This class was created by Brainscape user Nellie O'Leary. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (139)

Support & Movement 1: Brachial Plexus Nerves & What They Innervate
Suprascapular nerve,
Subscapular nerve,
Musculocutaneous nerve
14  cards
TPR for Hippiatrika (Cat, Dog, Horse, Cow, Camelid)
5  cards
Luteal vs. Non-Luteal Dependent Species
Luteal dependent,
Non luteal dependent
2  cards
Reproduction and Development I: CL Lifespan and Placental Progestogen
Cow cl lifespan placental progest...,
Bitch cl lifespan placental proge...,
8  cards
Reproduction & Development I: Placenta Types by Species
4  cards
Reproduction & Development I: Placenta Layers by Species
3  cards
Reproduction & Development I: Type of Placenta Loss by Species
2  cards
Defense & Barriers 1: Cytokines
Il 1beta alpha,
Il 2,
Il 4
16  cards
Digestion & Metabolism I: Gastric Drugs
Sucralfate sucramal,
Famotidine pepcid,
Omeprazole prilosec
11  cards
Digestion & Metabolism I: Microminerals
Metabolic regulation,
Enzyme function,
3  cards
Digestion & Metabolism I: Small Animal Micronutrients
Ultra trace elements their range ...,
Vitamin k,
Thiamin list alternate name
14  cards
Digestion & Metabolism I: Small Animal Nutrient Values
Dog protein,
Dog fat,
Cat protein
4  cards
Cranial Nerves
13  cards
Effect of Lesions
Cervical spinal cord,
C6 t2,
T3 l3
6  cards
Oil and Blood Gas Partition Coefficients
Sevoflurane major
4  cards
FTK 3: Round Cell Tumors
5 types of round cell tumors star...,
Histiocytic round cell tumor,
Lymphocytic tumor
6  cards
FTK 3: Basic Cancer Terms
Neoplasia neoplasm,
6  cards
FTK 3: Amyloid
Light chain amyloid,
4 characteristics of amyloid
5  cards
FTK 3: Clin Path S1
Immature lymphocytes compared to ...
65  cards
Circ & Resp 2: Clin Path S1
After trauma how long does it tak...,
3 things seen with acute blood lo...,
Cbc findings for acute blood loss...
197  cards
Circ & Resp 2: Lungworm Species & Life Cycles
Metastrongylus spp,
Filaroides spp,
Crenosoma vulpis
9  cards
Support & Movement 2: Clin Path S1
Fip differentials,
Differentials for hypercalcemia 7,
Differentials for hypoglycemia 4
35  cards
FTK 4: Large Animal Anesthesia
Premedication options for horses 3,
Acepromazine in horsesgoal admini...,
Alpha 2 agonists in horses
52  cards
FTK 4: Zoo Animal Anesthesia
Challenge for working with zoo an...,
3 things you re responsible for a...,
3 basic options for zoo animal re...
30  cards
FTK 4: Pharmacokinetics Terms
2 main routes of administration s...,
Volume of distributionbasic defin...
19  cards
FTK 4: Exotic Animal Anesthesia
What are the 5 main exotic animal...,
Exotic animals have an increased ...,
Defense reactions 7
36  cards
FTK 4: LA Feed & Water Toxicosis
To determine the risk of feed tox...,
3 main sources of feed toxins w e...,
What 2 things should we do if we ...
24  cards
FTK 4: Toxicology Principles
Definitionstoxicant toxin toxicit...,
More definitionsmedian lethal dos...,
3 most common routes of toxin exp...
27  cards
FTK 4: Toxicosis Treatment
4 things we should do as provider...,
Outcomes of ingestion of highly t...,
Abcd steps for treating poisoned ...
20  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Skin Lesions
Primary lesion definition 2 examples,
Secondary lesion definition,
Elevated skin lesions definitions...
