This class was created by Brainscape user Amelie Avenido. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (109)

1 Initial Approach to the Patient: History and Physical Examination
Used to establish semiquantitativ...,
In patients with fever of unknown...,
A prolonged cyclic fever first as...
27  cards
2 Examination of Blood and Marrow Cells
Red cell parameters that are dire...,
Red cell parameters that are deri...,
Formula for hematocrit 3
87  cards
3 Consultative Hematology
The most common type of anemia in...,
The most common type of anemia in...,
The most common source of occult ...
78  cards
4 Structure of the Marrow and the Hematopoietic Microenvironment
The most primitive pool consists ...,
The earliest hematopoietic cells ...,
Most primitive blood cells produc...
50  cards
5 The Organization and Structure of Lymphoid Tissues
Site for development of thymic de...,
The thymus is located in the ____...,
The thymus receives its blood sup...
57  cards
6 Hematology of the Fetus and the Newborn
The appearance of primitive eryth...,
Primitive erythroblasts have extr...,
In humans primitive erythroblasts...
61  cards
7 Hematology During Pregnancy
Maternal blood volume increases b...,
Plasma volume begins to rise earl...,
Erythropoietin levels increase th...
70  cards
8 Hematology in Older Persons
Genetically determined syndromes ...,
Single gene mutation in werner sy...,
A mutation in the lamin a lmna ge...
34  cards
28 Pharmacology and Toxicity of Antineoplastic Drugs
For bilirubin 15 mg dl reduce ini...,
For bilirubin 30 mg dl reduce ini...,
True or false individual agents i...
112  cards
30 Therapeutic Apheresis: Indications, Efficacy and Complications
Category i 1,
Category ii 2,
Category iii 3
41  cards
31 Treatment of Infections in the Immunocompromised Host
Currently a little more than half...,
Of gram positive pathogens ______...,
Bacteria increasing in frequency ...
58  cards
32 Antithrombotic Therapy
The most common adverse effect of...,
Decrease fibrin formation by inhi...,
Inhibit platelet function 3
113  cards
33 Structure and Composition of the Erythrocyte
The erythroid progenitors 1,
The first morphologically recogni...,
Two forms of erythroid differenti...
42  cards
34 Erythropoiesis and Red Cell Turnover
Extramedullary hematopoiesis duri...,
During fetal life epo production ...,
Hypotheses regarding commitment a...
30  cards
35 Clinical Manifestations and Classification of Erythrocyte Disorders
In an average person the red cell...,
The oxygen carrying capacity of n...,
Its actions include respiratory c...
32  cards
36 Aplastic Anemia: Acquired and Inherited
The diagnosis of aplastic anemia ...,
Degree of severity of acquired ap...,
The highest frequency of aplastic...
85  cards
37 Pure Red Cell Aplasia
The diagnosis applied to isolated...,
Cardinal findings of pure red cel...,
Constitutional prca a disease of ...
34  cards
38 Anemia of Chronic Disease
Term more reflective of the patho...,
A condition that presents similar...,
An anemia similar to ai is seen i...
41  cards
39 Erythropoietic Effects if Endocrine Disorders
Anemia is a well recognized compl...,
A normocytic normochromic anemia ...,
Both tr and tr proteins are expre...
21  cards
40 Hereditary Dyserthropoietic Anemias
A heterogeneous group of disorder...,
The only cda that is autosomal 2,
Gene involved cda i cda ii cda iii 3
9  cards
41 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Pnh arises from clonal expansion ...,
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinur...,
The clinical manifestations of pn...
57  cards
42 Folate, Cobalamin and Megaloblastic Anemias
To form a functional compound fol...,
Enzyme that catalyzes both fa fh2...,
Stable form of folic acid and the...
167  cards
43 Iron Metabolism
Hemoglobin storage iron ferritin ...,
Hemoglobin which is ____ iron by ...,
One milliliter of packed erythroc...
52  cards
44 Iron Deficiency and Overload
The earliest stage of iron defici...,
Characterized by absent storage i...,
Most advanced stage of iron defic...
129  cards
45 Anemia Resulting from other Nutritional Deficiencies
Chronic deprivation of vitamin a ...,
Patients receiving therapy with t...,
Pyridoxine deficiency has been re...
36  cards
46 Anemia associated with Marrow Infiltration
Refers to anemia resulting from t...,
Referred to as findings accompani...,
Invasion is the primary process o...
13  cards
47 Erythrocyte Membrane Disorders
The lipid bilayer comprises appro...,
Mature erythrocytes are unable to...,
Lt regulates the fluidity of the ...
