...,
3 duty calls the sailor from leis...
45  cards
Chapter 5a. Latin to English
1 officium liberos viros semper v...,
2 habebimusne multos viros et fem...,
3 pericula belli non sunt parva s...
45  cards
Chapter 5b. English to Latin
1 duty was always calling on free...,
2 will we have many men and women...,
3 the dangers of wall are not sma...
37  cards
Chapter 6a. Latin to English
1a oculi nostri non valebant 1,
1b quare agros bellos videre non ...,
2a sine multa pecunia et multis d...
41  cards
Chapter 6b. English to Latin
1a our eyes were not strong 1,
Therefore we could not see the be...,
2a without a lot of money and man...
34  cards
Chapter 7a. Latin to English
1a secundas litteras discipulae h...,
1b et de verbis tum cogitabas 2,
2 feminae sine mora civitatem de ...
42  cards
Chapter 7b. English to Latin
1a you saw imperf the student s f...,
1b and then you were thinking abo...,
2 without delay the women will wa...
42  cards
Chapter 8a. Latin to English
1 tempora nostra nunc sunt mala v...,
2a quare soror mea uxori tuae lit...,
2b quare soror mea uxori tuae lit...
44  cards
Chapter 8b. English to Latin
1 our times now are evil our faul...,
2a why is my sister writing a let...,
2b why will by sister write a let...
44  cards
Chapter 9a. Latin to English
1 hic totus liber multos locos li...,
2 hi igitur illis deabus heri gra...,
3a illud de vitiis istius reginae...
37  cards
Chapter 9b. English to Latin
1 this whole book praises many pa...,
2 these men people therefore were...,
3a i will now write that thing ab...
33  cards
Chapter 10a. Latin to English
1 quid discipulae hodie discere d...,
2 fratres nihil cum ratione heri ...,
3 ille magnam virtutem laboris et...
41  cards
Wheelock 10b. English to Latin
1 what should the students female...,
2 the brothers were accomplishing...,
3 that man often dares to teach t...
41  cards
Chapter 11a. Latin to English
1 eum ad eam cum alio agricola he...,
2 tu autem filiam beatam eius nun...,
3a propter amicitiam ego hoc facio 3
48  cards
Chapter 11b. English to Latin
1 they were sending him with anot...,
2 you sg however now love his her...,
3a on account of friendship i do ...
48  cards
Chapter 12a. Latin to English
1 vos nobis de voluptatibus adule...,
2 rationes alterius filiae heri n...,
3 nemo in hanc viam ex utra porta...
48  cards
Chapter 12b. English to Latin
1 you pl will have written to us ...,
2 the considerations of the other...,
3 no one had escaped into this ro...
40  cards
Chapter 13a. Latin to English
1 consules se nec tecum nec cum i...,
2 totus populus romanus libertate...,
3 rex malus enim me ipsum capere ...
46  cards
Chapter 13b. English to Latin
1 the consuls were joining themse...,
2 the whole roman people lost its...,
3 for the evil king was never abl...
46  cards
Chapter 14a. Latin to English
1 magnam partem illarum urbium po...,
2 ante caesaris ipsius oculos tra...,
3 nemo vitia sua videt sed quisqu...
45  cards
Chapter 14b. English to Latin
1 he was taking a great portion o...,
2 before the eyes of caesar himse...,
3 no one sees his her own faults ...
37  cards
Chapter 15a. Latin to English
1 illae quinque feminae inter ea ...,
2a duo ex filiis a porta per agro...,
2b et in aquam ceciderunt 3
47  cards
Chapter 15b. English to Latin
1 those five women were not afrai...,
2 two of the sons daughters were ...,
2b and they fell in the water 3
47  cards
Chapter 16a. Latin to English
1 fortes viri et feminae ante aet...,
2 eos centum senes miseros ab ita...,
3a illi duo viri omnes cupiditate...
58  cards
Chapter 16b. English to Latin
1 strong men and women were livin...,
2 yesterday he was sending those ...,
3a those two men expelled all the...
50  cards
Chapter 17a. Latin to English
1a potens quoque est vis artium 1,
1b quae nos semper alunt 2,
2 miseros homines autem secum iun...
47  cards
Chapter 17b. English to Latin
1a powerful too is the force of t...,
1b which ie the arts always susta...,
2 they had begun however to join ...
45  cards
Chapter 18a. Latin to English
1 multi morte etiam facili nimis ...,
2 beata memoria amicitiarum dulci...,
3a illa femina caeca omnia genera...
49  cards
Chapter 18b. English to Latin
1 many people are too frightened ...,
2 the happy memory of sweet frien...,
3a that blind women also understo...
49  cards
Chapter 19a. Latin to English
1 quis libertatem eorum eo tempor...,
2 cuius libertas ab isto auctore ...,
3 quos libros bonos poeta caecus ...
55  cards
Chapter 19b. English to Latin
1 who started to destroy their ma...,
2 whose sg freedom was next destr...,
3 what good books did the blind p...
35  cards
Chapter 20a. Latin to English
1 etiam senes fructibus sapientia...,
2 aut ingentes montes aut flumina...,
3 quoniam nimis fortia facta faci...
48  cards
Chapter 20b. English to Latin
1 even old men often seem to lack...,
2 either the huge mountains or th...,
3 because he was doing excessivel...
48  cards
Chapter 21a. Latin to English
1 laus autem nimis saepe est nequ...,
2 senes in gente nostra ab filiis...,
3a quis tum iussus erat graeciam ...
54  cards
Chapter 21b. English to Latin
1 praise however too often is nei...,
2 the old men in our tribe were n...,
3a who sg had been ordered then t...