14  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Skin Basics
Layers of skin hits 4,
Horses vs dog cat hair structure,
Desmosomes vs hemidesmosomes
26  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Skin Diseases
Id this disease,
Id this disease,
Disease name
22  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Skin Patterns
Describe the region of the lesion...,
Name the disease,
What disease is this acute clinic...
34  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Skin Exam/Cytology
Important things to ask in history 5,
What 5 regions should be examined...,
In the dermatologic exam1 what ty...
42  cards
Defense & Barriers: Otitis
External ear canalfunction contai...,
Cerumensecreted by what 2 made of...,
Labelwhite arrow blue arrow yello...
32  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Pruritus
Pruritus definition when it becom...,
3 main concepts you should keep i...,
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction ...
52  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Pruritus Treatment
Topical therapy3 main goals 7 opt...,
Betamethasone what is it what dru...,
Side effect of long term glucocor...
21  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Eosinophilic Dermatoses
Commonality of eosinophilic derma...,
Dogs symmetrical alopecia in cont...,
Eosinophilic reaction pattern fel...
41  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Ectoparasites
What 3 organisms are not good for...,
Mites3 main characteristics size ...
66  cards
Defense & Barriers: Otitis 2
We should only ____ daily but not...,
Secondary infections to otitiswhy...,
3 clinical signs for pseudomonas ...
25  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Adverse Food Reactions
Dietary indiscretion definition,
Food poisoning definition2 clinic...,
Lactose intolerancewhat kind of r...
13  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Folliculitis
What kinds of lesions can be pres...,
Top 3 differentials for folliculi...,
Prior to diagnostics what 3 thing...
55  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Folliculitis 2
Surface pyoderma
1  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Equine Immunodeficiencies
Identify this disease,
Equine metabolic syndrome is also...,
Equine metabolic syndrome4 clinic...
37  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: SA Immunodeficiency
Immunodeficiency def,
Primary immunodeficiency definiti...,
What disease should we suspect in...
30  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: LA Immunodeficiency
4 types of infections most common...,
Risk factors for failure of passi...,
How do we get poor quality colost...
25  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: (1) Endocrine Diseases of Adrenal Gland
3 layers of adrenal gland outer t...,
Adrenal medullaessential for life...,
Adrenal cortexessential for life
30  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: (2) Endocrine Diseases of Adrenal Gland
What 2 things are most important ...,
What 4 things must be consistent ...,
What 4 things are often done for ...
22  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Endocrine (Mauldin)
What 2 hormones are produced from...,
The _____ extends from ___ ____ _...,
Lymphocytic thyroiditiscauses wha...
24  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: (3) Endocrine Diseases of the Adrenal Gland
Trilostane vs mitotane,
Dosage for trilostanehow often is...,
At what days should we perform an...
19  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: (4) Endocrine Diseases of the Adrenal Gland
2 cl,
Primary adrenocortical failureocc...,
Immune mediated destruction of ad...
27  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Adrenal Tumors
2 categories for adrenal masses g...,
Which diagnostic test is the most...,
Why do we take thoracic rads for ...
15  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Anemia & Thrombocytopenia
Anemia definition what 3 paramete...,
How does anemia cause increased epo,
When anemia is acute clinical sig...
46  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Pig Disease
Mycoplasma suis eperythrozoonosis...,
Haematopinus suiswhat kind of org...
23  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Poultry Diseases
4 reasons for disease issues in p...,
2 routes of disease transmission ...,
We should reduce eggs on the floo...
25  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: FeLV & FIV
4 steps for retroviruses to be pr...,
4 risk factors for fiv felv posit...,
Fivmajor mode of transmission oth...
29  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: FIP
Fip is ____ not ____what does thi...,
3 qualities of feline enteric cor...,
Internal mutation hypothesis for ...