159  cards
48 Erythrocyte Enzyme Disorder
Two principal types of hemolysis 1,
The normal energy source of the r...,
Glucose is metabolized by the ery...
29  cards
49 Thalassemia
Thalassemia was initially called 1,
The thalassemia results from muta...,
The majority of qualitative mutat...
96  cards
50 Disorders of Hemoglobin Structure: Sickle Cell Anemia and Related Abnormalities
The iron containing oxygen transp...,
Accounts for about 2 of the hb of...,
The prosthetic group of hb 3
148  cards
51 Methemoglobinemia and Other Dyshemoglobinemias
Baseline level of methemoglobin 1,
Cyanosis is seen when total methe...,
A patient with cyanosis whose art...
27  cards
52 Fragmentation Hemolytic Anemia
Two thirds of hellp patients are ...,
Risk factors for hellp syndrome 2,
In a preeclamptic pregnancy the s...
30  cards
53 Erythrocyte Disorders as a result of toxic agents
A phenomenon of rapid hemolysis o...,
Damage from oxidation 2,
It is estimated that ____ of tota...
18  cards
54 Hemolytic Anemia resulting from Infections with Miroorganisms
Direct invasion of or injury 1,
Elaboration of hemolytic toxins 2,
The world s most common cause of ...
47  cards
55 Hemolytic Anemia resulting from Immune Injury
The two main features of immune r...,
Most cases in adults are mediated...,
Sera of some patients with hemoly...
106  cards
56 Alloimmune Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn
Manifestations of alloimmune hemo...,
Approximately 15 of ____________d...,
The ________ phenotype is found i...
51  cards
57 Hypersplenism and Hyposplenism
Defined as blood cytopenias in th...,
The blood cytopenias are generall...,
The embryonic spleen appears in t...
56  cards
58 Primary and Secondary Erythrocytosis/Polycythemia
Primary polycythemic disorders th...,
Refers to those conditions in whi...,
Secondary erythrocytosis appropri...
73  cards
59 Porphyria
Inherited or acquired disorders d...,
The two organs most active in hem...,
The only sex linked recessive por...
29  cards
60 Hereditary and Acquired Sideroblastic Anemias
Normal red cell precursors have c...,
These aggregates may be below the...,
Pathologic sideroblasts are of tw...
14  cards
62 Classification and Clinical Manifestation of Neutrophil Disorders
Three childhood syndromes that ar...,
Mutation found in 70 of cases of ...,
The autosomal recessive form of s...
22  cards
63 Neutropenia and Neutrophilia
Neutropenia refers to an absolute...,
Agranulocytosis indicate severe n...,
For children from 1 month to 10 y...
62  cards
64 Disorders of Neutrophil Function
Part of a neutrophil used in loco...,
A pivotal mediator of actin dynam...,
An actin monomer binding protein ...
169  cards
65 Eosinophils and Their Disorders
Most specific eosinophilopoietic ...,
Eosinophils persist in the circul...,
Granular proteins uniquely expres...
66  cards
66 Basophils and Mast Cells and Their Disorders
Mast cells and basophils express ...,
The most common form of mastocyto...,
Most adult patients with mastocyt...
55  cards
67 Structures, Receptors and Functions of Monocytes and Macrophages
The major lineage regulator of ne...,
The functions of mononuclear phag...,
In the presence of endothelial ce...
70  cards
69 Classification and Clinical Manifestations of Disorders of Monocytes and Macrophages
True or false the terms histiocyt...,
Subsets of cells in the blood mon...,
Notable examples of disorders acc...
21  cards
70 Monocytosis and Monocytopenia
Monocyte that highly phagocytic a...,
Marker of classical monocytes 2,
Chemokine receptor of classical m...
36  cards
71 Inflammatory and Malignant Histiocytosis
Archaic term for tissue macrophag...,
Dendritic cell related histocytic...,
Macrophage related histiocytic di...
107  cards
72 Gaucher Disease and Related Lysosomal Storage Disease
Result of a hereditary mutation i...,
Among those of ashkenazi jewish o...,
The second most common mutation i...
19  cards
73 The Structure of Lymphocytes and Plasma Cells
3 major blood lymphocyte function...,
Usual diameter of lymphoctes 2,
Mean absolute number of circulati...
49  cards
77 Classification and Clinical Manifestations of Lymphocyte and Plasma
Three major groups of lymphocyte ...,
Delayed hypersensitivity normally...,
A deficit or functional disturban...
