y4 reproductive health

This class was created by Brainscape user Grace O’Brien. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Obstetrics Passmed 1
Give some of the key causes of ab...,
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy,
How can an ectopic pregnancy present
95  cards
Obstetrics Passmed 2
How can perineal tears be classified,
Risk factors for perineal tears,
What is placenta accreta risk fac...
85  cards
Gynae Passmed 1
What is adenomyosis,
Give some risk factors for adenom...,
How should adenomyosis be investi...
94  cards
Gynae Passmed 2
What are the 3 main categories of...,
What is the main goal of ovulatio...,
What is the first line mx for pat...
73  cards
STI and BBV Passmed
Gonorrhoea is caused by the gram ...,
What is the major systemic compli...,
How is gonorrhea treated
51  cards
Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
What laboratory findings are norm...,
What changes to the cardiovascula...,
What changes to the respiratory s...
7  cards
Antenatal Advice
Guidance for taking nutritional s...,
Advice for smoking cessation in p...,
General diet advice for pregnancy
8  cards
Interpreting CTG
What is ctg,
What is the structure for interpr...,
How should you assess contraction...
18  cards
Teach Me ObGyn
When is a baby defined as small f...,
What is fetal growth restriction,
What is classed as a low birth we...
53  cards
Reproductive Health Workbook 1
How could you establish the impac...,
What questions would you ask in a...,
What examinations could you do fo...
88  cards
Reproductive Health Workbook 2
Describe the physiology of breast...,
What are the components of breast...,
What support is available for wom...
57  cards
Reproductive Health Tutorials
Define partner notification,
What is the value of contact slip...,
Give infective causes of genital ...
45  cards
Reproductive Health SAQs and SBAs
A 21 year old nulliparous woman h...,
What is the number one cause of e...,
The patient undergoes surgery for...
62  cards
OSCE Content
What are the key points of a mens...,
What are the key points of a cont...,
What are the key points of an obs...
10  cards

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y4 reproductive health

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