This class was created by Brainscape user Hafsa Jalisi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Acute Resp
Wells criteria for pe,
Primary pneumothorax and patient ...,
Secondary pneumothorax or patient...
29  cards
Stages of htn,
What needs to be investigated wit...,
Htn diagnosis
13  cards
Cardiac causes of SOB
Risk factors for heart failure,
What is heart failure,
Compare acute and chronic hf
56  cards
Cranial nerves + ophthalmology
Name the cranial nerves and which...,
Potential ddx for cranial nerve p...,
Anosmia ddx
38  cards
Vascular disease
Risk factors for peripheral vascu...,
Compare the types of chronic pvd,
Mx of acute limb ischaemia
52  cards
Cardiac chest pain
Causes and types of stable angina,
Mx of stable angina,
Sx of acs
40  cards
Neurodegenerative diseases
Name the descending tracts and wh...,
Name the ascending tracts and wha...,
Risk factors for ms
50  cards
Chronic Resp
Presentation of asthma,
Ix for asthma,
Rx pathways for asthma
30  cards
Causes of diabetes insipidus,
Sx of di,
Ix for di
39  cards
Cancer + bleeding disorders
Chronic myeloid leukaemia summary...,
Acute myeloid leukaemia summary card,
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia sum...
28  cards
Acute medicine
Abcde protocol,
Why does alcohol withdrawal occur,
Timeline of alcohol withdrawal
38  cards
Name the sections within the adre...,
Causes of primary hyperaldosteronism,
What symptoms do you get in hyper...
48  cards
Upper GI
Sx of dyspepsia,
What leads to peptic ulcer disease,
Signs and sx of peptic ulcer disease
51  cards
Lower GI
Types of anal fissures,
Ix for anal fissure,
Presentation of an anal fissure
41  cards
AI diseases + Vasculitides
Signs sx for sarcoidosis,
Ix for sarcoidosis,
Who is typically affected by sarc...
30  cards
Acute ddx of cough,
Chronic ddx of cough,
Sx and signs of pneumonia
52  cards
Luts sx in men,
Compare signs and sx of bph and p...,
Ix for bph
36  cards
Describe vit d pathway,
Which hormones control calcium me...,
Types of hyperparathyroidism incl...
23  cards
Name kidney functions,
Aki vs cki definition,
Aki staging classifications
68  cards
Septic arthritis summary card,
Gout summary card,
Pseudogout summary card
33  cards
Valvular heart disease
Types of murmurs,
How may breathing make murmurs lo...,
Aortic stenosis summary card
29  cards
Acute neuro
Causes of blackout,
Causes of strokes tias
52  cards
Breast hx associated sx,
Breast hx rfs,
What to assess when examining a b...
32  cards
Anaemia sx,
Causes of microcytic anaemia,
Causes of iron deficiency
48  cards
Acute abdomen
Appendicitis presentation,
Signs of appendicitis,
Ix and mx for appendicitis
42  cards
Tension headache summary card,
Cluster headache summary card,
Migraine sx and assoc sx
45  cards
Squamous cell carcinoma summary card,
Basal cell carcinoma summary card,
Malignant melanoma presentation
34  cards
Infectious diseases I
Name the different human herpesvi...,
Compare the presentations of hsv1...,
Chicken pox summary card
32  cards
Biliary + liver
Causes of jaundice,
Main causes of cld,
Hep a summary card
46  cards
X-rays and ECG
What is the structure to interpre...,
Describe rate,
Describe rhythm
23  cards
Infectious diseases II
What are the typical pathogens th...,
Meningitis csf findings if the fo...,
Causes and rfs of infective endoc...
32  cards
ABGs, electrolytes and LFTs
General rule for abgs,
What would you expect to see on t...,
What does a wide anion gap lead t...
19  cards

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