54  cards
Chapter 22a. Latin to English
1a vicini nostri se in genua prot...,
1b et omnes deos in mundo laudave...,
2 gentes graeciae ingentibus mont...
64  cards
Latin 22b. English to Latin
1a vicini nostri se in genua prot...,
1b et omnes deos in mundo laudave...,
2 gentes graeciae ingentibus mont...
64  cards
Chapter 23a. Latin to English
1 aliquid numquam ante auditum in...,
2 illum oratorum in medio senatu ...,
3 certi fructus pacis ab territo ...
53  cards
Chapter 23b. English to Latin
1 i perceive something never prev...,
2 you pl have not assisted that o...,
3 the sure fruits of peace were d...
53  cards
Chapter 24a. Latin to English
1a igne viso 1,
1b omnes viri et uxores territi s...,
1c et ultra urbem ad litus insula...
65  cards
Chapter 24b. English to Latin
1a with the fire having been seen 1,
1b all the men and their wives we...,
1c and they sailed beyond the cit...
65  cards
Chapter 25a. Latin to English
1 quisque inquit semper putat sua...,
2 postea audivimus servos donorum...,
2b ut milites fideles heri narrav...
63  cards
Chapter 25b. English to Latin
1 each person he she says always ...,
2 afterwards we heard that the sl...,
2b as the faithful soldiers had r...
63  cards
Chapter 26a. Latin to English
1 ille dux nescivit consilium nun...,
1b et se imperium protinus suscep...,
2 quidam inquit imperium quondam ...
65  cards
Chapter 26b. English to Latin
1 ille dux nescivit consilium nun...,
1b et se imperium protinus suscep...,
2 quidam inquit imperium quondam ...
65  cards
Chapter 27a Latin to English
1 quisque cupit quam pulcherrima ...,
2 quidam turpes habent plurima 2,
2b sed etiam plura petunt 3
72  cards
Chapter 27b English to Latin
1 each person wants to give the m...,
2 some base people have very many...,
2b but they seek even more 3
59  cards
Chapter 28a Latin to English
1 auctor sapiens et diligens turp...,
2 itaque pro patria etiam maiora ...,
3 nepos tuus a mensa discedat ne ...
59  cards
Chapter 28b. English to Latin
1 let the wise and diligent autho...,
2 and so for our country let us n...,
3 let your grandson go away from ...
52  cards
Chapter 29a. Latin to English
1 princeps arma meliora in manibu...,
2 hostes quidem negaverunt se arm...,
3 pars militum lucem diei vitavit...
59  cards
Chapter 29b. English to Latin
1 the chief placed better weapons...,
2 the enemy indeed denied that th...,
3 a portion of the soldiers avoid...
55  cards
Chapter 30a. Latin to English
1 rogavit ubi illae duae discipul...,
2 videbit quanta fuerit vis illor...,
3 has insidias repente exposuit n...
60  cards
Chapter 30b. English to Latin
1 he she asked where those two wo...,
2 he she will see how great was t...,
3 he suddenly exposed these plots...
50  cards
Chapter 31a Latin to English
1 iam vero cognovimus istas mente...,
2 ne natae geminae discant verba ...,
3 cum hi decem viri digni ex moen...
108  cards
Chapter 31b English to Latin
1 now truly we know that those dr...,
2 let the twin daughters not lear...,
3 when these ten worthy men had g...
34  cards
Chapter 32a Latin to English
1 primo illi tres ridiculi ne med...,
2 maxime rogavimus quantum auxili...,
3 denique armis collatis imperato...
52  cards
Chapter 32b English to Latin
1 at first those three jokers wer...,
2 we asked very much how much ass...,
3 finally after the weapons had b...
48  cards
Chapter 33a Latin to English
1 dummodo exercitus opem mox fera...,
2 cum consilia hostium ab initio ...,
3 si divitiae et invidia nos ab a...
54  cards
Chapter 33b English to Latin
1 as long as the army brings help...,
2 although you sg knew lit had kn...,
3 if riches and envy continually ...
35  cards
Chapter 34a Latin to English
1 nisi quis plebi opem celeriter ...,
2 cum urbs plena custodiarum esse...,
3 dic nunc cur velis te ad istam ...
57  cards
Chapter 34b. English to Latin
1 unless someone brings help to t...,
2 since the city was full of guar...,
3 say now why you sg want to beta...
42  cards
Chapter 35a Latin to English
1 minerva filia iovis nata est pl...,
2 custodiae si cum duce nostro li...,
3 parere legibus aequis melius es...
58  cards
Chapter 35b English to Latin
1 minerva the daughter of jupiter...,
2 the guards should they speak fr...,
3 it is better to obey fair laws ...
44  cards
Chapter 36a Latin to English
1 poterasne etiam centum viris pe...,
2 haec femina vult ex urbe egredi...,
3 petebant a nobis ut etiam in ad...
59  cards
Chapter 36b English to Latin
1 were you sg able to persuade a ...,
2 this woman want to go out from ...,
3 they asked use peto us to obey ...
50  cards
Chapter 37a Latin to English
1 dehinc petet a fratre meo et so...,
2 nisi domum hac aestate redisses...,
3 ne leves quidem timores ferre p...
70  cards
Chapter 37b English to Latin
1 then he begs my brother and sis...,
2 if you sg had not returned home...,
3 you pl were not able to bear ev...
41  cards
Chapter 38a Latin to English
1 regi persusasi ut sorori fratri...,
2 deinde ab ea insula nave profec...,
3 eum hortati sumus ut ad caesare...
56  cards
Chapter 38b English to Latin
0  cards

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Wheelock's Latin Translation

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