8  cards
78 Lymphocytosis and Lymphocytopenia
Lymphocytosis is defined as an ab...,
True or false the normal absolute...,
Blood film association 3
53  cards
80 Hematologic Manifestations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Hiv 1 the virus that causes aids ...,
Hiv 1 actually comprises four dis...,
The viral type responsible for th...
82  cards
82 Classification and Clinical Manifestations of the Clonal Myeloid Disorders
Refers to the relationship of the...,
Preclinical and minimally deviate...,
Moderate deviation neoplasms no i...
98  cards
83 Polycythemia Vera
The term denoting an increased am...,
In polycythemia vera there is mor...,
A characteristic feature of pv on...
90  cards
84 Essential Thrombocythemia
The annual incidence of et is app...,
Mutation present in the majority ...,
A jak2v617f mutation is found in ...
44  cards
85 Primary Myelofibrosis
The the fibrosis in pmf is second...,
The only cancer in the medical le...,
Central pathologic change in pmf 3
133  cards
86 Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Most common blood abnormality in ...,
Refers to the abnormal morphology...,
Mds can be diagnosed without dysp...
107  cards
87 Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
4 environmental factors are estab...,
An endogenous factor that increas...,
The most compelling data indicate...
226  cards
88 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia and Related Disorders
The translocation between chromos...,
The breaks at chromosomes 9 and 2...,
What are environmental leukemogen...
122  cards
90 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Most cases of all occur in childr...,
Heritable cancer predisposition s...,
Approximately 61 of patients with...
79  cards
91 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
The diagnosis of cll requires the...,
The american cancer society estim...,
The interlymph study identified m...
97  cards
92 Hairy Cell Leukemia
The distinctive feature of hairy ...,
Three separate malignancies were ...,
Hcl is a rare chronic b cell lymp...
36  cards
93 Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia
The presence of interstitial and ...,
Large granular lymphocytic lgl le...,
A common clinical feature of lgl ...
18  cards
94 General Considerations of Lymphomas: Incidence Rates, Etiology, Diagnosis, Staging, and Primary Extranodal Disease
Lymphoma is more common in men wo...,
The highest reported incidence ra...,
Incidence of different subtypes o...
88  cards
95 Pathology of Lymphomas
Four main groups of lymphoid mali...,
The cornerstone of lymphoma diagn...,
Are neoplasms of precursor lympho...
69  cards
96 Hodgkin Lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma is derived from 1,
Defined by the presence of malign...,
Characterized by malignant lympho...
89  cards
97 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma and Related Diseases
Histological description of dlbcl 1,
Diffuse large cell lymphomas is a...,
Most common dlbcl subtype 3
82  cards
98 Follicular Lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma fl is an indo...,
The most often cause of patients ...,
Median age at diagnosis 3
47  cards
99 Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Other names for mantle cell lymph...,
Morphologic description of mcl 2,
A leukemic non nodal variant rese...
26  cards
100 Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphomas
Most frequently involved anatomic...,
Three distinct subtypes of mzl 2,
In adults mzls account for approx...
61  cards
101 Burkitt Lymphoma
Three distinct forms of burkitt l...,
The most common pediatric tumor i...,
Bl found to occur in older indivi...
37  cards
102 Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome)
The skin manifestations of mf are...,
Lesions usually are associated wi...,
Stopping skin directed therapies ...
64  cards
103 Mature T-Cell and Natural Killer Cell Lymphomas
Whereas b cell lymphomas are ofte...,
Serologic testing for this virus ...,
Prognostic index for t cell lymph...
74  cards
104 Plasma Cell Neoplasms: General Considerations
Characterized by the same primary...,
Nonmodifiable major risk factors ...,
Nearly 50 of patients with mgus h...
60  cards
105 Essential Monoclonal Gammopathy
Two important characteristics of ...,
Monoclonal gammopathy can occur a...,
_________________ monoclonal gamm...
36  cards
106 Myeloma
Represents the second most common...,
Mgus is an asymptomatic condition...,
Lifestyle and occupational factor...
166  cards
107 Immunoglobulin Light Chain Amyloidosis
Common to all forms of amyloidosi...,
Amyloid deposits are always intra...,
Inherited forms of amyloidosis ar...
69  cards
108: Macroglobulinemia
A lymphoid neoplasm resulting fro...,
Lymphocytosis in wm is uncommon 2,
Immunophenotypic profile of wm ly...
68  cards
109 Heavy Chain Disease
Neoplastic disorders of b cells t...,
Hcd involves synthesis of defecti...,
The diagnosis is established from 3
11  cards
110 Megakaryopoiesis and Thrombopoiesis
The circulatory lifespan of a pla...,
Approximate number of megakaryocy...,
The transit time from megakaryocy...
