year 2- infectious disease

This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Jefford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Infectious Diarrhoea
What are stools like in gastroent...,
What are stools like in dysentery
67  cards
Outbreak Management
List some examples of common outb...,
What should a case definition inc...,
What are the three case catergories
11  cards
HIV and AIDs
List some of the ways hiv can be ...,
Which type of cells does hiv infect,
How is severity of illness reflec...
20  cards
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO)
What is normal body temperature,
When is someone considered to be ...,
30  cards
Staph. Aureus Bacteraemias
What type of bacteria is staph au...,
Which bacteria is the most virule...,
How can saureus survive in the body
34  cards
Sepsis and Septic Shock
What are the features of sirs
47  cards
Travel Related Infection
Why are travellers at increased r...,
Why are refugees more prone to in...,
List some climate environment rel...
68  cards
Seasonal influenza typically occu...,
Is the influenza virus a dna or r...,
There are three types of influenz...
33  cards
What is zoonosis,
How are zoonotic diseases usually...,
Give some examples of bacterial z...
48  cards
Immunisations and Prophylaxis
Recap what are the two types of i...,
What is the antibodies primary re...,
What happens to response speed wh...
43  cards
Fungal Infections
Fungal infections are described a...,
When may a patient have a weaker ...,
Another group of patients at risk...
63  cards
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
Recap what are the layers of the ...,
What sign is highly indicative of...
21  cards

More about
year 2- infectious disease

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