27  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Ruminant Retroviruses
4 characteristics of,
Oncornavirusclassification how do...,
Lentivirusclassification behavior 2
22  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Hematolymphoid Pathology
What 5 cells are included in lymp...,
A myeloblast produces what 4 main...,
A monocyte makes what 2 kinds of ...
41  cards
Defense & Barriers 2: Canine Lymphoma & Leukemia
Signalment for lymphomaage 3 pred...,
Presentation of lymphomamajority ...,
5 common lns that should be palpa...
31  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Periodontal & Oral Dz
Periodontal disease definition4 c...,
Function of periodontal tissues,
What is a tooth furcation
43  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Pathology of SA Oral Cavity
Define conditionetiology what bre...,
Define condition
54  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Pathology of LA Oral Cavity
Maxillary brachygnathia definition,
Id disease name in alpacas,
Wry nosename of disease in alpaca...
44  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Radiology of GI NORMAL
Why do we perform contrast radiog...,
Positive contrast makes the gi lumen,
Barium sulfatewhat kind of contra...
49  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Radiology of GI ABNORMAL
In survey radiographs for gi fore...,
Describe image,
Contrast studies for gi foreign b...
43  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Gastric DZ SA
Clinical signs of gastric dzmost ...,
Dysphagia vs regurgitation vs vom...,
The ___ ____ causes vomiting via ...
25  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Abdominal Approaches (Holt)
90 of the time when we do abdomin...,
If you strip the fat back then yo...,
The linea alba tends to get ____ ...
23  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Maxillofacial & Oral Dz
Causes of stomatitis 4 including ...,
Id dz,
Eosinophilic granulomalesion loca...
31  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: LA Common GI Parasites
Strongylesakathey are the ___ ___...,
Life cycle of strongylidsdivided ...,
Pre parasitic portion of strongyl...
35  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: SA Common GI Parasites
Ascaridscommon name 4 organisms n...,
Id parasite,
Toxocara canis caticommonality ag...
40  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Esophageal Sx (Holt)
The esophagus has 3 qualities,
Cricopharyngeal achalasia what is...,
What is the major concern in esop...
8  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: LA Esophageal Dz
3 portions of the esophagus esoph...,
How does chewing work for ruminants,
Esophageal anatomylined by what k...
37  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: LA Oral Dz Quick
Temporal teratomaaka what 2 names...,
What 2 clinical signs can indicat...,
What is the most usual clinical f...
16  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: SA Esophageal & Swallowing Dz
Esophagus structure incats dogs,
What is this structure in the eso...,
Id species of this esophagus
32  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Bacterial Pathophys
E coli causes both ____ ____ dzha...,
What can help determine if e coli...,
2 types of intestinal pathogenic ...
34  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Large Intestinal Sx
Once the colon is inside the pelv...,
Clinical signs of colorectal dz 4,
Diagnostic techniques for li dz i...
40  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Sx dz of Equine Colon
4 components of the li,
What is the capacity of the cecum...,
Where does the bulk of fermentati...
46  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Medical Dz of Equine Colon
Endotoxemiathis is a typical sign...,
Intestinal hyperammonemiacaused i...,
What diagnostic value confirms in...
36  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Non-Equine LI Dz
Colic is usually specific to eith...,
Signs of colic are not always pre...,
55  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: LA Peritoneal Dz
Clinical signs of peritoneal can ...,
4 diagnostics for peritoneal dz w...,
Abdominocentesiswhat color cell c...
31  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Neonate Ruminant
3 bacterial causes of calf diarrh...,
3 viral causes of calf d,
3 protozoal causes of calf d
22  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Neonate Foal
6 common ddxs for colic in neonat...,
What should be your top ddx for a...,
When is meconium formed what 4 th...
52  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Canine Hepatic Dz
What 2 main breeds are predispose...,
Chronic hepatitislikely etiology ...,
In early liver dz on abdominal us...
