This class was created by Brainscape user ZoneI 199. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (119)

Functions of the pancreas,
Functions of the different parts ...,
What does the anterior pituitary ...
20  cards
Respiratory - lung cancers
Histology of lung cancer,
Small cell lung cancer features,
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer
16  cards
Respiratory - Asthma
What is asthma,
Asthma triggers,
Typical presentation of asthma
25  cards
Respiratory - Interstitial lung disease
What is interstitial lung disease,
What is fibrosis,
General management for interstiti...
17  cards
Respiratory - Sarcoidosis
What is sarcoidosis,
How does sarcoidosis present,
Incidence and prevalence of sarco...
18  cards
Ophthalmology - condition presentations
Sudden onset severe painful eyere...,
Asymptomatic to start with loss o...,
Gradually worsening central visua...
30  cards
Ophthalmology - acute angle closure glaucoma
What is glaucoma,
What causes the raised icp in gla...,
Pathophysiology of acute angle cl...
12  cards
Ophthalmology - anterior uveitis
What is anterior uveitis,
Types of anterior uveitis and ass...,
Possible presentations of anterio...
4  cards
Ophthalmology - Eyelid disorders
Definition and presentation of bl...,
Management of blepharitis,
What are chalazion stye
13  cards
Ophthalmology - age related macular degeneration
What is macular degeneration,
Types of macular degeneration,
What is the typical finding on fu...
10  cards
Ophthalmology - open angle glaucoma
0  cards
ENT - Presbycusis
Type of hearing loss in presbycus...,
Mechanism of the hearing loss,
Risk factors
5  cards
ENT - Audiometry reading
Normal db levels on audiometry,
Sensorineural hearing loss pattern,
Conductive hearing loss
5  cards
ENT - hearing loss
Questions to make sure to ask in ...,
How to perform weber s test,
How to perform rinne s test
5  cards
ENT - sudden sensorineural hearing loss
What is sudden sensorineural hear...,
Causes of sudden sensorineural he...,
Investigations in sudden sensorin...
4  cards
ENT - Otosclerosis
What is otosclerosis,
Presentation of otosclerosis,
Examination in suspected otoscler...
5  cards
ENT - tinnitus
Causes of tinnitus,
Questions to ask in relation to t...,
Examinations that can be done
6  cards
ENT - vertigo
What is vertigo,
What is the pathophysiology of ve...,
What makes up the vestibular syst...
22  cards
ENT - Vestibular neuronitis and labyrinthitis
0  cards
ENT - Meniere's disease
0  cards
ENT - acoustic neuroma
What is an acoustic neuroma,
Where do they occur,
Unilateral vs bilateral
7  cards
ENT - cholesteatoma
What is a cholesteatoma,
What is the pathophysiology of ch...,
Presentation of cholesteatoma
6  cards
ENT - facial nerve palsy
0  cards
ENT - nosebleeds
0  cards
ENT - sinusitis
0  cards
ENT - nasal polyps
What are nasal polyps,
Nasal polyps are associated with,
Presentation of nasal polyps
7  cards
0  cards
ENT - tonsillitis and quinsy
0  cards
ENT - neck lumps
0  cards
ENT - head and neck cancer
0  cards
ENT - tongue conditions
0  cards
ENT - nasal fracture
0  cards
ENT - mouth and gum conditions
0  cards
General surgery - Acute abdomen
Generalised abdominal pain differ...,
Ruq pain differentials,
Epigastric pain differentials
13  cards
General surgery - diverticular disease
What is diverticular disease,
Pathophysiology of diverticular d...,
Presentation of diverticular dise...
6  cards
General surgery - Haemorrhoids
Haemorrhoids what are they,
Associations in haemorrhoids,
How do you describe anal patholog...
8  cards
General surgery - mesenteric ischaemia
Blood supply to the abdominal organs,
What is mesenteric ischaemia,
Chronic mesenteric ischaemia pres...
11  cards
General surgery - Hernias
Complications of hernias,
What is the importance of the siz...,
What is a richter s hernia
27  cards
General surgery - gallstones
What are gallstones,
Risk factors for gallstones,
Presentation of gallstones
17  cards
Neurology - Multiple sclerosis
What is multiple sclerosis,
Pathophysiology of ms in more detail,
What is the function of oligodend...
