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Test 1, Lab Bones, Muscles Lab ...7Decks460Flashcards1Learner -
Baker Semester One
Baker Semester One
By: Trinity Simon
Module 2 Test, Animal A&P Test 1, A&P Lab Quiz 1 ...6Decks846Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise
Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise
By: Jason Wong
1. Overview of A&P, 2. A&P of MSK system, 3. Anatomy of neck, back, chest and trunk ...13Decks425Flashcards7Learners -
For Science Semester 2
For Science Semester 2
By: Valerie Gonzalez
Lab 1, For Test 1, A&P, Chem Work ...5Decks133Flashcards1Learner -
Neuro 2
Neuro 2
By: Kaitlin Forsyth
A&P Review, Vestibular Exam, Vestibular Exam pt. 2 ...37Decks880Flashcards5Learners -
z_MS1_Neuro Study
z_MS1_Neuro Study
By: Frater Asclepius
Neuro Practice Questions, Neuro 1 LURN: Neural A&P and System Review, Neuro 2 LURN: Nervous System Diagnostic Tests ...30Decks829Flashcards4Learners -
Sharlene and MB's PT party
Sharlene and MB's PT party
By: MaryBeth Pierce
Cardiovascular- Heart (general info), MSK #1- General Principles of Biometrics, MSK #2- Concave convex rule applicaion ...35Decks1,544Flashcards69Learners -
NURS 305
NURS 305
By: Raven Demerath
Chapter 30: Vital Signs, Chapter 29: Infection Prevention And Control, Chapter 27: Patient Safety And Quality ...30Decks2,276Flashcards386Learners -
Principles II
Principles II
By: Study Study
Wk 1: Obesity 1-9, Wk 1: Geriatry, Obesity SG 10-18 ...25Decks1,191Flashcards2Learners -
A&P 1
A&P 1
By: manda hare
Prefixes, Suffixes and Word Roots, Test Review #1, Chapter II : Atoms, Ions and Molecules ...8Decks872Flashcards2Learners -
BIO151 Mastering A&P
BIO151 Mastering A&P
By: Jessi Link
Chapter 1 Learning Outcomes - Intro to A&P, Chapter 2 Learning Outcomes - Chemical Level of Organization, Chapter 3 Learning Outcomes - Cellular Level of Organization ...14Decks511Flashcards27Learners -
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology
By: Maggie Reger
Med-term Final, Med Term Final prefix/suffix, A&P test ...4Decks298Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Anatomy and Physiology 2
By: angela van aelstyn
test 1, test 2, A&P review sheet ...4Decks228Flashcards5Learners -
Surg Tech
Surg Tech
By: Steve Murray
Organization OR / OR Team, A&P Unit 1 (Human Body) Test, The Surgical Patient ...14Decks298Flashcards6Learners -
Ch 1-6
Ch 1-6
By: Luke Vogler
Luke's Review, Test Review Ch 1,2,3,4, 6, Anatomical Terms Ch 7 ...23Decks377Flashcards106Learners -
By: Kristina Loewen
Anatomy And Physiology-lesson 1 Part 1, Lessons 3, 4, And 5, Lessons 7-parts 1, 2, 3 And Lessons 8,9 ...6Decks303Flashcards7Learners -
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
By: Sophie Goodrich
Intro to A&P Quiz, Unit 1 Test, Tissues3Decks280Flashcards1Learner -
By: Aubree Matyas
Week 1 CV, Week 1 Pulmonary, Week 1 A&P Review ...23Decks867Flashcards3Learners -
A&P2 Spring 25’
A&P2 Spring 25’
By: Blake Vanier
Exam 1: 16 Jan 25 Understanding Renal and CV Phys, Exam 1: 21 Jan 25 Understanding CO and the CV System Mechanically, Exam 1: 23 Jan 25 Determinants of CO and BP ...14Decks1,264Flashcards4Learners -
By: Eric Esworthy
A&P(Chap. 1), Axial skeleton, Nervous System Test ...17Decks548Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
By: randy hee
Chapter 1 Intro to A&P, Chapter 2 Chemical Level of Organization, Chapter 3 Cellular Level of Organization ...18Decks1,426Flashcards4Learners -
Principles II- Josh
Principles II- Josh
By: Josh Newby
Obesity SG 10-18, Geriatric PPT and lecture notes, Obesity PPT and Lecture notes ...17Decks830Flashcards2Learners -
By: Hayley Carlson
Chapter 1-5, 11.2, 11.3 ...16Decks680Flashcards2Learners -
Year 3: CardioPulm Rehab
Year 3: CardioPulm Rehab
By: Braden Talbert
Lecture 1: Introduction, Lecture 2: Normal Physiology, Lecture 3: Abnormal Physiology ...22Decks890Flashcards4Learners -
Principles II- Josh
Principles II- Josh
By: Study Study
Obesity SG 10-18, Geriatric PPT and lecture notes, Obesity PPT and Lecture notes ...17Decks830Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy and Physiology College Test 3 Skeletal System
Anatomy and Physiology College Test 3 Skeletal System
By: Allie O'Malley-Englerth
A&P 1 Test 3 (Bio 102)1Decks182Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy & Phisiology I
Anatomy & Phisiology I
By: Molly L
A&P 1 - TEST 1, A&P 1 - Lab 1, A&P 1 - Chapter 43Decks350Flashcards1Learner -
By: Amanda Mohr
Test 1 Circulatory Pathway, Test 2 Lympathic & Immune System & Stress, Test 3 Respiratory & Digestion A&P3Decks175Flashcards3Learners -
Bancroft: AP1
Bancroft: AP1
By: Jeffrey Bolduc
Test #1 - Class 1: Introduction to A&P, Directional and Regional terms, Test #2 - Class 2: Skeletal System: Structure and Function Essentials; Class 3: Axial skeleton: Skull, Hyoid and Ossicles, Test #3 - Class 4: Axial Skeleton: Vertebrae and Ribs; Class 5: Appendicular Skeleton: Pectoral Girdle/Upper Extremeity ...10Decks1,024Flashcards2Learners -
By: Christine Lee
Cardio #1, Cardiac Test #2, Intro to A&P3Decks238Flashcards2Learners