34  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Feline Hepatic Dz
Causes of1 pre hepatic icterus 2 ...,
If an animal has a portosystemic ...,
6 main clinical signs of icterus
31  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Peritonitis
Pathophysiology of peritonitis 4 ...,
In dogs cats peritoneal is almost...,
When animals are septic they ll o...
23  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Liver Response to Injury
What 3 things make up the portal ...,
Space of diessecontains what 2 ki...,
Give each name zone
37  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: SA Exocrine & Pancreatic Dz
Bile ducts in the pancreas indogs...,
The left lobe of the pancreas sit...,
The accessory pancreatic duct ope...
36  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Liver & Pancreas Sx
Left vision of the liver makes up...,
Hepatorenal ligament attacheswe n...,
Left triangular ligament location...
48  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Feline Biliary Sx
3 biliary surgical syndromes,
Extra hepatic biliary tract obstr...,
Why can the bile duct get so easi...
31  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Equine Hepatic Dz
Equine liver is predominantly on ...,
3 normal functions of the liver,
Hepatic insufficiency usually sho...
38  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Ruminant Hepatic Dz
Hepatic lipidosis in ruminantsocc...,
Pathogenesis hepatic lipidosis in...,
Treatment options for hepatic lip...
23  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Poultry Intestinal Dz
Coccidiosiswhat type of organism ...,
4 important strains of coccidia t...,
Coccidiosismostly affects commerc...
28  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Swine GI Dz
Post weaning scourscommonality oc...,
We tend to see gi dz in ____ aged...,
Post weaning scours treatment pre...
34  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: SA Therapeutic Nutrition
Goal of dietary therapy 1 overall...,
How can we feed a diet that is ma...,
3 benefits of increasing digestib...
25  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Diabetes Mellitus
The right lobe of the pancreas is...,
When the pancreas is inflamed pan...,
2 components of pancreas which is...
61  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Insulin, Glucose Curves & Diabetes
Generally what 5 things should we...,
Insulin is secreted in a ____ fas...,
Explain why there s a biphasic se...
63  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis dka is a __...,
Dka tends to develop in ____ anim...,
5 common concurrent diseases that...
22  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Thyroid Diseases
What is colloid,
Formation of thyroid hormones com...,
Most of t3 and t4 in plasma will ...
46  cards
Digestion & Metabolism 2: Thyroid & Pancreas Sx
Most thyroid tumors we detect are...,
True falseectopic thyroid tumors ...,
Most thyroid tumors are _____ but...
30  cards
Clin Path S2
What are the 4 components of hema...,
Myeloid erythroid ratio,
Myelophthisis definition 2 specif...
123  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Drug Metabolism
Cytochrome p450 what is it what d...,
5 possible reactions via of cytoc...,
What is the most common phase i r...
32  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Circulatory Hepatopathology
Majority of the portal circulatio...,
Hepatocellular cytosolic liver en...,
Inducible liver enzymes
49  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Hepatobiliary Imaging
What are the 5 things we look at ...,
How do we diagnose hepatomegaly o...,
If there s generalized hepatomegaly
36  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Portosystemic Shunts
What pss tends to have a higher flow,
Name the at risk breeds species f...,
What 3 main categories of clinica...
45  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Group Presentation Qs
Which of the following correctly ...,
What gross lesions are associated...,
In which part of the kidney does ...
43  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Renal Dz & Anesthesia
3 main functions of kidney,
Hormones secreted by the kidney h...,
72  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Equine Nephrology
The kidney s job is to,
Osmolarity definition,
If you are in renal failure what ...
55  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Urinary Sx Ruminants
What is the pizzle,
Why should we not install a cathe...,
In examining the urinary system o...
36  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Urinary Dz Ruminants
Ulcerative posthitis vulvitisaka ...,
Ulcerative posthitis vulvitis,
Ulcerative posthitis vulvitis
38  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Urinary Tumors
What is the most common canine ur...,
Invasive urothelial carcinomasoft...,
Id top middle bottom box
38  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Proteinuria & PLN
What is the functional unit of th...,
How do we define pathological ren...,
Majority of protein that is filte...