32  cards
Neurology - motor neurone disease
What is motor neurone disease,
Most common forms of mnd,
Pathophysiology of mnd
10  cards
Neurology - Parkinson's disease
What is parkinson s disease,
What is the usual function of the...,
What is the pathophysiology of pd
17  cards
Neurology - benign essential tremor
What is a benign essential tremor,
Features of benign essential tremor,
Differential diagnosis of tremor
4  cards
Neurology - epilepsy
What is epilepsy,
Types of seizures,
What causes epilepsy
17  cards
Neurology - neuropathic pain
Causes of neuropathic pain,
Typical features of neuropathic pain,
How can neuropathic pain be assessed
6  cards
Neurology - facial nerve palsy
What is the pathway of the facial...,
Facial nerve function,
Umn vs lmn facial nerve palsy
10  cards
Neurology - Huntington's Chorea
What is huntington s chorea,
What is the genetic pattern of hu...,
Presentation of huntington s
7  cards
Neurology - Myasthenia gravis
What is mg,
Typical epidemiology,
What has a strong association wit...
16  cards
Neurology - Lambert Eaton Myasthenic syndrome
What is lambert eaton myasthenic ...,
What is lambert eaton associated ...,
What causes lambert eaton
6  cards
Neurology - Charcot Marie Tooth disease
What is charcot marie tooth disease,
When does charcot marie tooth dis...,
What are the classical features
6  cards
Neurology - Guillain Barre syndrome
What is gbs,
What triggers gbs,
What is the pathophysiology of gbs
7  cards
Neurology - neurofibromatosis
What is neurofibromatosis,
What are the types of neurofibram...,
What is the genetic mutation in nf1
11  cards
Neurology - tuberous sclerosis
What is tuberous sclerosis,
What are hamartomas,
What are the mutations seen in tu...
9  cards
Neurology - headache
Differential diagnosis in headache,
Red flags in headache,
Which general examination is impo...
12  cards
Neurology - migraine
How long do migraines last,
Typical features of migraine,
What is a hemiplegic migraine
7  cards
Neurology - cluster headaches
Cluster headaches presentation,
What can the headaches be trigger...,
What other symptoms are the heada...
5  cards
Neurology - brain tumours
Generally how do brain tumours pr...,
Causes of raised icp,
Presentation of raised icp and ke...
13  cards
Neurology - stroke
What are strokes caused by,
What can cause disruption of bloo...,
12  cards
Neurology - intracranial bleeds
Risk factors for intracranial bleeds,
How do intracranial bleed present,
What causes subdural haemorrhage
12  cards
Neurology - Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Who is it important to refer suba...,
Presentation of subarachnoid haem...,
Risk factors for subarachnoid hae...
6  cards
Haematology - Anaemia
What is anaemia,
Classes of anaemia,
Microcytic anaemia causes
9  cards
Haematology - Iron deficiency anaemia
What broadly are the causes of ir...,
How is dietary iron typically abs...,
What is the most common cause of ...
7  cards
Haematology - pernicious anaemia
What is pernicious anaemia,
Symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency,
Diagnosing pernicious anaemia
6  cards
Haematology - haemolytic anaemia
What are the causes of haemolytic...,
Features of haemolytic anaemia,
Investigations in suspected haemo...
22  cards
Haematology - thalassemia
What causes thalassemia,
Two types of thalassemia,
Presentation of thalassemia
12  cards
Haematology - Sickle cell anaemia
What is the pathophysiology of si...,
What is the genetic inheritance p...,
16  cards
Haematology - leukaemia
What is leukaemia,
Pathophysiology of leukaemia,
Presentation of leukaemia
23  cards
Haematology - lymphoma
What is lymphoma,
What is the presentation of lymphoma,
What are the b symptoms of lymphoma
14  cards
Haematology - myeloma
What is myeloma multiple myeloma,
What is mgus,
What is smouldering myeloma
18  cards
Haematology - myeloproliferative disorders
What happens in myeloproliferativ...,
Difference in pathophysiology bet...,
What may these myeloproliferative...
15  cards
Haematology - myelodysplastic syndrome
What occurs in myelodysplastic sy...,
Who more commonly gets myelodyspl...,
What can it progress to
6  cards
Haematology - thrombocytopenia
What is thrombocytopenia,
Broadly what causes thrombocytopenia,
What can cause thrombocytopenia
14  cards
Haematology - Von Willebrand disease
0  cards
Haematology - Haemophilia
0  cards
Haematology - DVT and VTE
0  cards
Haematology - concepts
0  cards
Infectious diseases - sepsis
What can also occur in sepsis in ...,
Why does lactate go up in sepsis,
What is septic shock
13  cards
Infectious diseases - Chest infections
Common causes of pneumonia,
Other important causes of pneumon...,
Atypical bacterial causes of pneu...
5  cards
Infectious diseases - UTIs
What are the main bacterial cause...,
Lower urinary tract infection pre...,
Pyelonephritis presentation
8  cards
Infectious diseases - Skin and soft tissue infections
Presentation of cellulitis,
Most common causes of cellulitis,
What classification system is use...
