year 3 elderly medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Humphries. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1 - General Elderly Med
What is frailty,
Why is disease more challenging t...,
Name the 5 geriatric giants
24  cards
2 - Clinical Hx and Ex in Older Patients
What are the functions of the fro...,
When does the most rapid accelera...
31  cards
3 - Sensory Impairment in Older Patients
How does skin change as it ages,
What are the clinical implication...,
How is body temperature affected ...
37  cards
4 - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Who sh,
What are the frailty syndromes,
When should you conduct a cga in ...
16  cards
5 - Falls
What should you use instead of ca...,
Why are falls important,
What can impede our ability to wa...
16  cards
6 - Immobility
What is the patient mortality att...,
When assessing someone s immobili...,
What factors can cause immobility
31  cards
7 - Clinical Frailty and Multimorbidity
1  cards
What is the epidemiology of urina...,
What maintains continence
100  cards
Acute Stroke
How long does a focal injury to t...,
What are the two main causes of a...,
What are clinically silent strokes
54  cards
What is delirium,
What often happens to a p s sleep...,
What cognition impairments are ch...
38  cards
Ethicolegal Aspects
What is an individual s ability t...,
Which act relates to capacity whi...,
What are the 5 underlying princip...
23  cards
Polypharmacy and Deprescribing
How many medicines do you need to...,
What are the two types of polypha...,
What percentage of over 65s are t...
24  cards
What types of dementia are there,
What are the most common types of...,
What are the differentials for de...
12  cards

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year 3 elderly medicine

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