52  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Hepatotoxins
What its he most common type of l...,
Idiosyncratic liver injury tends ...,
Periportal liver damage vs centri...
29  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Nephrotoxins
2 unique functions of the kidneys,
Toxicants are more likely to caus...,
Give 3 drugs that can alter renal...
34  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Urinary Pathology
Sdma definition uremia definition...,
What species is this kidney what ...,
What species is this kidney what ...
67  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Infections of the UT
Pathophysiology of lower ut infec...,
Bacteria evolve by increasing ___...,
Bacteria with high fitness are co...
54  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: UT Trauma
5 causes of ut trauma,
When asking owners for history of...,
If an animal has distal urethral ...
18  cards
Elimination & Detox 2: Sx of UT
Why is it important that the kidn...,
___ are prone to the bladder movi...,
Ligaments of the bladderventral l...
35  cards
Elimination & Detox: Urolithiasis Sx
Describe 2 findings here,
What are the 2 most common kinds ...,
Calcium oxalate crystalsfound in ...
6  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Orbital Dz
5 components of assessment of the...,
Define imaging modality lesion,
Chemosis definition
52  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Neuro-Ophthalmic Exam
Cranial nerve ____ the ____ nerve...,
What innervates the the iris sphi...,
What are 2 lesions what nerve lik...
39  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Eyelids
Palpebrae definition,
Blepharon definition,
Adnexa definition
53  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Lacrimal/Nasolacrimal
What 2 glands produce tears tears...,
Why is lipid in tears,
What is the function of the pre c...
39  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Conjunctiva
What is the conjunctiva what is t...,
What are 2 reasons we can see the...,
Chemosis definition
31  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Cornea
Name red black circles what s bet...,
What is the function of the cornea 2,
The cornea is mostly made of ____...
71  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Anterior Uvea
Functions of the ciliary body wha...,
What is the uvea,
Location of the posterior anterio...
38  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Glaucoma
4 common eye complaints by owner ...,
Glaucoma is the most common cause...,
49  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Eye Exam
What do we choose to dilate the p...,
What are the main 3 tools that yo...,
3 types of findings tests we shou...
14  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Ocular Pathology
The eye develops from what 3 stru...,
What are the 3 parts of the eye,
Goniodysgenesis definitionthis pr...
28  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Neuro Clinical Signs
Important historical questions to...,
If seizures are the presenting co...,
If a patient is taking an anticon...
15  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Canine Aggression
What is the most common trigger o...,
Aggression in dogs usually escala...,
What 2 kinds of drugs are often u...
13  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety tends to occur...,
True falseexcessive greeting ritu...,
True falsespoiling your pet can l...
8  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: SA Intracranial Dz
6 possible etiologies for myeliti...,
Under 7 categories name,
Ddxs for encephalitis in catsvira...
30  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Seizures & Head Trauma
Generalized seizure____ ___ ___ s...,
Focal seizureaka ___ seizureonly ...,
Idiopathic seizures definitionthe...
28  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Vestibular Dz
Function of the vestibular system,
Vestibular dz describes a ___ ___...,
Clinical signs for dysfunctional ...
27  cards
Cognition & Senses 2: Intracranial Neoplasia
Dogs vs cats with cns tumor incid...,
Meningiomathis is a ____ brain tu...,
Schwannomathis is a ___ brain tum...
30  cards
Y2 OSCE: GI Parasite ID
Id parasiteshould be observed on ...,
Id parasite species it affects,
Id parasite genus common name
6  cards
Y2 OSCE: Ticks
Id tick,
Id tick,
4  cards
Y2 OSCE: Urinalysis
How long until we should no longe...,
How long at what speed do we cent...
10  cards
Y2 OSCE: Troubleshooting Fluids
0  cards

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year 1/2

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