4  cards
Infectious diseases - ENT infections
What is the most common organism ...,
Other causes other than ga strep ...,
Antibiotic choices for tonsilliti...
3  cards
Infectious diseases - intra-abdominal infections
Common causes of intra abdominal ...,
Treatment of intra abdominal infe...,
Common regimes for intra abdomina...
4  cards
Infectious diseases - septic arthritis
0  cards
Infectious diseases - influenza
0  cards
Infectious diseases - gastroenteritis
0  cards
Infectious diseases - TB
0  cards
Infectious diseases - HIV
0  cards
Infectious diseases - malaria
0  cards
Low potassium treatment,
Hyperkalaemia treatment,
Hyponatraemia assessment
11  cards
Urology - obstructive uropathy
Common causes of obstructive urop...,
What is a neurogenic bladder,
Causes of neurogenic bladder
7  cards
Urology - BPH
How does bph present,
What scoring system can be used t...,
Questions to ask with urine symptoms
11  cards
Urology - Prostatitis
Classes of prostatitis,
Chronic prostatitis presentation,
Acute prostatitis presentation
7  cards
Urology - prostate cancer
Common metastasis sites for prost...,
What are most prostate cancers,
Risk factors for prostate cancer
17  cards
Urology - Epididymo-orchitis
Causes of epididymo orchitis,
Presentation of epididymo orchitis,
What is the key differential for ...
9  cards
Urology - testicular torsion
Examination findings in testicula...,
What can trigger cause testicular...,
Management of testicular torsion
3  cards
Urology - scrotal lumps
Differential for testicular lumps,
What is a hydrocoele,
What are the examination findings...
14  cards
Urology - testicular cancer
What are the two types of testicu...,
Risk factors for testicular cancer,
Presentation of testicular cancer
9  cards
Urology - UTIs
Presentation of lower utis,
Important to distinguish uti from,
Suspect pyelonephritis if
7  cards
Urology - pyelonephritis
Risk factors for pyelonephritis,
Causes of pyelonephritis,
Presentation of pyelonephritis
8  cards
Urology - interstitial cystitis
What is interstitial cystitis,
Presentation of interstitial cyst...,
5  cards
Urology - bladder cancer
Risk factors for bladder cancer,
Types of bladder cancer,
Presentation of bladder cancer
8  cards
Urology - kidney stones
Two key complications of kidney s...,
Types of kidney stones,
Risk factors for kidney stones
11  cards
Urology - Renal cell carcinoma
Presentation of renal cell carcinoma,
What is a rcc what are the subtypes,
Risk factors for rcc
6  cards
Urology - renal transplant
How are donor and patient kidneys...,
Procedure outline of renal transp...,
Medical treatment after the trans...
7  cards
Endocrinology - Cushing's
Presentation of cushing s,
Causes of cushing s syndrome,
What is paraneoplastic cushing s
12  cards
Endocrinology - Adrenal insufficiency/Addison's
What is adrenal insufficiency,
What are the three classes of adr...,
What is primary adrenal insuffici...
14  cards
Endocrinology - thyroid function tests
Hyperthyroidism thyroid function ...,
Hypothyroidism thyroid function t...,
Antibodies in thyroid disease
5  cards
Endocrinology - hyperthyroidism
What is grave s disease,
What is toxic multinodular goitre,
Causes of hyperthyroidism
17  cards
Endocrinology - Hypothyroidism
Causes of hypothyroidism,
Hashimoto s thyroiditis cause,
Iodine deficiency as a cause
10  cards
Endocrinology - Acromegaly
What is acromegaly causes,
Presentation of acromegaly,
Investigations in suspected acrom...
4  cards
Endocrinology - Hyperparathyroidism
What is the normal function of th...,
What is the function of pth,
What can deficiency in vitamin d ...
12  cards
Endocrinology - Hyperaldosteronism
What does angiotensin 2 do,
What is the function of aldosterone,
What is primary hyperaldosteronism
10  cards
Endocrinology - SIADH
What does adh do,
What can cause siadh,
What occurs in siadh
12  cards
Endocrinology - Diabetes insipidus
What is diabetes insipidus,
Classes of diabetes insipidus,
What is nephrogenic di
9  cards
Endocrinology - Phaeochromocytoma
What is a phaeochromocytoma,
10 rule of phaeochromocytoma,
Phaeochromocytoma is associated with
6  cards
Endocrinology - T1DM
0  cards
Endocrinology - T2DM
0  cards
Orthopaedics - osteoarthritis
Risk factors for oa,
Four key x ray changes,
Presentation of oa
6  cards
Orthopaedics - elective joint replacement
Vte prophylaxis after joint repla...,
Risks of joint replacement surgery,
Risk factors for prosthetic joint...
5  cards

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