year 5 pathology - week 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Thivyaa Gangatharan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Acid Base
Causes of metabolic alkalosis,
Causes of metabolic acidosis,
Causes of respiratory acidosis
10  cards
Bone Pathology
Define metabolic bone disease,
Define osteopenia,
What percentage of tb occurs outs...
9  cards
Path - calcium
Where does pth obtain calcium fro...,
What does 1 alpha hydroxylase do,
Pth is a
49  cards
CVD histo
Rf for cvd,
Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis,
Who has fatty streaks what do the...
23  cards
Consquences of embolism,
What factors in the blood can inc...,
How do you describe the increased...
32  cards
Lipid update
Is there any advantage in giving ...,
Intensive management of blood pre...,
Example of statin and its dose
25  cards
adrenal histology
Where is cortisol made,
Where is the zona glomerulosa,
What is a cause of high tsh over ...
21  cards
microbiols 2
Usually antibiotics are given for...,
Five percentage of hospitalised p...,
What do you need to remember when...
22  cards
Lymph 1
Give an example of a chronic stim...,
T cell lymphomas can be driven by,
Ebv can cause
23  cards
Lymphoma 2
Why do we,
Hogkin lymphoma,
Staging of hodgkin s lymphoma how...
24  cards
myeloid cancers
How can polycythemia and myelopro...,
If there is polycythemia aka rais...,
What might cause pseudopolycythmia
26  cards
neuroonco with steveeeee
How are cns tumours classified,
How common are primary cns tumour...,
How do we classify cns primary tu...
39  cards
cerebrovascular disease
Define and explain the types of c...,
What is the consequence of cerebr...,
What pumps out
24  cards
If there is rapid neurodegenerati...,
What are prion diseases,
What prions do we know
15  cards
Antimicrobial agents - 1
Differentiate between gram positi...,
What do you call the outside of t...,
What is a key structural unit of ...
45  cards
Intro to Haem -1
What is the name of the disorder ...,
What is the name of the condition...,
What is the mutation in polycythemia
39  cards
Intro to haem - 2
What is the most common cause of ...,
List some other causes of reactiv...,
How do you differentiate between ...
3  cards
Calcium 1 (revision)
Compare and contrast osteoporosis...,
What is rickets vs osteomalacia,
Is osteomalacia due to low vitami...
27  cards
Calcium 2 (revision
What is measured when calcium is ...,
Why do we measure corrected calcium,
How do you calculate corrected ca...
12  cards
Breast Pathology - 1
Describe the ducts and lobules tr...,
What does triple assessment involve,
Compare cytopathology and histopa...
32  cards
Breast Pathology - 2
List some benign breast pathologies,
What is the similarity between ph...,
Define fibroadenoma types
20  cards
Lymphoma - relearning
State the mechanisms by which nh ...,
Give examples of chronic immune s...,
Give examples of a virus causing ...
8  cards
Virchow s triad,
Factors which increase the chance...,
Factors which increase the chance...
36  cards
Sodium and fluid balance
What are the key things you need ...,
Where does adh work,
What is the most common sodium ab...
43  cards
PATH Immune lecture 1
Describe three constitutive barri...,
Explain how the skin prevents inf...,
Explain how mucosal surfaces prev...
20  cards
Primary immune deficiencies
What is affected in a skin burn,
What deficiency causing recurrent...,
Antibiotics can wipe out gut bact...
6  cards

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year 5 pathology - week 1

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