yr5 microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Georgia Leggett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Antimicrobial agents 1
What is the broad mechanism of ac...,
What is the broad mechanism of ac...,
What 3 groups of antibiotics are ...
80  cards
Antimicrobial Agents 2
What are broad spectrum antibioti...,
What are some things which can be...,
When is each route of antibiotic ...
39  cards
Urinary Tract Infections
Define bacteri,
Define cystitis,
What is an uncomplicated urinary ...
60  cards
Viral pandemics Influenza and Coronaviruses
What are three requirements for a...,
Name 6 viruses with pandemic pote...,
What influenza pandemics have occ...
47  cards
What criteria define the classic ...,
What criteria define the classic ...,
What criteria define the classic ...
32  cards
What are zoonoses,
What are examples of,
How are zoonotic diseases transmi...
49  cards
Mycobacterial diseases
What are the two main types of my...,
What are slow growing mycobacteria,
What are rapid growing mycobacteria
65  cards
Viral Infection in Pregnancy
List 6 broad consequences of vira...,
List 3 viral infections that incr...,
List 2 viral infections that incr...
82  cards
Microbiology 3 - Antimicrobial Agents 2
What mnemonic can be used to help...,
What is the minimum inhibitory co...,
What antibiotic should be given f...
6  cards
Microbio - UTIs
Define uncomplicated uti,
Define complicated uti,
Complicated uti is generally an i...
23  cards
Opportunistic Viral Infections
How are viruses classified,
What is an opportunistic infection,
What are endogenous viral infections
77  cards
Wound, Bone and Joint Infections
What are the major pathogens in s...,
What is the pathogenesis of a sur...,
What are the three levels of surg...
53  cards
Respiratory Tract Infections
What does the term urti cover,
What does the term lrti cover,
Give 5 ways in which respiratory ...
83  cards
What are the,
What are examples of viral encode...,
What are limiting factors of anti...
67  cards
Viral Hepatitis
What is hepatitis a,
How is hepatitis a transmitted,
What is the epidemiology of hepat...
39  cards
CNS Infections and Meningitis
What are the 4 modes to entry for...,
Most frequent route of entry for ...,
What is meningitis
56  cards
Immuno + microbio - vaccines + immune BOOSTER drugs
To eliminate a disease with a vac...,
Describe herd immunity
25  cards
Crash Course TB + LRTI
Describe the stages of tb,
Give 3 classes of common symptoms...,
What is a ghon focus
80  cards
Crash Course Immunocompromised + Influenza
Which organisms are patients with...,
What are 2 microbiological conseq...,
Name 2 unusual organisms and 2 un...
65  cards
Crash Course: Endocarditis, GI, UTI, SSI
Define infective endocarditis,
How is infective endocarditis cla...,
How is infective endocarditis cla...
61  cards
Crash course: CNS infections + STIs
What is meningitis,
What are the signs of meningism,
List 5 symptoms of meningitis
62  cards
Crash course: PUO, Fever in the returning traveller
What is pyrexia of unknown origin,
What are the 4 classifications of...,
Give 3 causes of classical puo
31  cards
Crash course: Zoonoses
What causes brucellosis what is i...,
Give 3 features of brucellosis pr...,
Which 2 buzzword symptoms are ass...
77  cards

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yr5 microbiology

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