y3 - endocrine and metabolic

This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Millar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Diabetic ketoacidosis
What is the definition of diabeti...,
What are the 3 criteria that need...,
Does it usually occur in type 1 o...
33  cards
Diabetes Type 1
Define diabetes mellitus type 1,
How is type1diabetes characterised,
What percent does type 1 diabetes...
45  cards
Diabetes Type 2
What is type 2 diabetes,
Give 6 risk factors for t2 diabetes,
Give 8 presentations associated w...
43  cards
What are autonomic features of hy...,
What are neurological features of...,
What are other symptoms of hypogl...
12  cards
Cushings syndrome
What is cushings s syndrome,
What regulates glucocorticoid pro...,
What is the pathophysiology of cu...
53  cards
What is hypothyroidism,
What is primary hypothyroidism,
Are the tsh levels high or low in...
53  cards
Give the equation for bmi,
What bmi is considered underweight,
What is the normal bmi range
13  cards
What is thyroitoxicosis,
What is the prevalence of thyroto...,
What is the most common cause of ...
44  cards
Diabetic Neuropathy
What is diabetic neuropathy,
When does diabetic neuropathy ten...,
What is the first sign of diabeti...
25  cards
Thyroid eye disease
What is thyroid eye disease,
Who does thyroid eye disease occu...,
What is the pathophysiology of th...
21  cards
Thyroid nodules
What is the thyroid s function,
What are the thyroid hormones use...,
Give 6 types of thyroid nodules
28  cards
Diabetic eye disease
How does diabetes affect the eyes,
What is diabetic retinopathy,
What is the aetiology behind diab...
39  cards
Addison's disease
What is addison s disease,
What are the two types of adrenal...,
What is primary hypoadrenalism
44  cards
Diabetic nephropathy
What is diabetic nephropathy,
What is nephropathy,
What is the leading cause of end ...
21  cards
What is hyperlipidaemia,
What is dyslipidaemia,
What is mixed dyslipidaemia
29  cards
What is hyperparathyroidism,
Where is the parathyroid gland,
What is the role of parathyroid g...
27  cards
What is hypoparathyroidism,
Give 5 causes of hypoparathyroidism,
What are the risk factors for sev...
10  cards
What is osteoporosis,
What is osteopenia,
What measurement is used to diagn...
45  cards
What is osteomalacia,
What is rickets,
What is the epidemiology
31  cards
Pituitary tumours
What hypothalamus hormone stimula...,
What hypothalamus hormone stimula...,
3  cards

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y3 - endocrine and metabolic

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