10  cards
115 Classification, Clinical Manifestations, and Evaluation of Disorders of Hemostasis
The most frequent acquired disord...,
If hypersplenism is the sole caus...,
Unprovoked hemarthroses and muscl...
61  cards
116 Thrombocytopenia
One third of the platelets are st...,
Platelets have a mean lifespan in...,
Every day approximately _______ o...
160  cards
117 Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
A complication of heparin therapy...,
Types of hit 2,
Heparin is bound to this platelet...
49  cards
118 Hereditary and Reactive Thrombocytosis
The causes of thrombocytosis in w...,
The ligand for the megakaryocytic...,
Produces approximately half of al...
12  cards
119 Inherited Platelet Disorders
Caused by abnormalities in either...,
Loss of the platelet gpib ix v co...,
Glanzmann thrombasthenia gt class...
28  cards
120 Acquired Qualitative Platelet Disorders
Hematologic disorders associated ...,
Systemic disorders associated wit...,
Irreversibly inactivates the enzy...
66  cards
121 The Vascular Purpuras
Visible hemorrhage into mucous me...,
Blanching is commonly tested by c...,
Lesions that mimic purpura with i...
60  cards
122 Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B
Mode of inheritance of hemophilia 1,
In patients with hemophilia clot ...,
Hemophilia a results when mutatio...
99  cards
123 Inherited Deficiencies of Coagulation Factors II, V, V+VIII, VII, X, XI, and XIII
Factor ____ and factor ____ defic...,
The rarest rare blood disorders a...,
Are the most frequent gene abnorm...
17  cards
124 Hereditary Fibrinogen Abnormalities
Normal fibrinogen levels range fr...,
In afibrinogenemia the fibrinogen...,
Affect the quantity of fibrinogen...
16  cards
125 Von Willebrand Disease
Associated with undetectable leve...,
Partial quantitative vwf deficien...,
Characterized by qualitative abno...
55  cards
126 Antibody-Mediated Coagulation Factor Deficiencies
The most commonly targeted coagul...,
Factor viii inhibitors in congeni...,
Causes of acquired hemophilia a 3
21  cards
127 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
The organs most frequently involv...,
The most important mediators resp...,
The most important interface in w...
78  cards
128 Thrombotic Microangiopathies
Refers to thrombotic microangiopa...,
Ttp is associated with autoantibo...,
Ttp is caused by unregulated vwf ...
83  cards
129 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Other names for shiga toxin produ...,
Two types of shiga toxin in stec 2,
The pentameric b subunit responsi...
29  cards
130 Hemostatic Alterations in Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation
Liver parenchymal cells are the s...,
More than 75 of patients with chr...,
Vwf antigen levels are strongly e...
20  cards
130 Hemostatic Alterations in Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation
Liver parenchymal cells are the s...,
Factors that cause thrombocytopen...,
Vwf antigen levels are strongly _...
19  cards
131 Hereditary Thrombophilia
Examples of acquired thrombophilia 1,
Hereditary thrombophilia has mean...,
Hereditary thrombophilia is a maj...
41  cards
132 The Antiphospholipid Syndrome
A disorder in which vascular thro...,
Percentage with venous thrombosis 2,
Percentage with three unexplained...
80  cards
133 Venous Thrombosis
Venous thrombosis of superficial ...,
Thrombosis involving the deep vei...,
Pulmonary emboli originate from t...
96  cards
134 Atherothrombosis: Disease Initiation, Progression, and Treatment
Major atherosclerotic cvd risk fa...,
Established risk factors that can...,
Endothelial antithrombotic proper...
9  cards
135 Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis
Plasminogen is synthesized primar...,
Endogenous plasminogen activator 2,
Represent the major intravascular...
57  cards
136 Erythrocyte Antigens and Antibodies
Most of the protein blood group a...,
Chromosome location of abo blood ...,
Blood group system decreased plas...
101  cards
137 Human Leukocyte and Platelet Antigens
The human leukocyte antigens hlas...,
Their biologic function of human ...,
Class i hlas 3
60  cards
138 Blood Procurement and Red Cell Transfusion
Used for anticoagulation of blood...,
Blood donors are more likely than...,
The additive solutions enable sto...
93  cards
139 Preservation and Clinical use of Platelets
Platelets circulate for a shorter...,
Daily requirement of platelets to...,
The two mechanisms by which plate...
46  cards
140 Using Plasma and Plasma Component Therapy
Types of plasma products 1,
Ways of plasma collection 2,
To prepare frozen plasma for tran...
32  cards

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